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This is the HQ for the ANBU of the Cloud. Members are picked by the Captain and the current Raikage, both must agree on a candidate before they can join the ANBU.

Anbu Captain The ANBU Captain of Kumo plans the missions for the ANBU, leads the ANBU, and must be Sannin rank. The individual picked as Captain would have to be a master at battle and strategy. The individual chose for Captain would be one of the few candidates that could be chosen to become Raikage when the previous passes or resigns

                                                                        • Cecil Raiken (Black Fire Lord)

Anbu Members Members of the ANBU are expected to carry out many duties. From interrogation to assassination, to recon, to even ensuring gate security if needed. All duties of the ANBU are important which is why you must be Jounin rank to join. Exceptions can be made and Chunnin who are exceptional may be made into full ANBU members.

                                                                        • Jin
                                                                        • Michael

Anbu Apprentices ANBU Apprentices are Chuunin who wish to join the ANBU but aren't quite skill enough yet. The duties of an Apprentice usually tend to be centered in the village and not dangerous. Apprentices are expected help the ANBU members in any tasked asked of them. Apprentices are the most likely to go and help with the gate security

                                                                        • Namito

Oinin Oinin are ninja which are given the specific duty of hunting down missing-nin. They completely erase the person they're searching for by means of their superior assassination techniques and medical skills. Most Oinin work alone and so to be considered for an Oinin position you must be at least Sannin rank. The Oinin report only to the Captain of the ANBU and are considered above that of a normal ANBU member. Oinin will have the task of hunting down rogue ninja from the Cloud village or other villages. They will also pursue bounty's if the ninja in question is indeed rogue.

                                                                        • Kendall Weiss