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Username: Soldier of Song
Kin Species: Totoma
Kin Name: For The Greater Good (Ideal)
Gender: Male
Growing or Non: CC (I shamelessly prefer growing only because I love having CUTE LAMB STAGE but non-growing is perfectly fine!)
  • Reference image by thyPOPE!!! Thank you so much Popo
  • THE EDITS BREAKDOWN: small eyebag edit, slightly red-rimmed
  • Smaller-than-average horns (though not terribly small -- something like what Lionhearted has, to give an idea)
  • A pseudo-cravat of blue stone and eagle feathers

Naming story:
    He was the smallest of his family and grew to be smaller than the others of his clan, too. It was clear this Totoma was never meant to be a fighter, but he became famous among his comrades anyway for how fervently he clung to their militant codes of conduct, how industriously he worked in all seasons, and most of all, for developing a sharp mind that always zeroed in on any imperfections.

    His corrections and criticisms became a constant in the tribe as he pushed others to high expectations, always setting himself as the example. While he was not well-liked, true, his presence was nonetheless begrudgingly accepted as his attention to detail and strong conviction had benefited the clan on more than one occasion.

    To some, it was a relief when he joined the party heading to the Swamp. To most, it came as a shock that he would volunteer to leave, for he was proud of his home and his race. But none of them were surprised by his first impression upon meeting the new kin there: "What a slovenly lot."

    For The Greater Good intends to be an ideal model of what a kin ought to be. He takes great offense to the notion that Kimeti are the chosen children, as the harsh survival of the mountains he has known is all the proof he needs that Totoma are far superior in both build and way of life. His strong opinions and arrogance have made adjusting to his new home very difficult, for both himself and others he feels the need to constantly impose his thoughts on.

    While Ideal can come off as very harsh and overbearing, he comes from good intentions (as hard as they are to see). He only wishes to push others to be the best that they can be, and has a tendency to feel the need to "fix" others. Because of this, he can be very generous and fretful, even as he belittles those he looks after. While he does have a very firm belief that Totoma are simply superior in every way, he is forbearing of other kin and is interested in learning their ways anyway. Mostly he ends up insulting them, though.

    Past his elitism, Ideal only ever wants to work for the greater good, as is his namesake. He seeks to improve what he can, and is quick to make sacrifices if it means an overall benefit in some way. He has altruistic intentions and abhors selfishness, always expecting as much out of others as he gives himself.