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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:22 pm
(Semi RP for the purpose that only trainers and officers who have a reason to be in or around the KSO can be involved in this portion of the RP. Thank you)

It was hard to decide just how she felt about anything anymore, from her relationships to her job. None of it was particularly fun anymore, despite robotics being the main cause of distraction to her.
The less she had to think about how much she actually hated everything, the less she had to dwell on just how much she hated everything, a now deep and bitter feeling that had been festering inside of her for the past few months.
Her once neat and tidy world had been thrown completely on its head, and while she would like to believe that it was because of one single action of ending her partner’s career and freedom in Team Rocket she knew it was a buildup of so much more than that. The years have taught her time and time again that trusting people was always, and will always be a mistake. These people were not your friends, they were not something you can depend on or trust. Only the worse part of all of this, is that she couldn’t decide if she was actually upset over the fact that she had not learned her lesson the first time, or if she was disappointed that she had finally lost anyone she could consider herself close to. That maybe a part of her wanted to be able to trust someone again.
Either way, she understood that it was better this way. Better for work, better for the team better for HER team. She still had her work, and in the end it was one thing that never let her down.
Work was good, work was as productive as ever, and it was still the only thing she could bring herself to look forward to, to pull her out of bed, to keep going with her back straight.

When she worked there was no time to dwell on other thoughts, and on that particular day… even though she kept her mind clear, she did her job the way she was supposed to…
Then something went wrong.
It’s to be expected, from time to time, for things to go wrong. It was all part of the process, the trick was to manage the mishaps, make sure to anticipate it, keep it minimal, keep it contained. No big mess, no big trouble, then fix it.
Only the rumors would be heard throughout the HQ, that the labs had a mishap, a big one. No one knows quite what happened, but that a joined project with the bio and tech labs ended in significant equipment damage and two of the scientists in the infirmary.
An investigation as to the cause of the incident was started with a great feeling of stress and urgency over what may have happened, and the scientists and tech’s involved were returned to their normal routines with the weight of knowing that they had messed up… big time

It was the pokemon who noticed that something was off first, something was very off. But seeing as they were literal slaves to the balls that their master held there was little they could do about it when they had been recalled.
It was co-workers who noticed something next… though with the mood their lead robotasist had been in, they weren’t sure if this was normal for her, or if she was just going through something after the mishap and loss of data in the labs.

Two Days Later-

One couldn’t call the weather cold… the shade was cold maybe! But the sun that managed to streak down from around the tall buildings of Camphoreon city was still warm and pleasant on the skin whenever she managed to walk through its rays.
Not that there was much skin exposed, aside from her face, her body was pretty well protected by a long flowing coat, with metal clips around her forearms and neck, the dark almost glinting material billowing as she walked, the light from the sun gleaming off of a white top and skirt, eventuating a large red R sprawled along her breast. Gray booths thudded heavily against the concrete, wide steps not faltering in the slightest despite the number of bystander heads stopping to turn as she passed by, arms swaying by her side with her stride.
Without much of a worry on her grinning features, her thoughts were mostly on pondering if she liked the cool shade of the skyscrapers more or the warmth of the sun.
Deciding eventually that both had their appeal, especially when stepping in from one to the other, just in time for her to reach her hand out, fumbling at a door handle for a few seconds, before pulling it open.
Faleen Ewell, Team Rocket Agent stepped into the offices of the Kodo special Operations, striding past the front desk, where the secretary stood balking, and to the main offices area.
“So.” The women said with a growing grin over her face, one arm leaning on a nearby desk, while the other places up onto her hip.
“Who wants some information?”  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:16 pm
Her day had started out so well. She'd slept in, had coffee, trained her pokemon for a bit, and had ridden Luna around to the KSO office to see if one of her best friends were there. Of course she could simply just text him and ask, but what fun was there in that? Anya followed at her heels as the brunette entered the building and headed back towards the offices where she knew the officers to be, and came to an abrupt halt as a foreign figure, someone who without any doubt should not have been there, was there. It had been a long time, of course, but she remembered that voice, and her hair - so similar to Rosie and yet so different, how could they even be related? How could her sweet, innocent best friend be related to such a horrible person?

It took Sera a minute to realize she'd been staring, open-mouthed and dumbfounded, at the Rocket in the middle of the office. She found it hard to breathe, found herself quickly scanning the Rocket for any signs of weapons or those electrifying gloves she'd had last time, but the large coat she wore made it hard to tell. Anya had halted beside her, the fur along her back raised as she stared at Faleen, ready to act. Granted there wasn't much the Umbreon could do, but she was prepared all the same.

Finally finding her voice, Sera balled her only hand into a fist and glared as she asked in angry, practically accusing tones, "What are you doing here?"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:28 pm
The room was silent for a long time after Faleen had stepped in and made her announcement, Though through the dumbfounded looks of the officers and trainers in the room, Faleen's grin didn't once falter. In fact she simply looked around half expectantly, as if waiting for any one of them to reply and take up her offer,

When someone did respond though, her grin took on a more confused look. Hazel eyes flicking over to Sera.
"Oh... Oh I'm sorry, was I not clear? Hold on give me a second. I'll try again."
a moment passed as the women seemed to contemplate her words.
"who here... like any of you. Who of all of all of you, or as an organization as a whole... more to my meaning, wants information- from me. Me standing here." she said gesturing to herself "about Team Rocket. who here wants information about Team Rocket." She finished, arching her eyebrows up and pausing for a moment when she was done.
"There, was... was that better? More clear?"

as far as what was visible on the women, she had no weapons on her. in fact her entire belt, along with the strap usually on her thigh was completely missing, the pokeballs included. It would appear she walked into the building completely disarmed... aside from her gloves that present parties in the room might have a second concern about.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:53 pm
As Faleen turned and responded to her in not at all the way Sera expected, the girl's brows knitted in confusion. Was she serious? Why was she behaving this way? This wasn't at all the quiet, serious trainer she'd briefly spent some time with in Kanto, nor the angry assailant that had temporarily incapacitated half a dozen people, shot her and pistolwhipped her best friend. This was... what was this? Confusion gave her pause, made her re-think what was going on, but at the end of her train of thought she found herself just as bewildered as before.

"No - yes - no, I mean, why," she clarified, fighting to stay calm when there was a wanted criminal standing before her, a wanted criminal who could very well assault her again. Sera had no idea if Faleen's gloves this time were electrified or not, but she absolutely did not want to find out. At least the Rocket didn't look like she had a gun on her this time, nor her pokemon, though looks could be deceiving.

Taking at least some solace in the fact that she was in an office full of KSO officers and therefore not totally alone, Sera found a bit of courage to add, "Why are you here asking who wants information? Is this some sort of trick?"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:53 pm
Her shoulder sagged suddenly, enough so that her hand fell off of her hip.
"Because I want something in return." She said "Why else?"
Again she paused and looked around the room, to the girl who was speaking her seemed to be the only one bothering to talk, and she didn't even have the same uniform as the other officers in the room.
"Or you know, If you guys aren't interested then I guess I can go somewhere else."

Her eyes widened lightly as a few people pushed themselves to their feet abruptly, causing Faleen to stop in the middle of turning around.
"I guess no one really trained any of you to deal with a Rocket Agent walking into your main office huh? So are... any of you going to bother doing anything? Or am I going to walk out with my brain full of information and my hard drives of proof?"

Faleen leveled her gaze onto Sera, the girl who bothered saying anything to begin with "So?"  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:46 pm
She... wanted something? Sera narrowed her eyes suspiciously, frowning at the woman. Was it some sort of trick...? Why was she there offering information, and what could they possibly have that she wanted? The Rocket made a good point - a very, very good point. None of the people that actually worked there seemed to be doing anything, aside from quick whispers or just gawping. Were they all just secretaries or something, handling paperwork or other boring desk jobs while all the officers with the strong teams of pokemon were all out? Was that what was going on right now? A sudden pang of fear struck Sera as that thought occurred to her. What if that was true? What if there wasn't anyone here that was qualified to handle this sort of situation? What if she was the only one with a decent team of pokemon with her?

As Faleen moved as if to leave, the brunette found herself unable to stop her, unable to stand between her and the door. She wasn't actually leaving, though, which was good - Sera wasn't sure she'd be able to stop her if she tried. She opened her mouth to speak but it took her a moment or two to find her voice again. Maybe it was just as scared as she was. "What, um, what sort of information do you have?" Whatever it was, it sounded like she had actual, physical proof - in a manner of speaking - but how much of it was real? Could they trust that any of it was real, or was she just faking it for some reason? "And... What is it that you want?"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:56 pm
A few of the Officers had gotten up and left the room in a semi hurry. Faleen watched them go with a growing smile over her face, looking back to the brunette who was talking to her,
A brief laugh "Moooore like What don't I know! I was a trusted Rocket Agent! I've got locations! passwords, names, faces, I've got all the tech specs you could think of and future plans. You wanna know it I've most likely got it," She announced holding her hands open and taking a step further into the room, a broader smirk spreader over her face "Maybe for the right price? What I want is firstly, an out. I want protection, equipment, all of the usual after betraying an organization like Team Rocket."

This was kind of fun, watching the people around her standing in dumbfounded shock, and from this brunette... well she could smell the fear off of this one.
It was kinda nice knowing you held the kind of power over people even if you were standing in the lair of the enemy.
"Are you going to be able to get those things for me?" she asked Seraphine.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:29 pm
That... sounded like a lot. Did she really know all that much? Well, as far as she knew, Faleen had been in Team Rocket for a long time and thus had a long time to gain as much knowledge as she probably had, so probably...? "Firstly?" Sera echoed, then ventured, "Secondly?" She'd said 'firstly' which implied there was more she wanted, beyond just protection or equipment or whatever else. What else did she want?

"Uh," Sera eloquently replied to the Rocket's question, feeling another pang of fear as she felt herself put even more on the spot - especially as some of the officers left the room. Now there were even less people around, and that only succeeded in making her feel less safe. Why had they left? Weren't they supposed to deal with situations like this? Did no one have their pokemon or something? "Me? I can't," the brunette replied with a shake of her head, hoping that such a statement wouldn't be met with any kind of violent response. "I don't work here, I'm just a trainer. But they probably can?" She hazarded, pale green eyes flicking from Faleen to the various faces around the room, silently shoving the responsibility off on them. She wasn't about to make promises she couldn't keep, not to this woman.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 5:56 pm
Faleen closed her hands, lowering them to her side as she watched Sera with arched eyebrows. "Okay..."

Seemingly taken completely off guard by the brazen Rocket, most of the Officers who were on duty that day had thought that maybe this was a joke, a very ill fitting prank for someone to dress up like a Rocket and come walking into the KSO Offices.
A few had already headed off to alert their superiors of the incident, while a few others still at the desks hurried to check the KSO’s database.
While Faleen spoke with Sera, one of the officers came upon the information they had been looking for, and with a start forced themselves out of their seat so quickly that it knocked the chair they were on completely over.
The officers standing around the computer hurried to look what they had been reacting too.

“Please stay where you are and put your hands in the air.” The officers said in a calm tone, the one tall brunette who had approached the computer second said, holding a hand out toward the Rocket, and approaching with caution.

“Ah here we go.” Faleen said with renewed delight, holding her hands up “I’ve come unarmed, and without a fight.”

“Remove both of your gloves” the Officer added

For a moment Faleen looked perplexed by the order, her brow knitting and a slight tilt to her head, before understanding suddenly dawned on her.
“Ooohhhh, Aha, wow that was an oversight on my part.” She announced with an apologetic laugh. Reaching out to shed the gloves from her scarred hands and placing them onto the desk next to her before returning her hands to the air.
“All better. Right?”

She didn’t put up a fight as they cuffed her, she didn’t even miss a step when they searched her for more weapons, and then lead her off to the side rooms.  
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:52 pm

Sera heard that word and involuntarily tensed. What else could it be but a precursor to something unpleasant? 'Okay, enjoy having another bullet lodged into your torso' or maybe 'okay, I'm gonna electrocute you now' or maybe even 'okay, I'm going to sic my frightening, powerful pokemon on you and they'll tear you apart and eat you alive'? Something, something was coming, she just didn't--

The sharp clattering of a chair toppling over backwards onto the floor made her jump as her heart shot up into her throat, and she barely felt Anya press herself against her trainer's leg to stay close to her, but what happened wasn't what she'd been expecting. No, it was what she'd been hoping for this whole time, for the officers to actually do something. It seemed one of them finally got the hint that this was serious - or maybe finally found the balls to do something - and before she could really process what was happening, Faleen took off her gloves, was handcuffed, and led away to another room. Sera let out a shaky breath she hadn't known she was holding as the tension in her body slowly ebbed, and for a long moment all she could do was stand there and remember how to breathe, and remind herself that she was okay, that she hadn't almost died, everything was fine.

She knelt down to pull her Umbreon into her arms, then once she felt like she could function again, pulled out her phone to text her best friends.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:15 pm
All the while Faleen was lead into the back rooms she kept a mild smile on her face, quite odd for a person in her position to remain as calm as she was. The white clad Agent looked out of place among the brown coats of the officers, though hardly any they passed in the halls could match the confidence of her poise and wide pace.

Casually she glanced around as they lead her through the building, complying with the leads given, though as they stopped in her one of the room, they took a moment before leaving to try and remove the metal clips around her arms and neck that seemed to be holding the coat into place. Only to be met with dismal failure.
“How to you remove this?” the tall brunette officer asked after a few moments of fiddling.

Faleen looked up at him with pleasant expression and simply replied “Oh- You don’t.”

Not taking that for an answer; the next half hour was spent trying and continuing to fail in removing the clips from the women’s arm. Finally, with ideas fresh out the Officers left the Agent in the locked surveillance room, cuffed to the table.

Well this certainly was interesting, Faleen thought to herself as she glanced around the room, studying it. And eight foot by Ten foot room, approximately, no windows, one door, and of course the mirror sprawling the majority of the wall she was facing.
Faleen gave her reflection a glance over, tilting her head from side to side a couple of times before grinning at herself, or even possibly the people that might be on the other side.
Weird reflection, it would take some getting used to that- And then there was these- Faleen fidgeted her hands, the feeling of cold metal binding her wrists and keeping their range of motion to a minimal.
she tapped, pulled and rattled at the metal cuffs for a time as if occupying herself with a great curiosity before letting out a light sigh and leaning back
“Alright, I’m bored now, If you don’t want the information then I can just take it somewhere else.” The Agent announced to the mirror.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:31 pm
Faleen would be treated to a few more moments of silence before the door opened once more to admit a young man of average height, his scruffy brown hair windswept and his complexion a little flushed from recent physical activity. His other hand was at his belt, fastening a pokeball back into its place and before he could shut the door, someone from outside the room shoved a thin manila folder at him. After fumbling for a brief moment with the unexpected paperwork, he tucked it under his arm and shut the door behind him, then turned to regard the woman sitting in her chair while he caught his breath.

"You're - ah - Faleen?" He queried after a second or two, then pulled the folder into his hands and opened it. His brown eyes darted across the page quickly before his gaze shifted back up to her as he shut it again and approached the table, "Faleen Ewell, right? I understand you have some information you're willing to share."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:59 pm
Hazel eyes lifted from the cuffed hands and toward the man that was now entering the room. Eyebrows arching, Faleen sad quietly in her seat for a few seconds pursing her lips lightly as she studied this man, wondering if he was someone she would want to talk to.
ah! At least he was asking question.

"Agent Faleen Ewell, Lead Roboticist of Team Rocket." She replied, clicking the handcuffs against the table a couple of times before leaning back in the chair.
"You can tell I'm an Agent becasue the uniform is white." she frowned lightly, eyeing the slightly disheveled man. "How do you tell rank with the KSO?"
His last question went unanswered, since it was obvious she did.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:27 pm
He nodded to her response and checked his folder once more, then pulled out the chair across from her and sat down. "Avery, KSO officer," the scruffy brown-haired man offered after her introduction, leaving out his last name. "We're aware of the uniform colors," he informed her, then frowned and quickly amended his statement, "well, some of them. I'm not sure how many Team Rocket has in total, but we're aware of four different uniform colors, if I remember right. As for the KSO," Avery straightened up and pointed to the blue pokeball on the breast of his jacket, "this is how you tell. Officers have blue, volunteers have green, and commanders have red."

The man paused there, tilting his head curiously and not bothering to fix his rather unruly hair. At the very least he had recovered from whatever brief physical activity had previously taxed him. "The other officers couldn't remove your coat. Why is that?"

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:46 pm
"Officer" Faleen repeated, lifting her chin a little and looking from the symbol on his chest as he was pointed to it, back to him.
Well, He wasn't really the rank that would have been ideal, but it was a start. No doubt they were being a bit cautions about this... with good reason...

"Trainee's in red, Grunts in Gray, Agent in white, Elite Agent in Gray and white, Executive Agent in White and Gray, and then the Boss... who I guess wears whatever he wants to wear." Faleen rattled off "You can have that for free." She finished with a big of a smirk on her face as she settled herself back in the seat, acting as if she wasn't bound to the table at all.

"Hm-" The Agent glanced down at the cuffs on her forearms, clicking her tongue a couple of times and pulling on a look as if trying to recall something
"That would be becasue they're made of magnesium-alloy syntactic foam, with the most sophisticated elector-magnetic locks, high class grade shielding and smart tech security you probably can't even comprehend." The Agent finished with a bread grin "That's why."  

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