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[PRP] Wrong place, wrong time, bad liars. Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:34 pm
The trip across town would have been pleasant, if it weren't for the reason they were hurrying across town.
It was hard to enjoy the scenery when you knew that that was a life depending on how quickly you got to your destination.

"Haaaaaunter~" Zacharie barely had time to duck before Essex came flying past him, a variety of flowers held carefully in his claws. His overenthusiastic pokemon was followed by Jabari at a much more subdued pace, "Ban-ette." The pokemon groused, dropping a few Snapdragon stalks into his trainer's waiting hands. "Good work, you two." The teen praised, a proud smile lighting up his face as he stood from where he had been crouching in the grass. "Where's Peldes and Aasim?" Jabari rolled his eyes and drifted towards Essex, who was peering over Rosie's shoulder curiously.

As if on cue, the two pokemon in question came bursting from around the corner. "Absooooool!" The floral pokemon cheered, prancing proudly beside Aasim...who was dragging a rosebush along with him. The grunt resisted the urge to facepalm. "...Great. Good job, guys." He muttered as the Growlithe deposited the bush at his feet.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:52 pm
Grealhorn, the large standing Sawsbuck drawled from where he stood next to his trainer, who's expression brightened over how many flowers were brought over, and with a lot less time then the pink trainer was anticipating.
"This will be perfect, We'll bring a few, in case a few of these aren't the right size."
she couldn't help a giggle when the Growlithe that Zacharie had let out returned with an entire bush, he certainly seemed to take his job very seriously.
It was a shame about the bush, but it was still pretty funny.

Pushing herself up onto her feet from where she had been crouching to try and peer under bushes to see if any flowers were growing, Rosie noticed the Haunter lingering around behind her. she gave the Haunter a smile, holding her hands out for the flowers that he was holding in his disembodied hands. "Thank you everyone. Now we should be able to get her to a Pokemon Center without any trouble."  


Supreme Roisterer


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:02 pm
Aasim's head turned slowly towards the Sawsbuck, his eyes hard and his lips pulling back over his teeth. The fire type said lowly, body tensing as if ready to attack or expecting some sort of blow. Peldes chirped as she bounced around the Growlithe and her trainer.

Sensing his pokemon's growing displeasure, Zacharie leaned down and awkwardly patted Aasim's head. "It's a bit much...but I appreciate the help, Aasim. You were all very helpful." He smiled at the slowly relaxing pokemon before moving to tug the upturned bush over towards the bushes Rosie had been searching under. If the bush had to die, it might as well become mulch for the other bushes. After getting everything situated, he carefully plucked a few of the nicer roses free and tucked them into a jar. "I think this is the best that we'll be able to find considering the season." He said as he stood up fully. "Should we head back to the Flabebe?"  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:37 pm
Greal's already stern face stiffened a bit more at the snarl the fire type was giving him, the stag blew out a jet of air through his nostrils in a retorted threat to the dog, rocking his large antlers from side to side.

Rosie spun around to face Zacharie, her eyes widening a little bit as she nodded. reaching out to take his arm in her hand, pulling lightly to get them moving before she took the lead.
Leaving the park meant that they would be making their way back through cramped city streets, something she knew might be a little more uncomfortable for Grealhorn. the Pokemon could make his way through trees really well, but wood and leaf were much different from brick and metal, something she knew he didn't have a feel for because of his typing.
Greal trotted along with his trainer for as long as he could before Rosie returned him into his Heal Ball.

They had come a long way through the city, deeper and deeper into it in order to reach a small park where Zacharie knew had some growing flowers, it was a more run down and not as careful part of town, this of course meaning that the lights were not up kept, most were orange and dying, while others were not lit at all, and who knows how long they'll stay that way.she couldn't say that it didn't make her nervous, the kind of people they passed stopped and stared as they ran past, a few shifting uncomfortably.

In a particually dark part of the town, Rosie slowed slightly to glance behind her and make sure that Zacharie was keeping up alright. only to be stopped dead completely abruptly as she ran into something soft.

"HEY!" a voice barked, staggering forward, thankfully both parties caught there footing before anyone fell, but something else fell to the ground at their feet.
Rosie staggered back, her eyes wide in shock as she tried to make out what had just happened, looking at her feet, where a few small bags filled with a white powder.

From the darkness three men could be made out, wearing oversize hoods and tensing up as they stared in momentary shock at the two people now standing before them.  


Supreme Roisterer


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:55 pm
Zacharie, who had been following behind Rosie rather closely, bumped into the fair-haired girl with a quiet 'oof' as she came to an abrupt stop. He took a few steps back the moment he got his bearings though and turned his attention to the commotion going on in front of them. "...Hello." He wasn't sure why he said it. He was fairly certain that the exclaimed 'hey' had been one of annoyance that meant 'watch it' more than a greeting.

Carefully, he took a hold of Rosie's arm and pulled her back towards him and away from the rather intimidating men. "Let's go, we've got to hurry." He murmured, keeping a good watch on the strangers out of the corner of his eye.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:11 pm
the man they had bumped into looked down at the ground, before he quickly bent down and snatched up the fallen bags. As he did this the other two moved forward to flank Rosie and Zacharie as the purple haired boy said they should leave.
"Yeah no, I don't think so." One of the men, a tall blond with dark eyes spoke, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets and bumping up behind Zacharie "You just saw something you really shouldn't have."

Rosie, who had been whole heatedly apologetic to the man she had bumped into, tried to reach down to help him pick up the items she had knocked out of his hands, without really knowing what she was reaching down to pick up. but a mixture of him roughly grabbing the bag away from her before she could reach it, and Zachaire pulling on her arm drew the blond back up, and backward.

Before they could make it a couple of steps however they were flanked, Rosie shifted closer to Zachaire, taken by surprise by this sudden act of aggression.
"See something?" She asked uncertainly. "what did we see?"  


Supreme Roisterer


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:26 pm
He did not appreciate being bumped into.

The teen whirled around sharply on his heel to fix the man behind him with a glare. "We didn't see anything; and even if we had perhaps you should pick better locations to do your business." He snapped, reaching out to gently touch Rosie's arm as she moved closer. Whether it was to reassure her or to reassure himself, he wasn't sure. "So since we didn't see anything and we actually have something important to attend to, would you kindly get the hell out of our way?" He squared his shoulders, widened his stance, and his grip on Rosie tightened. He was ready to get the hell out of here the moment the opportunity introduced itself and if he needed to fight...well...Jerome had taught him how to defend himself.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:46 pm
Then men didn't seem to appreciate Zacharie's back talk one bit, as before anyone said anything further to the trainers the man reached out, aiming to roughly grab Zacharie by his shirt and shove into him.
"Oh you've got a mouth now don't you, little s**t." He growled.

As he spoke the other man stepped forward, squaring his shoulders to make himself look intimidating.
"You are on OUR territory, you're the one that shouldn't be here. And now you're just a loose end that we get to tie up." He clapped a fist into his open palm, while the man collecting the bags finally straightened up, shoving them deep into his pockets.  


Supreme Roisterer


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 6:53 pm
The moment they started getting physical on Zacharie Rosie tensed, reaching a hand out to grab Zacharie's shoulder, her other hand reaching out to place on the assaulting man's wrist.
"Please don't hurt him, we're not trying to cause any trouble so please don't be violent."

This was not how she expected the evening to go, but as the other other men advanced she felt a pang of fear, and her first reaction was to reach for her belt to where her pokemon were. An action that was stopped when the second man reached out and grabbed her wrist and yanked it away.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:19 am
Zacharie immediate reaction had been to swat the man's hand out of his personal space, to not let him get the upper hand. But Rosie's hand on his shoulder gave him pause and before he knew it they were closing in. The first thing he recognized was the fear, the familiar, constricting pressure in his chest. They needed to get out of there and they needed to do it now. It was unlikely that he'd be able to win in a fight against one of these guys...let alone a group of them and he couldn't let Rosie get hurt.

Give yourself space, then neutralize the threat.

Andre's voice rang through his mind and suddenly he felt a bit of clarity. "Pericardium 6." He muttered under his breath, hand snapping up to strike firmly in the middle of the underside of the man's wrist before gripping onto that wrist himself. He probably should have used a bit of restraint, but with the adrenaline coursing through him he didn't have much control over it. It shouldn't break anything but it should result in the wrist and arm going numb, giving him the chance to twist the others arm behind his back and shove him out of the way.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:25 pm
there was a moment that hung in stillness as the man that had grabbed onto Zacharie found that his grip was suddenly lost by a sharp touch from the boy, and even more suddenly he was twisted around and shoved in the opposite direction with a sort of startled gurgle.

Rosie herself was staring at the event with widened eyes, along with the man still holding onto her wrist.
Thankfully, she seemed to gather herself before the men did, nervous, but letting what she learned from the classes she had been taking kick in. pulling her wrist with a sharp motion toward where the man's thumb and fingers met.
his grip was a lot more firm then she expected it to be, but she managed to break away where she staggered back out of his reach quickly and grabbed for Zacharie. Unforgettably it wouldn't be long before the other two men gathered their senses as well, one now feeling the girl slipping out of her hand, one lunged for them, while the other reached for something in his pocket.
The third that Zacharie had pushed was still gathering his bearings, and gripping his numb and weakened wrist,  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:01 pm
Rosie's reaching hand would immediately be met with Zacharie's, the purple-haired teen gripping the smaller hand tightly and turned sharply on his heel. They needed to get back out onto the street, back out into the open where there would more space and the possibility of someone helping them. "Rosie, run!" Was the only warning he gave before he started back towards the street. He wasn't the world's fastest runner, but he had had his fair share of running away from people who meant nothing but harm. He just hoped that Rosie would be able to keep up...or at least not trip like some cliche action movie damsel in distress.

She didn't strike Zacharie as a damsel, but this was a rather unexpected turn of events.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:38 pm
Rosie didn't need to be told twice, nor was she in any way a weight on Zacharie when he pulled and started to run. Rosie was great on her feet, and was able to turn and keep up with Zacharie with no difficulty.
This was terrifying, she wasn't sure what sparked it, or why these men wanted them hurt to badly, but she didn't want to stick around to find out. she might have still been frozen back there with no idea what to do had Zacharie not acted like he had.

The two young trainers didn't get very far at all before there was a loud and sudden explosion from behind them, unmistakably the sound of a gunshot, and the asphalt on the street next to them suddenly burst with broken gravel.

Rosie gave a startled scream and flinched away from where the bullet had hit, thankfully not very close to them, but it was far less comforting then you might think, someone was shooting at them and it would be sure he didn't only have one bullet. One of the other men was already on the phone, yelling at someone on the other end as he watched to two getting further and further away from them, that wouldn't bode well either.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:57 pm
Zacharie hadn't been underestimating the serious of the situation at all but as the gunshot rang out through the alleyway, he couldn't help but think that this was much more serious than he originally thought. "Keep your head down, keep running." He ordered, tugging Rosie a little harshly until she was running in front of him. He had absolutely no idea what to do about this. He wasn't trained to deal with opponents with guns and he sure as hell wasn't going to risk his pokemon getting shot at.

He wished Jerome were here, he'd know what to do, but for now he needed to keep Rosie safe and get them as far away as they could. "Around the corner? Go anywhere where we're not in his line of sight." He couldn't risk looking over his shoulder to see if they were being pursued. They'd just have to keep running.  


Bashful Bunny


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:19 pm
They were SHOOTING that them! Rosie had no idea what they had done to warren that kind of extreme, but she had little time to really think it over too much. Bringing out her Pokemon right now would be much too risky, she couldn't afford they be shot, but she knew they would be upset with her for not calling them out when she needed them most.

For the time being she was mostly numb with fear, doing what Zacharie told her and just kept running.
The gun went off a couple more times, but thankfully they had already taken to a corner like Zacharie had suggested, and the bullets pinged off the side of the bricks.
"What did we do?" Rosie gasped though shaking breath, clinging to Zacharie's hand. "Why are they shooting at us!"

Rosie never once showed any interest in slowing down, though as they ran, she couldn't help but notice a small group of people standing along the streets up ahead of the road they were on.
She felt herself grow a little cold with worry, the feeling causing to to pull her stride a little, her hand twitching lightly as she reached to her belt, only to stop herself at the thought that her Pokemon could get seriously hurt if they really were against guns.

This wasn't the first time her Pokemon were held back when she was in trouble, and she had to deal with their displeased retaliation upon realizing that she would rather keep herself in danger then let them get in genuine harms way.

Stress grew in those split seconds she hung in the weight of her next actions and the real situation they had found themselves in. One hand gingerly clutching the flowers to her chest, the other struggling to decide on if she should call her Pokemon forth, and risk them like this. Is this what they would want? Yes. But could she live with that? She wasn't so sure... but on the same ticket was she also willing to risk the safety of her friend by doing nothing?
Too many questions, with too much weighing on the possible answers for her to be able to work out in the state of mind situations like this threw her into.

It seemed that this time she wasn't going to be able to have the freedom of her own decision. A rush of warmth burst over the palm of her hand, and the force of it pushed it out of the way as one of her Pokemon, somehow aware of the stress of the situation forced his own way out of his ball.
The flash of light that followed spilled out in the brilliance of glittering pink and white, breaking away from the sudden light to display another array of bright pink and white, a massive form with wings spread so wide they nearly touched the walls of the building around.
Long flowing crest brushed before the two humans behind him, while with a cry and a sweeping forward of his wings, forced a violent cut of air to blow through the streets and into the line of men beyond, knocking many of them clear off of their feet.  

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