It was a few hours before prom, and the faerie sat at his desk, tapping the pen against his lips as he stared at the piece of paper in front of him.

It had been five minutes, and he still didn't know how to start the letter - he did know what he wanted to say, but starting was always the problem.

What was there to say? An "I'm sorry you went through hell killing your aunts, it was an accident, please let us help you grieve" didn't quite have the right ring to it. And, really, how could they help except by being emotional support? Marosa had tried his jacking best, and it had gotten him nowhere except passed out on the couch from overusing his ability.

That in itself was strange. He'd never done that before - never passed out from using his ability, and he'd definitely fed enough - he had Hadiyya to thank for that.

A grumbled sigh was released from Marosa's lips as he tilted his head, popping his neck and finally setting the pen down on the paper.

Sharra -

I cordially invite you to prom.

I hope to see you there. I shall try to save a dance for you.

For the love of Hadiyya, please attend.


Nodding, he folded the letter up and pursed his lips, tucking it inside an envelope. It was short, sweet, and to the point.

It would have to do. Even though Marosa wanted to say more - much more - he figured he could say that to Sharra's face. That was... if the nergal boil decided to show up.

He already felt responsible for nearly breaking Sharra and Hadiyya up the first time... and he sure as Jack wasn't going to stand by while it happened a second time. It was only fair... right? He couldn't be the only one happy.

He dropped his letter at the foot of Sharra's door, lingering for just a moment, fingers splaying over the door as if he was contemplating on knocking.

No. It was probably best to not. But... if he didn't, how would he know the letter was there?


Knocking loudly, Marosa picked up the letter and forced it in between the cracks of the door before he turned and left, walking towards prom to meet with his love.

... one of them. It was yet to be determined if his second love would show...

One could hope.