The Kumogakure Manifesto

Comrades, in light of the desolation of our world, we must be sure to follow certain rules and principles. Failure to follow these rules will result in unpleasant consequences.

General Shinobi Code

All Shinobi of Cloud are required to abide by this simple set of principles:

Whether you're new or old, please post a bank statement and a profile for any Kumonin in the respective threads. These are necessary for organization and OOC purposes. Now for the IC stuff...

Follow all directions and commands given by the Raikage and any who are in command of you. Heavy insubordination will not be tolerated, and could be punished with exile or death.

Do not share the village's secrets with other nations, be it ally or enemy without permission from the Raikage. If one shares confidential information, they will be charged with treason, and their fate decided by the Raikage. Treason is not tolerated.

Do not cause international conflict. Village administration would appreciate it if you kept their desks clean of unneeded paperwork. Those that facilitate and encourage war will be punished.

In the event that a mission requires for a life to be taken, please confirm the kill. Destroy the heart and sever the head. Search the body for equipment or any other things deemed necessary, as well as other details. Once the kill has been confirmed, please bury the body with their headband and other possessions if able.
In the event that this is a Headhunter's task to take a life, the body is to be destroyed from head to toe. All items are to be taken or destroyed.

Genin are not to leave the village unless escorted by a Jounin-ranked Kumonin or superior-ranked Kumonin. Chuunin require the Raikage's approval before leaving. The exception to the Chuunin rule is in the case of missions. All other Kumonin can come and go as they please.

In the event of a Kumonin going rogue, they are to be tracked and arrested, then brought back to Cloud for punishment. In the event that arrest is impossible, the use of lethal force is authorized.

In the event of a comrade's death, please confirm their death and retrieve their headband and ID card if possible. If a body is not found or a death is not confirmed with credible, eyewitness accounts, they will be written as MIA until further notice. Further investigation of their absence will occur.

Failure to comply by this code will result in punishment. This can be from something as light as community service...or in extreme cases, public execution.