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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:11 pm
Since arriving back from Kalos, Aulus had been trying to keep himself busy. There was a lot on his mind, rather there were two big things on his mind and they... they didn't conflict as such not really but....

Well the first thing on his mind was what was on Tam's mind, there wasn't anything he could really do about it other than offer distractions and try to amuse her. He felt bad that she felt bad, and he also felt bad because of the second thing on his mind. The second thing was a purely selfish excitement at the idea of getting his prosthetic arm at long last, it could be as soon as later in the week! After managing with one hand for almost a year he'd have a replacement, and so if not for the first thing weighing down his effervescence he'd probably be bouncing off the walls.

Anyway. Today in the name of keeping busy so that the juxtaposition didn't make his head spin Aulus was putting some of his free time into running extra training battles with trainees who had requested them in order to further their development. He always approved of initiative, even if he did find it hard to keep his patience with some of the idiots he ended up working with. He was getting better at patience though, considerably better. Was he growing up and getting over his damn self? Arceus forbid!

Snorting and shaking his head at himself Aulus scanned down the short list of names that were displayed on his 'dex and tapped those he could accommodate to send an automated response, informing the trainees in question that their request had been accepted in one of their preferred timeslots. One of the names however made him pause with his finger just above the screen. "Trainee Santela?... Do we know her?"

This question was directed to the collection of pokemon sprawled around his room. Most of them shrugged in one way or another, depending on their anatomy, but the brown Charizard looked thoughtful for some moments before rumbling a response.

<> translated the pink Heracross.

"Ahhhh, right, I remember." Aulus nodded and tapped the screen. "I guess we'll get to see how it's getting on later then, that'll be nice." He tapped the name.

It was later on and Aulus was heading down the hall to the training room where he was to meet Santela. Although he was technically off duty this was duty-related stuff and so he was still wearing his uniform, but he had dispensed with the jacket in favour of just a black tank top. Sometimes people stared at the stump of his right arm more when he didn't have it covered but he had multiple ways of dealing with that, many of which were later recounted to Sera though of course with the omission of 'so I was walking through Team Rocket HQ's mess hall' and suchlike.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:26 pm
Sorry for taking so long. I thought I would be home right after Church but my mom suddenly told me we were going to a barbecue. No warning, just suddenly going.

After joining Team Rocket, Keita had come across many weird situations. Despite that though, no matter how many times it happened, she could not get used to her Galvantula that she had raised since it was an egg always starring her in the eyes whenever she woke up. It was a good thing L'électrique loved her too much to cause her any harm , or else this daily situation would be qite different for her.

"Good morning L'électrique," Keita smiled up at the large spider after the bit of shock she had experienced disappeared. Usually L'électrique would just stay there looking down at her until the Trainee sson to be Grunt woke up, but this time her dear pokemon had something her her to look at. Her Dex was informing her of something. After taking her Dex from L'électrique, the bug pokemon got off of her and waited for a response ", Thank you L'électrique. Now let's see what we are going to do today."

Opening up her Dex, she read over what it was trying to notify her of; her training with Agent Aulus today. Oh yeah! She had decided to try and get more training in, wanting to learn what to do when you are faced with an opponent stronger than you. She knew Agent Aulus was way stronger than she was, so she had tried to get a lesson in with him ", Well L'électrique, we are doing some more training today. Are you ready for it?"

L'électrique looked at Keita for a moment to think it over, trusting her owner fully. Even if she did faint, she knew her owner would heal her up as soon as possible. After all, she meant a lot to her owner... right?

Later on in the day, the Trainee made her way to where the training was to take play, L'électrique was in her ball for now as was everyone else, including the leading Pokemon Delta, their owner's Serperior. If Delta was even his ball, then their owner Keita sure wanted to make a good first impression.  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:28 am
=D No worries!

About five minutes before the session was due to start Aulus was in the training room, checking through the safety protocol tests for some of the more interesting features of the room. He didn't know if they'd be putting them to use but if they were then he wanted to be sure that, yep; tested at lunchtime and in perfect working order.

Aulus stepped away from the screen set into the wall, turning instead to watch Artemis tussling with Killer. The Eevee had one of the Sylveon's feelers gripped in her jaws and was making fierce growling noises as she pulled back on it; Killer being Killer didn't mind the pain and was in fact looking rather proud as he intermittently swatted her with a paw or whapped her with a very light Moonblast. Being an Eevee of course she was slower to develop than the Joltik egg the trainee had received would be, the electric bug was no doubt in fighting shape already while Artemis was still in playful near adolescence.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:53 pm
Sorry for taking so long again! I am usually not this slow.

Finally at where she was supposed to meet the man, she looked over the room to see the Eevee playing around with a Sylveon. She found it rather cute, despite her knowing the Eevee was training for when it grew up more. Keita could remember when L'électrique was young, always causing problems with Delta before being scared off by the bigger pokemon. Then her little Jotilk would crawl up her side and hide under her jacket so Delta wouldn't hurt the poor thing. All L'électrique wanted to do was play around, but Delta was just way too serious.

"I am here sir," she told the man, standing at attention for Aulus. Keita was excited for this, and she knew it was best to know what to do when faced with a stronger opponent ", Trainee Santela here."  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:35 pm
No problem! Life happens XD

Well! On time and respectful? It was practically a miracle.

Aulus nodded acknowledgement. "Agent Aulus," he introduced himself in turn, she'd know from her dex message but still. "At ease," he added after a moment.

The white and yellow Eevee had stopped tugging at the Sylveon's tendrils when the door opened and now started to trot towards Santela with her ears perked up and her eyes wide and curious, but a whistle from Aulus made her pause and then bound back to sit at heel.

Aulus gave the Eevee a nod of approval and then looked back to Santela. "So you've requested extra training, is there something specific you wanted to work on?" Sometimes people came with specific ideas 'I want to know how to deal with x' or 'I want to improve my pokemon's teamwork' or something, other times people just wanted a good work out for their pokemon. Either way was fine but he needed to know what it was she wanted before they could get started.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:41 pm
Thank you!

She gave a nod before replying to the man. There were a few things she would like to do actually ", I know my team isn't the strongest, and I know that we will come across other people who have stronger teams. That is why I came to you. I know you have a really strong team, and I want to know how to deal with a team that is obviously better than my own. That way not only I, but my team, can be more prepared for such a situation."  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:03 pm

Okay, fair enough. So far the trainee seemed promising, which was kind of gratifying actually. It was good to know that Killer's egg hadn't gone to a complete bonehead.

Aulus nodded. "Well that's pretty sensible, especially in light of the recent mission. You never know when you might find yourself face to face with a league champion." Or any other of the horrible situations you could find yourself in on a mission but there was no need to bombard her with that right away, and it wasn't necessarily relevant in any case.

"Alright, so for a start let's see your team." As he spoke Aulus released two more of his own pokemon; a tall brown and grey Charizard and a lithe patchy coated Absol. The former looked around at his surroundings before turning to Aulus to await instructions, while the latter padded over to Aulus to bump her head against his hand and glare disdainfully at Santela.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:11 pm

"I have quite a few, but I brought six along," Keita explained, releasing her normal colored Serperior and the Galvantula she had received soon after joining Team Rocket through another two people's breeding of their pokemon", These two though, Delta and L'électrique, are the two I always have with me."
Delta looked over at L'électrique and gave the spider pokemon a smirk, L'électrique replying with a playful rolling of her eyes before getting closer to Keita. She then began to nuzzle her owner's hand, glad to be out of the ball and to also be with Keita and Delta again.  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:25 pm

"Good, breeding on that Galvantula," Aulus said with a hint of a smirk, making a gesture to Killer and adding; "The father as it happens, and the Eevee would be your Galvantula's sister."

Killer and Artemis perked up with interest at this piece of information; Killer gave the electric type an appraising look and Artemis crouched down, wiggling playfully and calling. <>

"But anyway, if these are your primary pair then we can start with them," Aulus continued. "What moves do they have at the moment?"
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:31 pm

"So these two are L'électrique's family?" Keita replied, L'électrique looking over at the two before leaving her owner's side to look at Killer and Artemis. Her family? She thought Keita and Delta were her family.

<> came L'électrique's reply to Artemis, looking down at the eevee before looking to Killer. Well, she did have some of the same colors as Killer she guessed.

"Hmm, they seem to be getting along. Anyhow, Delta's move set is Leaf Storm, Gastro Acid , Leaf Blade, and Giga Drain. I've been looking over his moves though to try and come up with a better move set if possible. L'électrique's moves are Electroweb, Electro Ball, Gastro Acid, and Bug Buzz. I know I probably should find some different moves for her as well."  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:05 pm

"That's right," Aulus nodded, "Agent Tambery has the Joltik mother, and another Eevee from the pairing. She made them in the labs herself, so if you happen to run across her remember to compliment her on her work." What sort of a name was L'électrique though? Was the girl French or something? He hoped so, if she wasn't then it was a damn silly name so far as he was concerned, and yes he was aware that this was kind of hypocritical given he'd called his Rapidash Phaethon of all pretentious things but in his defence he had been seven at the time... And who was he defending himself against? His own internal criticism he supposed.

"There's no benefit in trying to give highly powered moves to inexperienced pokemon, I think you could benefit from adjusting their moves a bit," Aulus continued with a small nod. "Sure a move can have a high power but an inexperienced pokemon can't put that to use properly, it could fail or miss more than it would if a pokemon of the right experience was using it, or just not have much oomph behind it but cost them a lot of energy. For now your Delta might do better with Leaf Storm than Leaf Tornado; it won't lower his special attack after use, it doesn't take anywhere near as much energy, and Leaf Storm has the bonus of potentially lowering your opponent's accuracy. When Delta is stronger if you decide to have him as a heavy hitter then take Leaf Tornado back, but bear in mind that a stronger attack doesn't necessarily mean better." There, he felt that was a pretty good start. He was actually getting a bit more confident with teaching like this, a lot more confident in fact and that made him less prone to being prickly which had to be a good thing. Nobody wanted to be That One Superior Officer. Respect was good, maybe with a bit of fear for the ones who were bad at respect, but just shouting at people indiscriminately got you none of the former and probably actually less of the latter than you'd expect.

"As a rule of thumb I give most of my pokemon at least one non damaging move but it depends on what you want really," Aulus went on. "Electroweb is a keeper for certain for... L'électrique?" Had he got that right? Well she'd correct him if not. "I'd also consider swapping Gastro Acid for Thunderwave for her if I were you, paralysis can be very useful. Seen as we're talking about dealing with a more powerful opponent I would also suggest you give one pokemon on your team Protect, that can be a real life saver and most pokemon can learn it."

<> Artemis wriggled again. <>
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:35 pm

She took in every word he had to offer, knowing that him giving her such advice was real important. After all, he was more experienced and he would know this sort of stuff ", Got it, and yes you said her nickname right. It is a rather weird name I have to admit, but I wanted to give her a name that was too cliche for a electric type. That and I am learning French," then again... she named her other Galvantula Shock. However, that was because the thing as a Joltik shocked her after she had captured it.

<> L'électrique replied to them. They seemed like a really playful one for sure. She remembered when she was just as playful as Artemis here <<, I am L'électrique, but I am also called Zigi. That one is more of a casual name for the field.>>  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:51 pm

She was aware enough of the weirdness of the name to explain it without prompting? Maybe it was one of those guilty pleasure things, he'd probably be a bit embarrassed to explain how he came to name Juno what he had after all but it wasn't outlandish sounding enough that it was likely to come up unless perhaps he was in the company of a Classics nerd who noticed Heracross >>> Hera >>> Juno and thought it was as clever as he did.


"Right, dealing with a more powerful opponent," Aulus said because he didn't have any comments to add on the name or extra curricular activities, at least none that were necessary; today he was here to be professional, not cutting. "If you're on your own - and as you are today we'll assume you are in this situation, you're going to want to focus on escaping." He made a gesture to L'électrique with his single hand. "Electroweb can be a big help there as I'm sure you can imagine. You can slow down or even temporarily stop most pursuit with that, and you could also set it as a trap in a corridor that your enemies have to pause to get rid of. Moves such as Smokescreen are your friend as well... what other pokemon have you got on you?" That would be helpful to know. "Perhaps we can build a strategy for the six you have at the moment to get you from point A) in deep s**t to point B) back with the rest of your mission team in one piece."

<> Artemis replied, sitting up now and scratching and itch on her ear.

Killer meanwhile started to prowl around the Galvantula. <> he asked.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:13 pm

<> she replied to her father <<, I'm one of the leading pokemon in my party.>>

Keita kept this all in mind again, knowing that she probably should be writing this all down later so she could remember it all for long term ", Two of my other most common pokemon are my Cottonee and Gourgeist. The other two I have at the moment is a Voltorb and a Carbink, although I am trying to work on evolving my Metapod into a Butterfree. I'm going to be using them more once she evolves."  


Hilarious Businesswoman

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:01 pm

<> Killer nodded in approval, grinning a little grin that showed off his sharp teeth. <>

<> Artemis put in, <> It was her trainer's choice in the end, Char had made that very clear to her.

As the trainee spoke a deep frown spread across Aulus' scarred face, it was a rather vicious looking expression but when he spoke again his tones were merely thoughtful. "Riiight. Well, with Cottonee and Butterfree you've got the change for some status moves. You need to use the 'powder and 'spore moves with caution because there's a chance of friendly fire but if you're dealing with a big group of enemies clustered together? Very handy. I'd have to do some research on Gourgeist's learn set but ghosts are always an asset for stealth. Your Carbink might be a good candidate to teach Protect to, their attack stats are pretty awful so you're best off focusing on support and defence there for the most part." Still frowning - this was in fact just one of Aulus 'thinking deeply' expressions - he added; "You're probably going to want to get yourself a water, ground, or more strongly offensive rock type when you can or you'll find it difficult to deal with fire types with your current team. You could also look into giving your voltorb Rollout for now though, you don't get the STAB but still."

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