Originally dated June 2013
PM-RP Blessing with Ruriska

"Skindeep, you dog! When did you get some action, and who did you get some action with?! None of us knew a thing about it - and you know I pride myself on knowing everything that goes on around here!" was what Red-stained Blossom, Acha, meant to say. However, from the muzzle of Red-stained Blossom, currently glowy-eyed Sand Dog, what actually issued was:

"Arf arf, yip arf! Yip yip arf yip arf arf yip, arf arf yip arf oh for - I hate it when I forget."

And thankfully for everyone involved, thus all that really issued legibly from Red-stained Blossom, now finally Acha again, as she nudged the Tattooed Lady's shoulder scale with a conspiratorial hiss, was, "Skindeep, when did you get?!" - and then, after a moment's thought, "and who's the unforgivably lucky fella?"

Skindeep had barely battered an eyelid as Red-stained Blossom yapped merrily at her. She had been cornered on her way to bathe in a nearby pool and as the now-Acha legendary nudged her shoulder, she stepped neatly sideways as if intending on continuing to her destination without a word.

But she did stop and she did speak, "If I tell you," she mused with an air of amusement, "everyone else will know as well." Not that it mattered. Flings within the tribe weren't exactly rare. "Kernel," and if anticipating the next question, added, "He was decent. Enthusiasm goes a long way."

"KERNEL!" she exclaimed - then hushed as an inquisitive muzzle or two turned towards them, for what use was being first on the scene if everyone else found out at once? "that sly fox, I didn't know he had it in him - then again, he always did make those googly eyes at you, and I can't blame him for it either. Well, my friend, may your progeny's squall be closer yours than his, I'm not sure we can live with the barking of a few more little Kern - whoah."

Her mouth had run off on its own first, but the strange sensation had shot through her once she'd closed the 's' on the 'his'. An odd feeling of...channelling...power.

"Did you feel that?"

“No…” Skindeep said, but as she did so, there was a strange quiver up her spine. Apparently Rouge had unwittingly done the job the MotherFather had given her.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I’m going to bathe now.”