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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

[PRP] Shopping Hell [Jiten/Lutz/Vaith/Xiu]

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 11:52 pm
Amityville's prom would always hold a special place in Xiu's heart. Not only had it been an enjoyable experience for her, but also a memorable one as it was that very event that had made the first few cracks in that timid exterior she had possessed during her first year. To think that she had gone from being skittish to a doting busybody was kind of hilarious to her in hindsight.

She had been pleased to hear that alumni were welcome to attend this year's prom, and had made plans with Gene to close their cafe for the day of the event. Xiu, of course, intended to go, and had even asked her uncle to make her a dress fitting of this year's theme. With her plans in place, she was ready for prom...but Vaith, she knew, was not.

Certain that her friend would try to spend that exciting evening in his dorm as opposed to out and socializing, the baku ghoul had sent him a text asking him to meet her at the maul tomorrow at 1pm, and only that. She did not include any additional information as to why, just that she wanted to meet up. Any texts he sent back would have been responded to with a simple "Maul at 1pm tomorrow, Vaith!", indicating that she had no intention of indulging further information.

And so there Xiu was, perched on the edge of the maul fountain. Hands in her lap, her lion tail swayed lazily behind her as she scanned the crowd for her noise reaper friend.


Lutz hated this. Hated hated hated.

He wasn't sure why or how he had let Erebus and Lock rope him into promising to attend prom, but he definitely wasn't looking forward to it. Dancing? Large crowds of sticky, sweaty people? Music loud enough to bust his eardrums? Ugh. The only saving grace was that he had managed to convince the pair to let him go shop for his own prom outfit rather than allow them to help. The theme this year was "Dark Fairy Tale", and he wasn't sure where to even begin with approaching that, but he would rather try to figure it out himself than have his friends barking (literally, in Erebus' case) suggestions in his ears.

Hands shoved into his pockets, he trudged aimlessly through the mall and browsed the window displays. It looks like a lot of stores had caught wind of Amity's upcoming prom if the number of suits and gowns that had been set out were of any indication. In fact, there were way too many to look at. For a boil who didn't care a lick about fashion, it was honestly all a bit overwhelming.

He had only tried for ten minutes before deciding to take a break. With an irritated sigh and drawn brows, he took a seat on the edge of the fountain right next to one baku ghoul.

revenant aria.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:20 am
Vaith had been sleeping. He would make that a point to Xiu and emphasize it. He barely had time to do his hair, tugging at his dirty blond locks. What was so important at the maul? Having a very nice night job, he was rarely up during the day time. He barely remembered prom so it didn't occur to him why the maul was so populated. With a giant yawn, and a very stylish jacket that seemed to imply gigolo-style, he entered the maul. Oh, she was downstairs, slightly below him. Might as well jump down, since that's what wings are for.

Approaching the familar baku on the bench (who did not specify a location and he had to find her,) he started to leap forward, casually..


Very unfortunately at the time the reaper was about to greet the baku, there was Jiten who obstructed his view of vision, walking through the mall. He just noticed Xiu and paused slightly to wave to her, with a small smile. It appeared he was shopping as well, with a white collared shirt, intending to try several tuxes before the day was done. Unfortunately, that pause would be his demise. With his course no longer clear but he certainly couldn't stop in his momentum now, Vaith grimaced at the thought of colliding with another male. Well he could always...

One word.


Well, there was no avoiding it. Vaith would apologize later. He used the tan white haired chimera's back as a stepping stone, foot colliding with back, the white chimera stumbling forward into a very unhappy camper. Stumbling straight into the fountain, there was the distinct sound of a splash.


.....And then another one.


Leaning casually and safely at the side of the fountain, Vaith leaned in to the two new occupants of the fountain.

"You guys ok there?"


revenant aria


PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:49 am
While waiting for one friend, Xiu ended up finding another instead. Her face lighting up in recognition, the ghoul lifted her hand to wave as her eyes met Jiten's. Unfortunately, her warm smile quickly shifted into a wide-eyed look of horror as Vaith suddenly descended upon the poor boil like a corrividus swooping down at its prey.

She would have been impressed had it not resulted in such a terrible thing. The next thing she knew, there were two distinct splashes from the fountain beside her. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened.

"...Vaith!" she cried, her voice equal parts scolding as it was panicked as she stared at him with round, distressed eyes. An actual lecture would have to wait, however, as she whirled around to look at the figures in the pool of water. Kicking off her shoes, she waded into the fountain, paying little mind to the fact that the bottom edge of her dress and her stockings were getting wet.

"Are you two alright?" Xiu fretted, biting her lip as she crouched down beside the pair, "I'm so sorry! Please forgive my friend--it was an accident, I promise!" Reaching out for their hands, she tried to haul them up to their feet as gently as she could manage.


His life was one jackdamn disaster after another.

Just as he had been considering getting back up and doing another round through the maul, he was caught up in the worst game of dominos he had the pleasure of being a part of. Lutz hadn't even really had the time to fully process what was going on since it had all happened so quickly. Some madman jumped off of the second story, kicked off of an unlucky fool who had been standing underneath his landing point, and then--

The next thing he knew, he was sitting up to his waist in cold water that was quickly soaking through his clothes. The boil who had been stepped on was in a similar predicament, there was a dumb ghoul who had waded in to fret over, and then there was...him.

Eyes narrowing at the reaper's blatantly unapologetic attitude, Lutz wrenched his hand free from Xiu's grasp and immediately stood up, leaning forward and getting right into the blond boil's face. "Really? Does it look like we're okay? Because now I'm soaking wet and I'm pretty jacking sure that it's your fault, you stupid prettyboil."

revenant aria
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:43 pm
Jiten had not expected that sudden attack, his sight traveling from Xiu's wave to a sudden flash of blue, and then a distinct sensation of coughing up water. He heard Xiu's voice and the shocked gasps of bystanders as he slicked back his long white bangs from his eyes.

He hoped this wouldn't get back to Jalaja. He seriously hoped it wouldn't, as it'd create a whole new story for her to tell their parents. However, at the moment, he was rather embarrassed that Xiu had seen him. But aside from being used as a spring, he couldn't help it. He took her hand to help himself up. Still partially in the water, he peeled his shirt off, wringing the water from it. Who had stepped on him anyways? Xiu's friend from the looks of it.

"Thats fine, I'm sure there were only good intentions." Jiten struggled to say, tipping his head to one side in an attempt to clear out his ears.

"You didn't have to come in and help us, now you're wet too." Jiten's voice was apologetic, motioning XIu out of the fountain by pointing to the two that were ready to duke it out in the maul. At least two of this fight's occupants weren't hot-headed, climbing out of the fountain, conscious of the puddles he was making on the ground.


Vaith knew that amusement wasn't the card he should play when the angry boil leaped the distance, but he couldn't help it. Trying to be solemn, even with a lightheartedness sprinkled in his tone, he put one hand up in a (slightly) apologetic gesture. Did the boil just call him a prettyboil? Awww, cute, but he didn't go for boils. Without a drop of water on him and noting the angry boil's dripping state, Vaith took a very small step back.

"My bad, my bad. Well no injuries, at least. How about I buy you guys a set of clothes to change into? A free outfit, courtesy of me."

It wasn't like Vaith was buying himself an outfit (or so he thought.) Giving a quick glance to the chimera behind this blond boil, Vaith whistled internally in his mind, keeping eyes on the blond. Sheesh, that chimera's abs, wow, but this angry boil wasn't bad in any of the departments.

"I can throw in lunch, if you can postpone damaging my prettyboil looks until next time."

Vaith was not amazing as smoothing things over with boils but he gave great (not really) effort to try.


revenant aria


PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:20 pm
Xiu's laugh was soft and weak. She wasn't sure that Vaith had had any "good intentions" in mind by jumping down from the upper floor, but she was pretty sure that it had an accident. The noise boil, she knew, was not the kind of purposely push strangers into a fountain for whatever reason.

"I'm fine," she assured him with a smile, though it was slightly strained due to the little argument that was going on right beside them, "I'm hardly wet anyways. And here, if you want to dry off your face..." Xiu dug into her obi until she procured a handkerchief, holding it out to Jiten. Considering how he was dripping wet, the most that the little piece of cloth could do was dry off the droplets of water that had splashed onto his face. His clothes, though...

She stepped out of the fountain just in time to hear Vaith's offer. Pausing mid-stocking removal (she was not putting her feet back into her shoes with these wet things on) the baku lifted her brows and addressed the reaper with an amused sm ile.

"Well Vaith, if you're going to buy them a new outfit, I might as well tell you that I asked you out here so that we could get you something for prom." So hey, three birds with one stone then? Worked for her.


Lutz reeled back a little, eyes round with surprise by the unexpected offer. He had been expecting for him to argue back or respond sarcastically, not...civilly. It was enough to stun the marionette into silence for a good few seconds before that irritated look quickly returned to his face. This time, however, it looked more like he was trying to be upset rather than genuinely so.

"Are you serious? I mean, you..." The boil was clearly struggling with his words as he tried to decide how to respond. On one hand, he hated spending time with all most people and his pride wanted him to refusal the offer outright and turn to leave.

On the other hand, leaving in a dripping, puddling mess wasn't that great for his pride either.

It was the additional promise of lunch that sealed the deal. "Fine," he grumbled, folding his arms across his chest as he stepped out of the fountain, "Your face stays pretty for today." Despite his bold words, he knew full well that he'd lose 100% if he actually tried to fight this guy though.

revenant aria
PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:27 am
"Just how I like it, perfect."

Vaith grinned as the ghoul relaxed, in his grumpy manner, winking at Xiu. (See, he solved it in his own way!) As the debate seemed to settle, Xiu tugging her stockings off, Vaith stopped to ponder which store might have something to dry them off. He was about to turn and suggest a store until he heard Xiu's line, entertaining thoughts of how to dress up these two boils---

Say what? First, there was prom happening? Second, he was going?

He turned around, with a very suspicious tone.

"Xiu, I have two lovely ghoulfriends. By lovely, I mean drop-dead gorgeous, drop-in-bed-sexy."

He paused, his mind rewinding back to his words. The term dead applied to them aptly.

"One is also dead but one is also a reaper who claims dead souls but that's not the point. The point is that I am not cheating on them by going to prom with someone else." Vaith liked to flirt but he wasn't fickle, after all, they were the best girls he was ever going to get. Just thinking about them, and their long absence, made him miss them like nothing else. Not that he would admit it.


Jiten took the offered handkerchief awkwardly, patting his face in hesitant motions. That strange apology worked on the other wet boil and Jiten certainly didn't have any objections either. Jiten paused to take out a jacket from his shopping bag, handing it to Lutz to dry off.

"Lunch and clothes sound like a good deal, don't you think? I'm Jiten, if you dont mind introductions from me." He rubbed his back with one hand, the pain fresh from the incident. He pointed to a furniture-type or store, that held materials for rooms and decorations. Surely they had towels. The heated discussion in the background about ghoulfriends didn't seem to be ending in the foreseeable dry future.

"While they sort it out, I'm sure we could get a towel, and use it as an extra for our dorm room?"


revenant aria


PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:59 am
Ah yes, there was the reaction she had expected. Folding her arms across her chest, Xiu responded in a patient tone as her tail flicked languidly behind her. "Vaith," she started, lifting both brows as she gazed up at the boil, "I'm pleased that you're so loyal to your ghoulfriends--that's how it should be--but since when has prom been anything more than an event for students to have fun and socialize at? It's an opportunity to hang out with friends and potentially make new friends, and I'm not sure how any of that would constitute cheating."

"Don't think that I don't know how much time you've been spending in your dorm," she added dryly, briefly glancing over at the other two boils present to make sure they were alright before turning her pink-eyed gaze back to Vaith, "And even though I've already graduated, I intend on swinging by the event because there are a couple of friends I want to see there. Including you."

The last part was spoken in a tone of finality, and she emphasized it with a gentle smile and a playful smack on his arm. Gone was the tiny, shrinking violet that had met Vaith in this exact spot four years ago. Now she was still tiny, but decidedly more confident with voicing her opinions, particularly when they pertained to friends.

A real mom.

Peering over her shoulder, the baku tilted her head. "Well then Jiten and, uh--" she hesitated long enough to let the undead boil give her his name, "--Lutz. You two ready to go? I'm Xiu, by the way!"

She didn't seem particularly upset when her introduction was met with a non-committal grunt, the ever-steady smile on her face not faltering for even a second. Looked like they had a grump in their midst, but she could hardly blame him after the little fountain incident. It surprised her that Jiten wasn't more upset, but that was more of a relief than anything.


Lutz grumpily mused how this day was just getting worse and worse, jolting slightly when a jacket was pushed into his line of sight. Gaze flickering up to Jiten, he hesitated before slowly taking the offered article of clothing with a muttered thank you. As he dried himself off, he told himself how lucky he had was to have not been wearing his better clothes today. He could care less about the cheap black button-up that he was wearing now, though he'd admit that wearing something that was soaked through was not a pleasant sensation.

"Lutz," he grumbled in reply in way of introduction, draping the dampened jacket over his arm, "And I suppose so. It's the least that he can do after our unexpected swim."

Blatantly ignoring the little debate taking place in front of them, Lutz shook out his arm, his joints creaking a little in protest as droplets of water came flying out. Yuuup, he'd definitely want to get something to dry himself off completely as soon as possible. It was for that reason that he immediately glanced up at the mention of getting a towel.

"What? Oh, yeah, sounds good to me." He turned when he realized that the ghoul had begun to address them, rolling his eyes and grudgingly offering her his name when she paused. Then he gestured towards the store that Jiten had pointed out.

"Just going to go grab some towels. Be a sec."

revenant aria
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:32 pm
Vaith frowned, as he tried to argue against Xiu's solid points, effectually creating a wall he couldn't debate against. His red eyes and grimaced leaned toward one side, as if hit and avoiding Xiu's arrows of logic. He stepped to the side, aware that the other two boils could hear their conversation with slight embarrassment. He waited until the other two left to go buy towels, before taking Xiu's hand, with the desperate need of a best friend.

"If I'm going on such short notice, you're coming with me."

He imagined entering that prom hall alone and it wasn't a pretty sight. Grumpy that he had to go to prom now, without Mai or Aurian, he decided his next favorite ghoul would do, regardless of her plans.

"Mai and Aurian never go to these things but I refuse to be caught alone." He didn't even know where they were at the moment, a streak of impatience showing from the last year of waiting for them. Sometimes he saw them, most of the time, he didn't. Perhaps that was why he always stayed in his dorm room, hoping to be there if they showed up.


Having already explained the situation to a store associate, assuring them that the two wet boils would pay for their towels afterwards, Jiten followed Lutz to a small section. Jiten was pulling a yellow towel out of the stack, grimacing at his damp wallet. Unfortunately, that meant all of the cash was wet. But his cards seemed to be in working order.

"Are you going to prom with a date?" Jiten tried to make conversation with the other boil, as he picked out a regular towel and a face towel. Jiten assumed, as a first year, everybody was going to prom. He briefly dried his card with the face towel, placing the card on top of the pile at the cashier. He didn't want the cashier to become damp in any way, giving her a friendly apologetic smile.


revenant aria


PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:53 pm
Xiu opened her mouth to protest, but the words died on her lips as soon as she looked into the boil's eyes. Her gaze steadily met his, and then she finally sighed, her expression softening. "Oh, alright you dummy," she said, her tone a mixture of amusement and exasperation, "I was planning to go solo anyways. You're lucky you're one of my best friends."

She gave his hand an affectionate squeeze before releasing it. It occurred to Xiu that she never saw Mai or Aurian around much--not beyond that one initial meeting she had had with the pretty ghost ghoul--but she had a feeling that it was perhaps not the wisest idea to ask. Instead, she reached out and gently slapped Vaith in the chest with the back of her hand.

"Well then! Now that you've agreed--"--not that she had given him much room not to--"--looks like we'll have to find you a prom outfit today. The theme this year is 'dark fairy tale' if you want to stick to it."


Lutz was more than happy to let Jiten do all of the talking, trailing behind the boil like a shadow as he conversed with the store associate and head towards the section where the towels would be. He was still feeling a little grumpy about this whole situation, even if he knew he was getting something out of it in the end.

The sudden question, however, was enough to snap him out of his stupor. His gaze flickered towards the boil and then quickly away, his brows creasing deeply. Uh, no--well. Maybe. Yes." he responded awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, "With a friend. Yeah."

"You?" he shot back, seeming desperate to turn the attention off of himself.

revenant aria

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