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[PRP] 'Gon' Fishing

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:38 pm
"Fathom, use Surf! Scare the fish to the other side of the lake. Distance, use Bite against any that come your way! I'll try to help herd them in your direction from here."

Tymiko issued orders to her pokemon while treading water, gesturing when she could spare an arm. This was an exercise in teamwork as well as a training in techniques. It also happened to be their method of finding dinner. Having been sticking to the cities and towns for a while, Ty and her pokemon had been getting too used to simply just buying their food. Still, there was nothing like catching fresh fish and cooking it yourself over an open fire.

Distance snapped at the water viciously. She was reminded vaguely of the time when they had left Ty and before they found Ray. She and Fathom had had to forage for their own food, and while Fathom had once been wild, she had not. She was not used to hunting.

What was more, Fathom hadn't hunted for himself in a long while, let alone for another. Even while he had, that had been in the ocean, not the forest. He had gotten too used to the life of being a trainer's pokemon, so his memory and skills of hunting had been somewhat rusty.

Now, though, without the desperate need to keep themselves alive - Ty had some snacks if they really had nothing else to eat - it was more a fun activity than stressful. Both eeveeloutions were enjoying themselves stirring up the water and wild pokemon as much as Ty seemed to.

"Distance, good girl! There's one...oh, so close! Fathom, can you use another Surf attack? Then swim out to me and use Dive if you can, please. I think your camouflage will be good for sneaking up on our prey. Whoa, wait, not yet - !!" Not having anticipated her Vaporeon using Surf so soon, the girl got swept up in the wave. Her pokemon stared at the water and then at each other, uncertain of what to do.

((Sorry this took so long! Please let me know if there's anything I need to change <3))
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:38 pm
A small boy dressed in green shorts and a white tank top sat at the top of an out branching tree that sat just beyond the waters edge. with one had pressed to the tree trunk to keep balance on the branch as his wide brown eyes gazed out at the scene in the lake.
the other hand held a fishing pole leaned up against his shoulder with bate hook and bobby ready for fishing... something he couldn't really hope for as this point with all the commotion probably stressing out the fish, making them near impossible to catch with his particular method.
He wasn't upset though, if anything he was curious.

By his bare feet sat his boots, bag and coat. and as he watched a small green pokemon crawled down from the top of the tree, its hands gripping the tree as it made its way vertically down next to the boy, and glanced up.

As Gon continued to watch the girl ordering her pokemon to do different water attacks in order to capture pay, curious as to the method and hoping to learn from it, he didn't even blink when he saw one of the attacks sweep her up and drag her under and didn't return back up in a timely manner.
without so much as a hesitation the spiky haired boy took a running start along the branch, Pole still in hand, he caught the hook at the end of one of the branches, letting the line loose before leaping off with a help of the tree's flexibility and dove into the water after the girl who had been dragged under.  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:58 pm
Fathom was just about to go under to try to find his trainer when there was a splash from another part of the lake. He and Distance looked up to see what appeared to be a boy who had jumped into the water with a fishing pole still in hand.

her father warned. Waiting a couple more seconds while staring at the surface of the water, he said, and dove beneath the surface to find out what was going on with the humans.

He didn't think a boy so young could be trouble, but he also knew looks could be deceiving and he wanted to make sure the stranger meant his own trainer no harm.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:56 pm
The situation he had plunged himself into was real, his mouth closed tightly since breathing no longer an option, movement was restricted and vision reduced to blobbed shapes.
Lower he dove, kicking his little legs when the momentum of his dive teetered off. There was of course the possibility that the girl was fine, some people could hold their breath longer than the average person, maybe since she had water types she had trainer herself to hold her breath for longer periods of time.
There was just a gut feeling that Gon got the longer he had waited for her to surface, that even if she could hold her breath, something was off. He was willing to risk a little embarrassment in order to make sure that someone wasn’t going to just drown in the lake.

Treecko hopped off of the trunk of the tree and sprinted along the branch that his trainer had been standing on, burrowing his way through the tuft of leaves to lean over and peer down into the place that the twelve year old had disappeared.
For a while there was no movement over the surface of the water, the only indication that Gon was still searching was the tensing and twitching of the line that he had hooked onto the tree branch. Treecko watched it, his wide eyes unblinking as the line flicked and spontaneously went slack.

Very suddenly though the line went taught, and pulled so tightly that it bowed the branch it was fastened too nearly knocking the grass pokemon from the leaves.
“Tree Tree!” The Pokemon announced, leaping up from the leaches to perch himself next to the line, as seconds later the surface of the lake broke and a boy with now sopping black hair bowing on either side of his head launched his head out of the water and took in an audible gasp of air.
In front of him, with his arms wrapped around her torso under her arms was Tymiko, his hands gripping the rod tightly as he had reeled himself up to the surface, and now back toward the tree and shoreline.
Once he was able to stand in the shallow waters he dropped the rod, allowing to dangle alone where he left it, freeing up his hands to drag her up onto solid ground.  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:41 am
Regardless of how strong a swimmer was or how long she could hold her breath, Tymiko was in trouble. Neither of those things mattered while she was unconscious. When the wave from Fathom's Surf attack had hit her, a stray piece of drifting wood caught her on the back of her head, knocking her out. She drifted deeper into the lake, her body limp as the remainder of the Surf's current swept it along. At least until Gon found it.

Distance had, in the meantime, hurried over to the tree in which the Treecko watched the fishing line, pacing anxiously at its base. When the Grass-type almost knocked him down, the Umbreon yelped in concern, ready to catch the lizard pokemon if need be. He seemed to have it under control, though, and as she watched, both of their trainers emerged from the lake not long after. Fathom followed in their wake, trailing them as Gon pulled Tymiko to shore.

When they reached land, the Vaporeon pressed against the girl in an attempt to relieve her rescuer of some of her dead weight. He wasn't sure how strong the boy or his fishing equipment was, but even so, the weight of the water drenching them combined with the exhaustion from the boy's efforts couldn't have made it any easier. Distance hesitated, wondering if she should help too, but Fathom shook his head at her as soon there no longer seemed to be a need. Tymiko began to cough violently as she took in fresh air, forcing inhaled water out of her lungs to displace it.

She put out her palms to hold herself up off the ground and coughed up all the water she could. Then, fatigued, she rolled onto her back and lay in the muddy, soggy soil of the lake shore, trying to catch her breath. Fathom, glad to see Ty seemed alright, looked Gon over for any damage just in case. Distance, meanwhile, was regarding the Treecko curiously, wondering if he would come down so she could thank him along with his trainer.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:22 am
Gon hovered over the girl for the few seconds she remained motionless, his eyes wide, starting at her and wondering how he should get her to start breathing again. The Pokemon who joined them from the water gathered around as well, Gon glanced at them once before the sound of violent coughing and water being expelled from the girls lungs caught his ears.

The boy let out a breath of relief, "Hey, miss, are you okay?" He asked, pushing himself up to his feet so that he was crouching by the girl.
At the same time, the Treecko, having abandoned the line in the tree, dropped from the branches, right onto the boy's back where it scrambled up to his head to stare down at the girl. and around at the pokemon.  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:08 pm
Still breathing hard, Ty turned her head to look at Gon when he addressed her and gave him a weary smile. "Yeah...thanks to you," she said between breaths. After coughing a few more times and gradually being able to breathe more regularly, she forced herself to sit up. Fathom and Distance sat by her side, though Distance was still eyeing the Treecko that perched on its trainer's back.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I caused," she told them all. "I think something in the water hit me when Fathom sent that wave. Fathom's my Vaporeon," Tymiko explained, gesturing to him before continuing. "I didn't realize anyone else was around here. I guess I'm lucky you were, though!"

Holding out a hand, she beamed and said, "I'm Tymiko. That's Fathom and that's his daughter, Distance. What's your name?"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:53 pm
"Oh- Yeah I was watching from that tree there." Gon explained, pointing up to where he had been standing.
"When you didn't come up, I thought something might have gone wrong."

The boy's face lit up, smiling with a youthful brightness back at the girl, reaching out to take her hand into his with a firm handshake "My name is Gon! And my partner, Treecko."
The small pokemon lifted a hand from where he was still perched on the boy's sopping hair.
"No trouble! Since you weren't hurt, it was kind of exciting, don't you think?"
He added, looking from the girl to give a grin of greeting to the pokemon with her.  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:42 pm
"Oh. That was really sharp of you. Not to mention brave and quick-thinking. I'd bet you'd make an excellent lifeguard," she remarked. "Do you like spending time in trees a lot?" It may have been an odd question to ask, but as someone who often enjoyed climbing trees herself, Ty was happy at the prospect of meeting a fellow tree-climber. The fact that the boy had a Treecko only seemed to support her guess.

"Nice to meet you; Gon, Treecko" the girl said, admiring the brilliance that seemed to emit from the other trainer and the firmness of his handshake. She grinned and raised her hand in response to the Grass-type's as Fathom casually waved his tail and Distance gave a friendly call.

Gon's comment about the event being exciting caused Tymiko to tilt her head, regarding him more seriously. Her smile slowly broadened. "Yeah, I do think so. Adventures like that are what make life interesting and fun. I like to believe in that saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I haven't met many others who feel the same way, though."

She shrugged. "Maybe it's just me, but lots of the other people I've met seem to be too scared or worried to see the vitality and the positive things that can come from close calls like just now. Grown-ups, mostly. Maybe they've just forgotten what it's like to not worry so much."
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:29 pm
"A lifeguard?" He hadn't heard of that before, but if he had to guess, it was someone who guarded life... that sounded pretty cool to him. "Maybe, Can you be a Lifeguard in the KSO? Because that's what I'm going to be." He explained matter of factually.
"I like them yeah, They're high up and its easy to see long distance in them."
Gon pushed himself up right, holding his hand out to help Tymiko stand "I grew up around a lot of trees,"

Treecko hopped off of Gon's shoulders, landing next to the boy as he meandered over to the other pokemon, his eyes moving up to Gon though as he crouched down.

A Grin reformed on his face at her comments about Adventures and becoming strong "And I have to become much stronger! I know there is a lot that I'm going to have to face, so I better be ready!"
Forehead furrowed lightly as he wore a thoughtful expression "I guess you could be right, I haven't really met anyone like that yet, Treecko and I only just started our adventure anyway,"  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:54 pm
"The KSO?" Tymiko repeated. "Oh, cool. Good for you! The lifeguards I know of are usually associated with making sure swimmers don't drown in pools or other public bodies of water. I'm sure you could be a different kind as a KSO officer, though." She'd never really thought about it herself. Something as organized and restricting as the KSO didn't interest her much. Vaguely she wondered what Ray thought of it.

When she heard the boy's reasons for liking trees, she nodded. "Yeah, I love being high up, too! Are you from Sandalwood? Last I checked, their whole village was built up in the trees." She gratefully took his hand and expressed her thanks before attempting to brush off what mud and dirt she could from her clothes and body.

Distance remarked to Treecko, remembering the place.

Just then, a small breeze blew and Tymiko realized how cold it was out of the water as her teeth began to chatter. Ears perking at this, Fathom looked back across the lake at the bush behind which Ty had hidden her belongings. Without waiting another second, he dove in to go after them, hoping to get his trainer's towel and dry clothes.

Distance, who recalled that her father was slower on land than he was in water and that he had probably forgotten he couldn't come back the way he had gone, scampered along the shoreline after him. Aside from it being fun to race her father there, she could bring Tymiko's things back to her while keeping them dry. Besides, Fathom would need help bringing along the dinner they had caught, too.

"Whoa, wait! Guys, where are you - " She paused, seeing the area where they were headed for on the other side of the lake. "Oh. Thank you!" she called after them, not sure they could hear her. Oh well. She would make sure to thank them properly once they returned. Besides, she already had someone else she had to worry about thanking properly. What could she do to make it up to him for saving her life?!

Listening to Gon, Tymiko thought it over. "That's good," she commented, wondering if maybe she had a more extreme view of closed-minded people. "I was wondering, Gon...are you determined to go on this quest alone? I mean I know you have Treecko and your other pokemon, obviously, but I mean without any other human companions."
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:38 pm
"Uhhh that sounds a little..." Gon paused to think of the right word "like its not enough." He lifted a finger "I want to do all kinds of different things. I'm sure my dad isn't just sitting somewhere making sure people don't drown." He blinked at the idea and shrugged.

"I'm from Wailord island!" He tilted his head "I haven't been to sandalwood yet, I've heard of it a lot at the trainer center, but I can't go there just yet. Someday Treecko and I will go though."
He seemed to have no doubt about that. "Are you from Kodo?"

Treecko let off a small little chuckle, rubbing his head with a small grin He sighed

As Ty and her pokemon turned their attention to getting her belongings, Gon turned to look quickly over at his rod that was still hanging from the string on the branch.
"Alone?" Gon asked, wading out into the water to catch a hold of the dangling rod. Pausing to glance over his shoulder at her as he flicked it to try and release the hook.
"I met some really cool people on the way here too! It would have been nice to hang out with them a little more, but it just didn't seem to work out that way." He said with a smile to show that it didn't bother him. "there was this boy named Drayce on the boat, really tall, and looking for adventure. And then there was this other boy named Killua I met during a scam test. He was so cool!"  


Supreme Roisterer


PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:25 pm
"Oh, neat! You're training hard to become like your dad, then?" she asked, aware of the mention of the boy's parents for the first time. "Is he a part of the KSO?"

"Wailord Island," Ty repeated thoughtfully, curious. She couldn't remember having heard of it before, but it definitely sounded like a place full of adventure. Then again, as far as she was concerned, most islands did. "Well, I hope you get to go sometime soon. I'm sure you'd love it. Even for people who aren't especially fond of trees, it's an amazing experience."

Beaming at his question about her origins, she shook her head. "I started my Pokemon journey in Kanto. Kodo's quickly become one of my favorite regions I've visited so far, though. There's so much to do and it never seems to be too peaceful because so much seems to go on."

Distance and Fathom were back in a few minutes, each dragging some of Tymiko's things or fish caught for dinner while trying to keep them from trailing in the shore mud. Once they had set the belongings someplace dry, Distance went back to sit by Treeko.

Fathom curled up by Tymiko as she wrapped herself in a towel he'd brought and pet his head gratefully. She watched Gon fetch his rod and try to free the line as he continued to talk. "Yeah, it's hard to spend time together when everyone's travelling everywhere," she agreed. "But that's why it's nice to get pokegear numbers so we can keep in touch and meet up later. Drayce, huh? And Killua? Now I want to meet them, too! Even just their names sound exciting," she commented, laughing. "Would you like some fish for dinner? I think we caught enough for us all to share. It's the least I can do after you saved me."

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