Here is where the missions for the Cloud Ninja are posted. The missions are grouped by rank. Note, that as the Cloud Village Rebuilds, these missions will be changed, and some will be added and some removed.

Please note that you can do missions below your rank but below it only unless the Raikage decides otherwise, or you are with at least two other shinobi of appropriate rank. Any missions outside the village will need permission from the Raikage to leave the village or an escort of at least Jounin level.

Remember, the regular rules apply in Missions. No meta-gaming or God-modding the NPCs.

Missions can be requested with the following form:

[b]Mission Description:[/b]
[b]Mission Rank:[/b]
[b]Participants in Mission:[/b] (Who is going on the mission?)
[b]Your Rank:[/b]
[b]What Village(s) does this mission take place in?:[/b]
[b]Where in Said Village does this take place?:[/b]


Academy Missions

Mission 1) Assist elderly Cloud citizens with shopping~
Description: The older citizens of the Cloud Village need help with their shopping. Escort them to the market and buy their needed items, then carry them back to the citizen's house. At least five [5] posts.

Mission 2) Assist the Medical Ninjas in the Hospital~
Description: The Medical Ninja are tired from preforming the long surgery on wounded shinobi. Clean up the operation room for them. At least five [5] posts.

Mission 3) Assist Medical Ninja find herbs~
Description: The Medical Ninja need to replenish their stock of herbs for curing aches and pains. Assist them in finding the correct herbs in the hospital greenhouse and bring them back to the Ninja. At least three [3] posts.


Genin Missions

Mission 1) Search and Rescue~
Description: Oh no! The rich merchant's wife has lost her cat! Find the cat and bring it back to her as soon as you can. Rescue the cat.*

Mission 2) Clean-up~
Description: Several shops in the market have collapsed due to age. Find the materials to make and set up those shops.
Must have at least two people to finish this mission successfully. Ten [10] posts.

Mission 3) Guard Duty~
Description: The other shinobi normally guarding a small bank have all been sent out on more important missions. You've been selected to guard the small bank from thieves, which will most likely take this opportunity to attempt robbing the bank. Defeat the thieves.*

Mission 4) Inspect Old Hospital~
Description: After a series of tests, a hospital was shut down for being unsafe, as the water was contaminated by a disease. A new hospital was built, and the old one forgotten. So now, after many years, the disease has all died out, but rumors have gone around the village of ghosts haunting the old hospital. The Kusakage has sent you out to inspect the old building for potential structural instability. Determine whether or not the building is structurally stable or if it has to be torn down.*

Mission 5) Assist in Repairs~
Description: An old couple's house has been partially burned by a fire. The house is single story, and the kitchen, half of the living room, and two bedrooms have been completely burned away. Repair the house. At least Fifteen [15] posts.


Chuunin Missions

Mission 1) Patrol the Wall~
Description: Tonight, you've been charged with Patrol Duty on the defensive wall around the Cloud Village. You must defend it throughout the night against the enemies of the Cloud Village that wish to infiltrate the Cloud for their destructive ends. Let nobody through the gate.*

Mission 2) Patrol The Ghost Town~
Description: Recently, some ninja from another village have began to slip through the border guards by hiding in the old Ghost town.
Go with your squad and Sensei and look through the town. Find and kick out the spies.*

Mission 3) Intercept Enemy Ninja~
Description: Reports have trickled into the Cloud Village from outposts around the village of suspicious hooded figures traveling apart from the main roads toward the Cloud Village, slowly, and only at night. There seems to be three of them. You've been dispatched by the Kusakage to hold them off until the Cloud Anbu can get there, as they're currently coming back from an assassination. Hold the three A-Ranked enemy ninja for two pages before the Anbu shinobi arrive.*


Jounin Missions

Mission 1) Obtain a Squad~
Description: As a Jounin, you are required to have a squad if any Genin are left without a sensei. Finish the training and see your student through the Chuunin exams.

Mission 2) Escort the Lord's Daughter~
Description: Lord Naoka's daughter is getting married one week from this day and she must be at the Leaf Village as soon as possible. Lord Naoka has many enemies and many are jealous of his good fortune, so he payed the Raikage for an escort, which is you. Take Lord Naoka's daughter to the Sand Village safely. Once there, another escort will take her off your hands. Escort Lord Naoka's daughter safely to the Leaf.*

Mission 3) Defeat Rouge Ninja~
Description: A rouge ninja has appeared at the gates! The other Jounin have all left on missions, the Raikage is visiting another village, and the Sannin are busy negotiating with other villages. You're the only person around with the ability to defeat this enemy! Defeat the A-Ranked enemy shinobi.*

Mission 4) Stop the Rebellion~
Description: A rebellion has broken out in the West side of the Village. Led by a former Anbu member, you must hold back the rebels so that the Anbu have enough time to assassinate the leader. Hold the rebels for twenty [20] posts!*


Anbu Black Ops Missions

Mission 1) Relieve Chuunin at the gates~
Description: Three A-Ranked ninja have attacked the village and are being held at the gates by a Chuunin. You must hurry to the scene of the battle and relieve the Chuunin, having to fight three tired opponents. Defeat the enemy A-Ranked ninja.*

Mission 2) Traitor~
Description: A member of the Anbu has decided that he wishes to rule the village himself. He has stirred up a Rebellion in the South area of the city. The Jounin have been dispatched to hold back the rebellion and give you time to kill the rouge ninja. Kill or capture the former Anbu shinobi.*

Mission 3) Danger in our Midst~
Description: Anbu members are being killed left and right. You are one of the few still left alive. There seems to be no hope - but wait! Your spies have discovered the whereabouts of the enemy! Now - quickly, you need to go and kill the enemy who's killed your friends and allies. Without the element of surprise, he can't kill you...can he? Defeat the mysterious ninja.*

Mission 4) Kill the Rouge~
Description: Anyone in the Outlaw list is in the Bingo Book for the Cloud Village and needs to be taken out.
Be sure to bring at least three others of the Anbu with you! It's also good if you have a medic. Kill the Outlaws.


Densetsu/Sannin Missions

Mission 1) Early Warning System~
Description: Find information about the Akatsuki from other Villages and through snooping around and torturing and acquiring information from any captured Akatsuki members. It's best to know what they're after! (Any meta-gaming will result in disciplinary measures. You can't just 'Find' the Akatsuki base. stare ) Find information about the Akatsuki. (Also note: this Mission is passive. You should try it wherever you go - it never ends.)

Mission 2) Captured!~
Description: In the case that any Akatsuki member or member of another organization or village attacks the village, attempt a capture to make them divulge the information that could be useful to your village.

Mission 3) Quest for Peace!~
Description: When it is too risky for the Raikage to leave, yet he needs to go away on a trip to talk to a fellow Village Kage, he will send the Sannin that is best suited to go away in his place.