Hello everyone! I'm tehsecretardor, but you may feel free to call me whatever you wish. As the title suggests, I am currently looking to get back into the roleplaying scene, preferably with a one x one RP (I honestly do not remember my last group...). That being said, if you are looking to fill a spot in a group RP, I would not be opposed to checking it out. if you see this post in the forum or anywhere else, it is because it's 2:30 in the morning my time and I am lazy/tired and don't feel like rewriting anything.

A little about myself; I am 20 years old, I am currently working two jobs, but will not continue to do so when my next college semester begins. I started roleplaying when I was about 11 years old or something, with varying intervals in between due to business or whatever. I am an aspiring writer, so I guess I can be considered adv. lit? I don't know, I don't like using those terms. I'm confident enough in my ability to write / role-play that I can safely guarantee that I will match whatever I am given. I will roleplay yuri, but since I am not super fond of playing a male as my main character, I don't typically do yaoi. Sorry. I typically prefer to stay on Gaia for my roleplay's and usually in the PMs since it's easier for me to keep track of, but if you would prefer, I do have an email account devoted solely to roleplaying which I would be happy to use if that's how you like to. I don't mind roleplaying in the forums, but since it's been a while and I'm a little rusty, probably safe to tell you not to expect too much in terms of the super pretty posts. I wasn't very good at it when I was in high school, and not being able to really roleplay all these years certainly hasn't helped that.

That being said, I am extremely flexible with my roleplays. I am open to basically anything and, at this point, am pretty much down for just about anything. However, I do prefer my main character to be a female. I don't mind doubling, and if you want to, that's more than fine, but please don't send me a message and lay out this wonderful plot and detail everything and then be surprised when I send a character profile for a female. I'm sorry, that's just how I am, but like I said, I am totally cool with doubling and playing multiple characters. I would prefer you being 18+, especially if romance is going to be involved, since I'm just a few months away from being able to legally drink and it just seems a little weird to me to roleplay with a 14 year old or something. Sorry about that.

Sooo yeah. That's about it for any info you might need on me. Onto the more interesting stuff.

Slice of life --
Roommates, best friends, long lost lovers, meeting online, basically anything that could potentially happen in the real world.

Apocalyptic --
Zombies, nuclear war, WWIII, any sort of thing that almost destroys humanity and sends the world into a 'every man for himself' sort of setting.

Fantasy --
medieval setting, steampunk, some sort of royalty, magic based, pretty much the typical fantasy genre.

Fandoms --
Fairy Tail (either OC's or not, both are cool), Rave Master (preferably Haru/Elie), Fire Emblem: Awakening (preferably Chrom/F!Robin), Pokemon (most familiar with Gen 1-3, willing to do any of them though), Fallout (3 and New Vegas), Your Lie In April (preferably Kousei/Kaori), and Harvest Moon (most familiar with any AWL, AnWL, DS, DS:Cute, Tale of Two Towns, and Story of Seasons).

Totally willing to combine any of these genres, or even a series into a specific AU. Pretty much anything.

So yeah! There ya' have it. If you're interested or anything, please feel free to shoot me a message or comment here!