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[PRP] Not So Single Anymore

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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:13 pm
Akira sighed. He knew Happa hadn't seen Anastasia in a long time, but that was because he hadn't seen Sera. It just seemed so awkward to be around her, particularly since she had caught him cross-dressing. What did she think? Did she hate him? Was she disgusted with him? He just couldn't tell and it seemed out of the question just to ask.

Every time they had met since then, it was like there was an elephant in the room. Sera might say things, but Akira wasn't sure he trusted the sincerity behind her words. Had she ever really been that honest with him? How could she when she seemed to have trouble being honest with herself? He had wanted to help her, he really had, but what could he do if she wouldn't talk to him? He had pushed her to do so enough in the past. To ask her to meet with him again might just make her feel like he was pressuring her once more.

And yet the issue with Happa remained. The Leafeon had been very patient during Akira's time indoors and time spent with Adam over the past few months. His trainer knew he didn't like being inside very much, but he hadn't found much reason to go out when he could stay with Adam inside. Outside...well. Wouldn't two guys walking around draw attention if people caught on that they were more than just friends? And what would Sera think?

Akira shook his head. No, this is exactly what he ran away for. He needed to stop worrying so much about what other people thought. If Sera believed that Akira was just using Happa wanting to see Anastasia as an excuse to see her, let her. Maybe...maybe if he brought Adam to meet her, she wouldn't think that, but there was no telling what she might think instead. No...Adam was funny and he liked drinking and clubs. He was a party animal like Sera was...or at least used to be. Maybe he could appeal to her somehow. If she could get past the 'being gay' part.

He sighed. He could ponder this all he wanted, but here was only one way to find out for sure, wasn't there? Picking up his cell, he texted Sera to ask if she wanted to meet that evening at one of the more familiar clubs so that their pokemon could mingle while their trainers enjoyed the atmosphere and music.Tonight was one of his few nights off and no matter what, he didn't want to waste it. Texting Adam right after, he asked the blond whether or not he, too, was free that night.

((Magician Arcana should be joining us later if that's alright with you. Let me know if there's anything you think I should change~!))
PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:40 pm
Seraphine frowned at her cell phone. She hadn't expected an invitation to a club. She hadn't expected any sort of invitation or text from Akira at all, given how awkward things had gotten between the two of them, and she'd been quite sure that at some point he'd gotten sick of it and didn't really care to try hanging out with her anymore. So, was she free that night? Absolutely. Did she want to go hang out with Akira at a club? Given how the last two times that exact same scenario had played out, definitely not. The first time, the way he'd sounded, the way he'd acted, the way he'd looked at her, she was absolutely sure he was about to confess having feelings for her or something along those lines, and the second time left her confused and miserable after everything he said and how he acted like a completely different person - possibly even two different people. That whole thing still seemed so odd, even after he'd explained himself, because were some people really that confused or at such a loss as to not know who they were? The brunette had always, always had a firm sense of self, and so there was never any confusion on her part - even after the accident, when her whole view changed, she still knew exactly who she was. All of her other friends seemed to have a firm grasp on their own identities. Why, then, had Akira had so much trouble?

All thoughts and idle curiosities aside, the brunette turned to regard her Umbreon. "Do you want to go hang out with Happa and Akira today?" The dark-type responded with an eager "breon!" and so that, unfortunately for Sera, settled that. She picked up her phone and, frown still in place, sent off her short reply to Akira: Sure.

With that done, Sera resigned herself to dredging through her closet to find something to wear that would be club appropriate without also drawing too much attention to herself - or more specifically, her missing hand - and finally settled on a single-sleeved soft pink top that, as it went up, the fabric curved around to cover just her left shoulder rather than both and extended down in a loose, flowing sleeve that would have reached her wrist, had she still had it, and so it effectively concealed her missing hand. Her right shoulder and arm were bare in comparison, save for a small black bracelet around her wrist. Thin lines of bronze wove an intricate pattern around a pale green pendant around her neck, making up the only other accessory on her person. Her top almost could've been mistaken for a dress - and perhaps it was for others - given it ended below her hips, and a pair of black leggings and flats that matched the pink of her blouse completed her attire for the evening. As per usual since her accident, her hair remained its loose, wavy self and she wore no makeup; both were too difficult to do with only one hand to do it. Her thoughts inevitably returned to her recent meeting with Kurt and his new prosthesis, and how nice it would be to actually be able to do everything herself again - to have two hands again. Would it be as good though...? Unfortunately she couldn't be sure -- at least not until she went through with it.

At roughly the appointed time, Sera slowed to a stop in front of the club, Anastasia halting beside her obediently. The dark-type wore a pink ribbon around her neck in place of a collar, and she seemed quite excited to be out with her trainer. Both trainer and Umbreon scanned the area, looking for a familiar face.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 9:09 pm
Happa noticed the pair before Akira did. He ran up to Sera and Anastasia excitedly with a small spray of bachelor's buttons, baby's breath, and sweet pea flowers in multiple colors. He himself had a bachelor's button bloom clipped to his chest fur, and on the tip of his tail hung another accessory.

A sweet pea bud accented a small circle of woven grass that was just the size of an Umbreon's dainty paw. Happa bowed before the ladies feet before setting down the small bouquet in front of Anastasia and offering her the tiny bracelet from his tail tip. He seemed too happy and flustered to say anything to the Dark-type directly as it took all his focus just to keep his tail still.

"Pink and green...those colors really do suit you. And Anya, too." the young man commented as he regarded Sera's outfit. His own locks - silver at the roots and brown half-way down to the tips- were pinned up at the back of his head and he wore clips to keep most of his bangs out of his face, but some strands still fell across his right eye. Those were the ones he tugged pensively as he offered the brunette a small smile.

With a form-fitting shirt, green-accented pants, and suave black shoes, he was clearly dressed for the club scene. Green eyes matched green earrings and a headset he pulled down to drape over his neck. "Hello, Sera. Sorry it's been so long."
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:05 am
Keeping track of Akira's work hours and his own had been quite the headache, but with patience Adam had been able to work out some sort of system on his computer. That meant, today was a day where Akira probably-most-likely had some time off. Or yellow. It was a yellow day. He sat at his desk, spinning in his chair with his cellphone pressed to chapped lips, waiting for that little special ringtone that was specific Akira's. Today, he wasn't let down.

Adam gave himself a look over before reaching the club. Black, tight pants with rips and some colorful splashes of paint, a tight black shirt with short sleeves, all his piercings in (mostly exchanged from boring metal to colorful plastic), light colored streaked in his hair, and some bracelets. All of it bright and likely to shine under a black light. Man, itd be a while since he'd gone clubing and the excitement was doubled even more. Akira was there. Akira was going clubbing with him.

Outside, a few groups congregated and chatted, their voices mingling with the muted rhythm of the stereo. Adam searched for his new intoxication, the one that was much healthier and easier on the budget. His eyes widened in recognition and his heart danced when he found it.

Akira's clothes accented him very well. A swell of pride and desire washed across the lanky teen as he approached Akira and... A woman? A pretty woman too, and oh - Happa and an Umbreon? Adam vaguely recalled Happa having a girlfriend. So, was that the Umbreon? Adorable.

"'Kira!" Adam closed the distance with a jog, throwing his arms around his boyfriend and dragging him into a tight hug, "You look HOT."  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:18 pm
Despite his normal coloring, Sera always found it easy to spot Happa. He was the only Leafeon she knew of that was so excited at the prospect of seeing Anastasia that he brought her gifts what seemed like every time. She had to admit, even if only silently to herself, that it was starting to get kind of cute.

The aforementioned Umbreon's countenance brightened when she spotted Happa, and she eagerly took a step or two closer - while not straying too far from Sera, of course - to meet him and said happily, When the Leafeon gently deposited the bouquet at her feet, Anya stooped down to take in the flowers' pleasant aroma, though when her blue eyes lifted they quickly alighted on the carefully crafted circle of grass hanging from the tip of Happa's tail. For a moment or two she wasn't entirely sure what it was or what it was for, but the moment passed and she frowned at her paw a little before holding it out to try and accept it somehow, though she wasn't entirely sure how to put it on herself.

The familiar voice drew Sera's attention away from the pair of Eeveelutions, and she opened her mouth to speak a moment or two before actually looking at Akira. "Yeah, well, they are-- uh," she paused as she stared quite openly at the largely unfamiliar person standing before her, "um?" The eyes were a different color, the hair was a different color - or most of it was, at any rate, as the brown tips were a familiar shade. He was the same height though, had headphones as usual, his face looked the same... Just his eyes and hair were different - two small features among countless others, but still two of the most prominent ones just the same. Sera frowned, still utterly perplexed, and asked in a voice laden with confusion and skepticism, "Akira...?"

A quiet but friendly "misss" emanated from the air near Akira, as Sera's ever present and ever invisible Mismagius offered the trainer her own 'hello.' Pokemon evolved all the time, and humans looked different often as well, so his appearance wasn't as surprising to her as it seemed to be for Sera.

The aforementioned brunette finally seemed to lose a bit of her skepticism, although more confusion took its place. "Wow, you look--"

...'hot' wasn't the word she was thinking of - definitely not - and the brunette's eyebrows rose, her expression one of bewilderment as this new person entered the scene. Someone Akira knew, obviously, probably knew quite well given the hug and the compliment, and someone who, based on his appearance alone, Sera assumed she would get along okay with. He looked perfectly ready for the club scene, and though it hadn't been her scene in a year or two, she could still appreciate that it was others'. "Really different," she finished her sentence once the new arrival had finished.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:56 pm
Happa answered eagerly. He slipped the bracelet on Anastasia's paw when she held it out before waving his newly-freed tail in excitement. he said, hazel eyes meeting her light blue ones.

Akira wasn't exactly sure what caused Sera to stare at first and he thought he might have worn his shirt inside out or done something equally stupid before remembering quickly that she hadn't seen him since he'd stopped dying his hair and wearing contacts. Laughing lightly, he gestured to his hair and eyes. "Oh, this? I finally decided to stop putting up appearances. That, plus the cost of hair dye and contact lenses really start to add up over time."

He waved a hand in a careless gesture. "Some years ago when I had left home, I'd bought a new identity to keep them from dragging me back. My disguise consisted of brown hair and eyes so I didn't stand out." He shrugged. "I don't think anyone's still searching for me, though, so there's not much point in that guise anymore. Sorry I forgot to mention it; I didn't think it was that big a deal." He grinned. "Maybe it would have explained more of my identity issues if I'd said something before, but now you know. It's still me, though."

Turning toward the direction of the sound in the air, Akira raised his brows and greeted the ghost amicably. "Hi there, Giselle - wherever you are."

At the new voice that interrupted Sera's, the green-eyed young man turned bright red and stiffened. His gaze darted to the brunette as the tall blonde threw his arms around him in a tight hug, embarrassed by the sudden, unrestrained display of affection before he'd even gotten to introduce the newcomer to the present company.

"Adam!" he exclaimed, half scoldingly, half in acknowledgement, before clearing his throat and turning it into a proper introduction. "Ahem...er, Adam, this is Seraphine. Seraphine, this is Adam. You already know Happa, and that beauty over there is Anastasia. Giselle just said hello, but she's usually invisible - probably the better to be inconspicuous about watching over her trainer." Adam liked ghosts, right? At least there was something he and Sera might have a common interest in. Besides music, dancing, and drinking. Oh, shoot.

"Okay, I'm just going to make this clear right now," he said, holding up his palms. "Neither of you are getting any alcohol on my watch. Call me a party pooper, but you're both still underage. And while your drinking habits out of my sight are none of my business - mm, actually, Adam's is - I'm still the eldest of us three and as such, I'm responsible for your actions in obeying the law."

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:13 pm
Anya said with a nod, her voice and expression softening as Happa practically rambled about the flowers, then flicked her ears back and diverted her gaze, a shy smile on her face.

Sera frowned perplexed. "What? That doesn't even..." The brunette trailed off as her frown deepened, considering his words. Minus the whole 'disguise to avoid being recognized' thing, it sounded kind of really similar to Luke's situation; he'd left home and didn't want to be searched for or dragged back, but as far as she was aware, he'd never disguised himself to prevent it. Akira really, really must not have wanted to be found, if that were the case. Rather than continue her interrupted thought, she shrugged and instead responded with, "Yeah, that would've explained a lot, but," and she shrugged again to imply the 'oh well.'

A white and pink Mismagius appeared at Akira's greeting, so she wiggled a spectral appendage and offered another "mis!", a polite 'hello', at the brunet and his new companion.

"Adam, hm?" Sera echoed thoughtfully, but that train of thought screeched to a halt at Akira's next words. "Ah, nope, hold on right there," she interjected before either young man could get any further and she pointed a finger right at Akira's nose with an expression that could only be described as triumphant. "No, nope, no more of that. I'll have you know I have been drinking - legally - for almost five whole months now."
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:16 pm
Adam kept an arm hooked around Akira's shoulder, not about to let his boyfriend worm away from the physical contact. A broad smile bloomed on the grunts lips as he waved a hand in a friendly hello at Sera, "S'cool to meet you Seraphine. Nice name, very regal. Do you have a nickname?" The comment about a ghost made his eyes dance, "No s**t? Man, I ******** love ghosts."

As if on cue the white/pink Mismagius appeared. Adam nodded, "Nice to meet you, Giselle. Oh and Anastasia too," Though it appeared that the umbreon and leafeon were a bit busy. That was too too cute.

Akira's declaration snapped Adam's attention from the hellos. Chuckling, he shrugged, "S'fine with me. I didn't feel like getting drunk," Let alone he had pregamed a beer or two before showing up. The urge to drink wouldn't be too hard to tolerate now. Akira didn't need to know that detail.

Sera was not as amicable. Her declaration made him pause, "Seriously? You're old enough? Wow, you look really ******** young. Don't mind Akira. I think he's part mother hen or some s**t. Means the best, really." The finger on his nose made him grin toothily, "But I have a feeling even if you weren't, you'd drink regardless."  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 5:08 pm
the Leafeon asked shyly, attempting small talk as the humans acquainted themselves. He knew Sera had seemed more withdrawn than was usual since she lost her hand, but perhaps she had recovered a little more of her previous self since then. If anyone would know, he figured it would have been Anastasia. She was so watchful and caring about her trainer.

Akira gave Sera a funny smile as she trailed off, guessing that she was making the connection to Luke, one of her best friends. He had spoken to the red-head about their similar situations in the past, but unlike Luke, Akira hadn't had a twin brother to throw anyone off. He was glad Sera seemed to accept his changes pretty easily, but after all the new things she must have had to adapt to with the loss of her hand, this was probably nothing by comparison.

"Oh! Well that makes this a whole lot easier, then. Just one child to babysit," he said, grinning when Sera directed a finger at his nose. "Congratulations, Sera. Have you joined - what's that group called again? Alcoholics Anonymous - yet? I didn't think they allowed minors in, so it should be okay now." He couldn't stop. It was too tempting. Smirking at Adam, his face still somewhat flushed, he continued, "By the time this guy here is able to drink legally and join the AA too, you can be his sponsor."

"She goes by Sera," Akira explained. "I was the only idiot formal enough to call her by her whole name for the longest time. Giselle's sweet, but I think Sera's main specialty as a pokemon trainer is...Dark-types, right?" He looked at the brunette for confirmation. "Or do you just happen to have a bunch?"

"Yeah, well it's a club with a bar, so you never know when you might feel like having one drink too many later on," the eldest of the trio commented. "And...is that already alcohol on your breath?" He gave the teen a small, chastising shove. "You idiot! You knew I'd keep you from drinking so you already had something, didn't you? What if you get sick on the dance floor or start making a scene?" He groaned loudly and ran a hand through his hair. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me..." At Adam's remark to Sera, he gave the blonde a deadpan look. "You're the one who's part permanent child. Sera, please don't give in to this brat and buy him drinks when I'm not looking. He's pretty good at getting what he wants."
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:12 pm
Anya replied with a bob of her head and a smile, tentative if only for the subject. While her attention remained mostly on Happa, she did occasionally glance between the three humans while they talked. the dark-type explained, her ears lowering a bit. briefly she tried to think of an appropriate word, failed to do so, and instead settled for,

Pleased to have someone else around who so valued her presence - or at least, in his words, '******** loved ghosts' - Giselle dipped around behind Adam and twirled in a circle as she came up on his other side, hoping to silently convey her joy for his preference in pokemon.

Sera stuck her tongue out at Akira and his comment, her pink tongue stud visible as she did so, and let him answer Adam's question for her. "Yep, I do, and yep, he was," she agreed; hey, he was the one that said it in the first place, so she couldn't be blamed for agreeing. The subject of types sobered her behavior a bit and she nodded. "I favor dark- and ghost-types, but I mostly have dark-types," she elaborated for their benefit.

As Akira accused Adam of drinking already and both exchanged comments, all Seraphine could do was grin mischievously. "Age never stopped me before," she replied with a wink, then waved a dismissive hand at Akira. "He's not you, Akira, I'm sure he won't get sick from pre-gaming before coming here. It sounds to me like your friend here knows exactly how to party, and," her mischievous smirk widened, "it seems to me we'll get along just fine - I've always been good at getting what I want, too."

The brunette leaned towards Adam and raised her hand to whisper in a conspiratorial manner that Akira would most likely hear perfectly fine, "Is it just me, or does he act like he's a mature know-it-all when really he doesn't know everything? Seems like he does that a lot."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
  • Hiss of Love 200
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Waffles! 25
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:10 pm
Crap. Caught red handed, or red breathed rather. Smiling sheepishly, he shrugged limply at the chastising shove, "Awwww. I won't make a mess. Sera's right, I'm not you. I'm not a feather weight." Adam teased his companion with a wink, hoping Akira would let the drinking go without too much of a fight. After all, it had been done with good intentions. That stood for something, right?

Sera leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, and despite himself, Adam laughed brightly. Copying her hand placement, and speaking loud enough for Akira to hear, he responded, "I think you're right. It's a defense mechanism. Pretend it's bad when you're unsure, because anything can be bad, right?"

Reaching out, he grabbed Akira's hand and laced their fingers together, "So we going in or staying out? Oh and uh, Sera? That tongue stud is super nice. Where'd you get it done?"  
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:13 pm
The Leafeon nodded in understanding as Anya spoke of Sera but also noted the way her ears lowered and was sorry to have possibly been the cause. He felt it would have been thoughtless not to ask about Sera since Anya's trainer obviously meant so much to her, but at the same time he hated to upset the Umbreon even the slightest bit. he said cheerfully, looking to the female human.

But then the topic switched to his own. Happa said, some awkward amusement in his words. He sighed.

Akira smiled at Giselle's display of delight before leaning away in mock repulsion when Sera stuck her tongue out at him, stud and all. "What are you, three? Put that thing back where it came from," he half-heartedly scolded, chuckling. Regarding her agreement of him being an idiot, he didn't seem to mind. He'd walked right into that one himself. Besides, he believed it to be true.

"I know it didn't," the silver-and-brown-haired man sighed at Sera's comment about age, tugging lightly on his bangs. Adam's encouragement didn't help. "But alcoholic tolerance has nothing to do with the age limit. You're still breaking the law, light-weight or not!" He was starting to think that maybe it hadn't been such a good idea for Sera and Adam to meet in this setting after all. "Wild, spoiled party animals..." he muttered.

Raising his brows and looking up as the two younger trainers pretended to conspire, Akira had to crack a grin. "Oh, shut up and give it a rest, you two. Fine, I'll turn the other cheek for tonight. But don't look at me when you get caught." Though, ironically, drinking while underage would have probably been the least of Adam's worries if he were to have gotten himself arrested.

Akira tugged harder on his bangs before forcing himself to put the thought out of his mind. That's not what they were out here tonight for. Worries like that would just ruin the mood. They were here to have fun and he didn't need to be a wet blanket any more than he naturally was.

At Adam's question about going in or staying out, Akira looked to the eeveeloutions. "Uh, I wasn't sure if Happa and Anastasia wanted to go in with us or not. I didn't think a club would exactly be the ideal place for a pokemon." He raised a brow at Adam. "And I really hope you're not thinking of getting another piercing. I still don't see the novelty of it."

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:25 am
"A defense mechanism, huh?" Sera replied, still holding the conspiratorial posture. "Yep, that sounds about right for him."

She leaned back and set her hand on her hip - her other arm remained at her side - and frowned a bit. "Thanks, but sorry to say the place I got it done is closed now. I think I got it..." Her face twisted up into a thoughtful expression as she considered. "I think maybe five or six years ago now? A while ago," a wave of her hand dismissed it, "and the place closed a couple years ago. You'll have to find somewhere else if you want it done, but not to worry - there's plenty of piercing places in Camphoreon," she said with a mischievous grin, half to give information to Adam and half to tease Akira, who didn't seem too interested in his boyfriend getting another piercing.

At Akira's mock repulsion, Sera treated him to another show of her tongue because apparently she was, indeed, three. Wild, spoiled party animals? "Stuffy, boring stick-in-the-mud," she retorted cheerily, not a hint of malice in her tone or expression, and watched him continue to pull on his hair. He certainly seemed to do that a lot, didn't he? "You know, if you tug on your bangs any harder, Akira, you're going to tug them right out of your head."

Anya replied sincerely, looking between the three humans for a moment again before smiling at Happa. Happa mentioned Akira and Adam being more than friends, but now the humans were talking about going inside... without them?

Going in or staying out? Sera set her hand on her hip again as a soft frown crossed her face, and she peered down at the pair of Eeveelutions as Anastasia looked up at her with concern plain in her large blue eyes, then immediately darted forward to weave around her legs. "Ah, I don't know," she said as her brows knitted together a bit. "Anastasia doesn't like to be too far away from me, and even then, you want to just... leave them out here by themselves?"

While she had more to say to Happa and a lot to say, herself, the Umbreon found herself at a loss for words at the thought of separating from her trainer. Her ears sank back against her head as she pressed herself into Sera's leg, as if she could melt into her and stay attached to her forever.

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