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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:46 pm
Finally, finally they'd seen fit to promote him. About time, he couldn't help but think - 'only two months' he'd thought, but that obviously hadn't happened. It was a minimum, not a guarantee, and the fact he'd taken three and a half only proved he wasn't nearly as useful to Team Rocket as he'd hoped. While he was improving a bit - he'd found a department where he thought he could be the most useful and knew how to properly train his pokemon for battle - that didn't mean too much in the long run, and so he had a lot of room for further improvement. Why else would it have taken them so long to promote him?

His promotion involved the exchanging of uniforms and moving to a new room - one that he didn't have to share with seven other people - and so after receiving his room assignment the newly promoted grunt headed there directly. With two small bags slung over his shoulder, a few new-looking grunt uniforms in one arm and is rocket 'dex in his other hand, Sync maneuvered through the grunt dorm halls for a bit before halting in front of one. Holding up his 'dex for a moment, he glanced briefly between the room assignment on the device and the room number of the door, then without bothering to consider if there was anyone inside already or not, he held his 'dex against the panel on the door until a soft beep emanated from it, followed swiftly by the sound of the door unlocking, so he reached forward with a few fingers on that hand to try the handle. Though he fumbled a bit around his 'dex, he managed to successfully open the door within the precious few seconds he had to do so before it automatically locked again.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:45 am

KO, who was seated cross legged on his bed, looked up from the seam he was stitching with a brief frown. Oh well, so much for his privacy, that 'beep' could only mean that somebody had arrived to move into the other bunk. KO sighed internally and put on a faint quizzical smile, if he was going to have to live with this person for an indeterminate period of time he didn't want to get off on the wrong foot.

The room that would greet Sync was clearly one that somebody with some flare had made feel like home. There were stone coloured drapes on two of the walls and as there were no windows for them to frame attractively they framed a full length mirror on one wall (opposite Sync) and an abstract art print on the other (beside KO's bed). The third wall had been left blank and the bed set against it was covered in a dust sheet; KO had thought about putting drapes up that side too but had eventually decided against it, he'd already taken up the whole back wall with his own personality and imposing further hadn't seemed like the best way to introduce himself to whoever ended up sharing with him.

Besides the wall decorations there were a couple of potted plants - one either side of the mirror - and then standard furniture, though KO had replaced the standard issue bedding with a nicer grade cotton in a deep purple that complimented the drapes nicely.

The door swung open and KO, still smiling quizzically, opened he mouth to speak. "Well hello, you must be- Oh! Well fancy seeing you here?" The trainee from the dininghall. Rude, as KO recalled. Well he was just going to have to make the best of it, the green-haired young man couldn't be totally immune to his charms!


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:09 am
Well, he had known the grunt rooms had two person per room and had been told his new room already had an occupent, so it wasn't that much of a surprise to see him sitting there. It was a bit of a surprise to see the same grunt who had pestered him in the dining hall, and doing... something with fabric - sewing? - at that. The urge to comment with snark was quite high, but Sync wasn't entirely sure such a response would be smart in the long run. Instead he opted for a less offensive, "Oh, it's you," in the same tones one would say 'oh, the sun is out today' or 'oh, the grass is green today'; without malice or complaint, but with a healthy dose of indifference.

He stepped inside the room and closed the door with his foot, given his hands were still full, and he took a moment to actually look around the room. The trainee dorm he'd spent the last couple months in looked similar at its core, and yet this room was decorated in a more mature way than the cheap posters his old roommates had put up in various places around their room. It wasn't awful at all - he could only be glad he hadn't gotten stuck with someone who'd decorate in a gaudy manner or with atrocious colors - and so he had no complaint. It was a bit odd to walk in the door and immediately see himself - or rather, his reflection - on the opposite wall, but whatever.

The brief moment of inspection passed and Sync's gaze swept back to KO to finish his original sentence, "Your new roommate, that's right." He paused to head towards what he assumed was his desk in order to dump his new uniforms on it and to remove his bag from his shoulder, and asked while doing so, "So did they tell you you'd get a roommate today?"
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:23 am
It could be a lot worse, KO decided. A lot. He could have ended up with Star, or Clancy, or even that girl from the training mission who he'd spoken all of a handful of angry words to but he had built up in his head as an unbearable airhead who sapped your IQ just by standing within ten feet of you.

"Possibly," KO responded, setting his sewing aside and fetching his 'dex from the little table beside his bed. Sure enough there was a notification, but it had only been sent half an hour ago. "Mmh, yes I got an automated message about half an hour ago it seems but it wasn't tagged as urgent so it didn't buzz through my silent setting. They do like to give one advanced notice! If I'd known earlier I'd have taken the dust sheet off the bunk for you at least, maybe put out some housewarming drinks," KO drawled with a slight smile and a small shrug. "Perhaps they like to give us surprises to keep our days from becoming too monotonous."


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:38 am
"A whole half hour? How nice of them," Sync replied with a smirk and a healthy dose of sarcasm. Still, that sounded like about how long ago they'd given him his new room assignment. They had to have known before that though, and just didn't send a notice any earlier for some reason. Oh well. "I can do that myself, and the only 'housewarming drinks' I'd be interested in would be alcohol," he commented with his smirk still present as he picked up his 'dex and tapped at it to pull up his room assignment again. Even if he were serious - which the newly promoted grunt suspected the other man was merely just joking - he'd probably have just set out some water or soda or something like that. "They at least told me someone else was already here, just not who." Surprises indeed.

Abandoning his 'dex on top of his small pile of stuff atop his desk, Sync made good on his word of being able to do it himself and stepped over to pull the dust sheet off his bed and wadded it up in a ball. The mattress underneath lay bare and without any sheets or bedding on it, so the grunt turned to KO as he tossed the dust sheet ball over his shoulder into the far corner of the room by the door - on his own side of the room - and queried, "Are there sheets or anything in here, or do I need to go get them from somewhere else?" Maybe they had a huge storage closet full of various types of bedding or something?
PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:14 am
"Is there any other kind of housewarming drink? If there is, I don't want to know about it," KO said with a smirk, unfolding himself languidly from the bed and padding over to the mini fridge that sat beside the desk he'd wedged into his corner of the room. "Your bedding's in the closet on the left, my things are on the right," KO continued as he fetched out a bottle of vodka, which he held up for inspection. "Do you take your drinks straight or mixed? I've got some coke in here too, or I can do ice." KO indicated a little spout on the side of the mini fridge. A careful observer would probably notice that while the bottle of vodka was dewy with condensation, the mini fridge wasn't actually plugged into anything.  


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:17 pm
"Damn straight," the grunt replied with feeling and a grin that still somehow seemed to look like a smirk. While KO moved about their room, Sync turned to open and subsequently rummage through the closet for the aforementioned bedding. He paused a moment at KO's question and turned his head to glance at the bottle of vodka, and took only a moment or two to consider it. "Mixed," he replied, "I don't want to get drunk tonight." Turning back to the task at hand, he found the sheets on the left, as his new roommate had said, on the top shelf, which he did his absolute best to reach without standing on his toes. Once he fetched them, he kicked the closet door closed with his foot, unfolded the bedding by grabbing one end and gracelessly shaking it out over and somewhat onto the floor, then set about making his bed. Had he paid more attention to KO and his mini fridge, he wouldn't have noticed anything out of the ordinary given he would in all likelihood have assumed it was plugged into an outlet it was also sitting in front of, thus obscuring it from view.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:37 am
KO nodded. "Fair enough." He shouldn't either, he had an early shift tomorrow and being hungover in a chem lab was not the most fun experience in the world. It was with some reluctance therefore that after pouring a single measure for Sync he poured only a single for himself as well before topping the pair up with coke. "Ice?" he asked a moment later, reaching for a bottle of water and holding his own glass under the spout on the side as he poured some of the water into a hole above the spout. The mini fridge whirred and buzzed for a few seconds before depositing a few ice cubes into the glass.  


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:34 pm
As KO went about preparing drinks in silence, Sync was content to leave it be as he knelt on his bed to tuck in the ends against the wall, then with the bottom sheet finished he grabbed the top sheet and shook it out over the partially-made bed. "Hm?" What did he say - ice? "Oh, sure," he replied as he tucked in the ends of the last sheet, briefly wondering about and then dismissing his new roommate's noisy mini fridge as he made a token attempt to spread the top sheet more evenly across the surface of the bed. Once finished, he straightened up with his hands on his hips to survey his work: Rather uneven, wrinkled, and lumpy, with the pillow at an angle from him throwing it there at the end. Satisfied with it, he turned and grabbed his bag to rummage through it, pulling out a handful of pokeballs that found a temporary home atop his bed. He opened the closet door again, dropped his bag at his feet and began to pull out and hang up his clothes - a single hoodie, a handful of shirts, and just a few pairs of jeans - before tossing the empty bag in the corner and grabbing the uniforms from his desk in order to hang those up next.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 1:24 pm
Woooow, real talkative! No different to what he'd seen in the dinginghall though and it was better than some airhead who ran their mouth off with every little thing that popped into their bubble head. KO added ice to Sync's drink and put it down for him on the little table by his terribly made bed; seriously, who could sleep in something like that? KO wasn't exactly used to the finer things in life but he did love luxury and so he always made the very best he could of what he had, including making sure his sheets were always perfectly smoothed.

"You certainly don't take up much of the closet," he commented aloud, making a languid gesture to it with his free hand. He then raised his own drink with the other and added; "Congratulations on making it out of the red then, I hated being a trainee. My dorm mates were... not exactly friendly, and a couple were not especially familiar with personal hygiene either." He really did want to be an Agent as soon as he possibly could, Sync seemed so far like he might be a bearable roommate but he would much prefer to have his own space. It was alright for kids to share rooms but he was over thirty - ugh! - and very much sick and tired of having to share his space.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:43 am
After hanging up a shirt Sync paused to glance at KO's half of the closet - he'd have to be dead to not notice how full to bursting it was - and he smirked as he hung up a pair of pants beside the shirt. "And it looks like you take up a lot of the closet," he countered, amusement clear in his voice. From what little he knew of his new roommate, he seemed like the type who enjoyed having things and living in style, judging from the fashionable decor and well-made clothes he could see right in front of him. He had to wonder if KO had even more somewhere since it seemed like he'd run out of room in his half of the closet. The grunt had a sneaking suspicion where the conversation was going, but he had absolutely no desire to bring it there himself; if KO wanted some of Sync's space in the closet, he could ask himself or wimp out and settle for what space he had -- and had already filled. With his uniforms tended to, he grabbed one last outfit - a black one with green trim, the design of which looked foreign and didn't match the style of his other clothes - and hung it up in the back of his half of the closet. It wasn't like he'd be wearing that again anytime soon.

With his clothes tended to, Sync shoved the few pairs of footwear he had - boots for his uniform, some black boots that seemed like they matched the one foreign outfit he had, and the pair of sneakers he took a moment then to kick off his feet - into a corner of the closet, then closed the door for the second time. There. His meager possessions sufficiently unpacked, the grunt stepped over to his messy bed and furthered its messiness by sitting atop it, prompting more wrinkles to form, and reached for the drink KO made for him. "Heh, well thanks," he said with a hint of sarcasm, "it's about time. Mine were idiots - and I think just one of them smelled awful."
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:36 am
It was quite tempting to make a joke about how he loved to make use of closets but had never had any truck with being in one, but after a little consideration he decided against it. Until he knew Sync a little better jokes like that were probably best not made....

Humm, and that was an interesting outfit he had there! If he could get a closer look at it he might be able to identify the style as something other than 'foreign' but as it was he only got a glance. Maybe he'd sneak a look later on. "I can't deny that," KO agreed with a languid shrug and a smirk. "I could really do with at least twice the space, I've got more clothes in the trunk under my bed but it's really not the ideal environment for them." Humm. He hadn't wanted to take up the space of a hypothetical roommate but now he had an actual one he supposed he could ask. "If you're not going to use more of the closet yourself could I persuade you to allow me to do so?"

About time, Sync said. How long had he spent as a trainee in the end then? KO had to internally confess that he had slightly lost track of time in general since returning to base, not that he knew when the man had been recruited in the first place but even if he had he would have had to sit and think for a bit to figure it out. Losing a month of your life to being dead sure did throw you for a loop. KO shuddered internally as the invasive thought popped into his mind again but managed to keep himself from physically shivering; he headed back to his bed and sat down with his drink to take a few sips. It wasn't like it mattered, he was alive now so who cared what had happened right?


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:19 pm
Ah, and there it was. At least he had the balls to speak up and ask for what he wanted. Sync's smirk widened a bit but hid it behind his glass as he raised it to take a sip of his drink. Mmm, alcohol. "Maybe," he replied, amusement dancing in his features. "Depends on your persuasion." While the newly promoted grunt pointedly left it unclear whether he actually wanted anything or not, but given his level of amusement the odds were leaning towards 'not.'  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 11:08 am

KO turned back to Sync with his head slightly tilted and a thoughtful half smile on his lips. "My persuasion, humm? Well I could make your uniforms actually fit you for a start, they're just so unflattering off the peg don't you find? And sleeves the wrong length are a hassle as well as a stylistic disaster. Or if you prefer I could pay for the space in alcohol." Until he knew his new roommate a little better the best he could do was generic offers like that. It was possible that Sync would give him a steer of course but from the look of amusement on the kid's face perhaps the game of making him guess at what he might want was more valuable than any possible bribe for wardrobe space.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:03 pm
Hmm; clothing or alcohol? And based on the level of detail he went into regarding the clothing compared to the alcohol, it was obvious which one his new roommate placed more stock in. Not that he needed his response to tell; he'd already seen KO's half of the closet. Why did he need so many clothes?

Similarly, KO had already seen Sync's half of the closet and how few clothes he had, and quite possibly could draw similar, opposite conclusions about him. "Just two options?" He asked, eyebrows raising a bit before he took another sip of his drink. While he didn't need nor want anything originally, the offer of alcohol was tempting; he wasn't sure if there was alcohol on base, or if there was an age limit on it (he guessed not), but he knew he couldn't get anything off-base anymore until his next birthday. Stupid age laws... Oh well. Game over early, he supposed. "I couldn't care less about uniforms," he admitted honestly with a shrug, "but I'll take alcohol as payment." So saying, he used his free hand to wave away at the closet for his roommate, a silent 'go ahead, have at it' that KO could act on immediately if he so chose; Sync didn't much care if he did or not.

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