Roleplay Search
Hey Everyone. My name is Amanda. I'm a 20 year old college student. I'm a literate RPer with over 6 year of experience. I'm looking (always looking) for new RP partners.

About My Roleplaying Style
✔I can play either guys or girls.
✔F/M, F//, or M//
✔When I use fandom verses, I prefer OCs to canon character
✔I use pretty posts (but you don't have to)
✔As for faceclaims, anime or real work for me.
✔My characters are always 16+ and I prefer 18+ but younger isn't a deal breaker.
✔In my ideas below, I'm open to playing either character

Ideas {{will edit as necessary}
✔Nobility x Thief
✔Nobility x Assassin
✔Royalty x Body Guard
✔Arranged Marriage

Modern Day
✔Arranged Marriage
✔Girl x Brother's Best Friend

✔Zombie Apocalypse (TWD)
✔Harry Potter
✔Nikita (The Division)
✔Assassin's Creed
✔General Fantasy

And I'm open to a lot of different ideas.
So if you'd like to RP, please PM me and we'll work something out! Thanks!

Teehee ^-^