Your kin is dreaming, they are sure of that. They are standing at the foot of a tall, dark obelisk with symbols all over its surface, a glow like moonlight coming from within. If your kin bothers to look around, they will find the world flat and lifeless, a world fully devoid of color—there is only an endless expanse of pebbled stone that disappears into darkness or light, your kin cannot tell, at what should be a horizon. It is hard to track anything in this space, to concentrate one’s eyes, so eventually all that can be seen is the obelisk rising into the empty sky.

When your kin touches it, pain, pleasure, or nothing at all lances through them and they fall. They don’t hit the ground though, they keep falling until—

They find themselves in the Swamp. It is warm and humid, it feels as the Swamp should. Fireflies dance all around, the cicada sing, and the moon glows brightly above. When your kin turns, they are confronted once more by the obelisk. Their vision narrows for a moment that feels like a lifetime, but can only be counted in a heartbeat. The Swamp returns, but their eyes remain locked on the obelisk. Their heart beats faster and something that feels like rot blooms in their chest. The longer they stare, their eyes caught by the glowing symbols, the longer it festers. Can your kin look away? Or are they trapped by their own gaze? If they manage to tear their gaze away, they find themselves capable of movement again, how do they shake off the feeling until they wake? If they cannot, what feeling consumes them, what do their minds conjure for them to see, until they wake?

Mechanics for WP12: The Obelisk
This prompt should be done individually.

To participate, create a new thread in the RP forum titled [WP12] (KIN).

For this Wandering Prompt, explore the prompt above. If your kin participated in WP05 and/or WP06, they will find the obelisk familiar from those dreams.

When you have completed the prompt or RPed it as far as you wish to RP this prompt, and have reached a minimum of 500 words, post in the STICKY THREAD with the name of the prompt (WP12 - Dreamy Drabbles) and a link to your thread. You can use a link to that post as an RP requirement for Legendary or other RP-related tasks!

You may do this prompt for multiple kin, just remember you have to reach the word count for each one.