Name: Wylde Rose
Nick Name: Wylde
Ht/Wt: 5'1, 100 lbs.
Hometown: Detroit,Michigan
Entrance Music: Evacuate the Dancefloor by Cascada
Entrance Moves: Waves timidly before walking to the ring,rolling in to the ring under the bottom rope
Appearance: red hai,like her sisters,but shorter,blue eyes,and like her sisters,flawless features. but she is much more petite then her sisters.
Common Moves:
Springboard attacks
Dive Attacks
Top Rope Attacks

Signature Moves:
Black Rose
Petal strike
Finisher: Kiss from the Rose
Call of the Wylde
Gimmick: Timid girl, siver medal in junior olympics for gymnastics
Alignment: Face
Match Type Expertise:Anything that allows her high-flying style to be in effect
Match Type Weakness: Submission. Smaller and weaker then the other Roses,she does not like pain and will tap.
Weapon Expertise: None
Division: Femme Fatale
Title History:N/A

Relatives :Miranda Rose (sister)
Talia Rose (sister)
Alexander Rose (Father
Alexander Rose Jr.(son)