Takes place after the Haunter House ORP that Adam and Akira took part in (still not 100% finished). They wind back up at Akira's apartment and have a heart to heart

Adam: -carefully walking up the stairs with Akira, has an arm around his back. Pretty sure that if he's walking, it's unnessecary, but can't stop worrying- You feeling okay, Akira? -at the door uses the key to let them in and guides his boyfriend inside, feeling mentally wore down from the night-

Akira: -holds Adam as best he can more for emotional than physical support- Yeah...I think so...what about you? Sorry I'm so heavy...

Adam: You're fine. -smiles and guides them both to the couch. Helps Akira to sit and then kneels, taking off his shoes- I'm just glad you woke up. I was seriously worried sick about you.

Akira: -flops back on the couch- I'm sorry. I guess I should have been more on my guard and brought my pokemon out or something instead of clinging to you the whole time. -stares off into some corner of the room-

Adam: -quiet for a moment- No.. I should be the one to apologize. -goes into the bathroom and after some shuffling comes back out with a bowl of hot water and some wash clothes. Puts it onto the coffee table and then gets a cloth wet, ringing it out. kneels again beside the couch, but Scoots closer to one end. Carefully begins to clean Akira's makeup off- I liked having you cling to me, but I.... it didn't occur to me how scary and unpleasant this must have been for you. -gently cleans his face as he speaks- When you passed out I was so worried about you. And then we were in the dark. It was terrifying and awful. Not many things scare me and I enjoy a lot of other scary things, so I forgot just how unpleasant fear can be. Real fear. -leans in and kisses him lightly- I'm so sorry I put you through that, Akira.

Akira; Hey, hey, what's all this/ do i look like I'm sick/ -smiles weakly and puts his hand over the hand Adam tries to use to clean his face- Oh - yeah. That was the last thing I could think of before I blacked out. About your fear of the dark. -kisses back- It's not your fault. You just wanted to have fun. And neither of us realized what that was going to be like.

Adam: -smiles warmly- Let me spoil you. You put up with that nonsense all night for me. Besides, you could be hurt.

Akira; Didn't i tell you i've had enough of being spoiled/ It's your turn. -kisses his head- besides, You didn't seem very happy with me for most of that...

Adam: -looks down, expression melancholy- I... admit you're right. I wanted to impress you, to... -chuckles and rubs the back of his head- I - It's stupid. -clearly embarrassed by whatever it is and given his chatterbox nature must be important-

Akira: -pulls Adam down with him- Didn't I tell you you didn't need to impress me? What was all that showy stuff, anyway? -speaks with a slight annoyance- It reminded me of that idiot more than ever.

Adam: -rests against Akira, glad his face is hidden as his eyes sting- Because of... Andre.

Akira; -raises his brows- eh?1 Andre/ Why, what about Andre? -frowns- I know you two didn't seem to get along, but that would've just made me think you'd want even less to do with him.

Adam: -sighs weakly, feeling embarrassed and slightly ashamed as he speaks- You were so nervous around him. Your hands were sweaty like... like how people's hands get when they like someone. It -clears his throat from the false start- It made me realize that there was a huge portion of your life I could never relate too, that he could. And he... could provide things for you I can't. Money, a house, constant love and support, security.. -voices breaks softly, trying to hide the fact he's crying, but failing- I am so jealous of him.. and afraid he will take you from me. tonight i wanted to dress up so... so you could see I could be that too. I know I don't have to impress you... I want to. I want you to see me and feel pride and happiness and safety and I... -chokes out a harsh laugh- I couldn't even give you those things tonight.

Akira: -gives Adam a measured stare and tries not to smile as he hears the other speak- You know...people's hands get sweaty for other reasons, too. -blinks when he hears Adam's voice crack, surprised at how upset the other is- Adam, Adam, shhh. -holds him close and strokes his back and his head- Adam, think about this rationally. If money and a house and security and all that s**t was what I wanted, why would I have gone so far to leave all of my own behind? -runs his hands through Adam's dyed black hair- Besides, I thought it was pretty obvious Andre's not interested in me like that. He had just gotten married to the one who'd died - his friend, Vincent. And if anyone's going to fill whatever hole Andre might have for Vincent, seems like it's going to be Louis. Vincent was pretty much Andre's bodyguard just like Louis seems to be now. I, uh...actually chastised them each separately for what kind of relationship they had, Vincent and Andre. It didn't seem like real love to me - just possessive obsession and blind devotion. But they didn't seem to care. I guess that's a type of love in itself, but it's not my idea of it.

Adam: -sniffles as he listens- that's not my idea of love either... -wipes his eyes- But... I mean.. in your new life here. Someone who can be there for you constantly and understands better what you went through. I feel so.. unworthy. I want to give and do things for you, but you won't let me.

Akira: You impress me by being who you are, Adam. to be anything else is a step lower in my eyes, so while I know you can do it, I don't know why you'd want to. I don't want saftey and security; I want excitement and to feel alive. Only you can give me that. -hugs him- You're there for me way more constantly than he is. And I doubt he understands anything about what I went through. -frowns and shakes his head- Something's...off about Andre, just like something's off with that information broker. He doesn't fit into normal society and I don't just mean due to social class. The only difference between him and your ex-roommate is I feel like maybe he's still stuck in what I was - that world where he has something to hide. Then again...with what glimpses I've seen of what he hides beneath, maybe it's better he wears a mask. -shivers slightly- even so...I just want to be there for him if he needs me. Not that I think he ever will. If I'm anything to him, it's probably just an amusing toy he can fluster and step on if it gets too cocky. -shrugs- I don't even know if he realizes I come from a higher-class background.

Adam: I don't want him to hurt you, if he's as dangerous as you say he is. -nuzzles into Akira's shoulder- Why I'd want to give you what? Do things for you?

Akira: I doubt he'd have any reason to hurt me. And you have to be close to someone to be hurt by them. -ruffles Adam's hair- I mean I don't know why you would want to act like you're someone else just to show off when it's actually showing off less than just being you is. -picks up an earpiece from his coffee table and puts it near Adam's ear while picking a song from his music player - Complicated-

Adam: -smiles softly- Avril Lavigne huh? -lightly nips at his neck- I'll always be myself, but I... wanted to show I was flexible. That I can bend to your needs too. Back and forth, give and take. that's what love is to me. Support. Care.

Akira: Yeah. -smiles lightly- I already know you're flexible, silly. You're one of the most flexible people I know. Just be careful not to snap that stick-like body of yours trying to cater to others or you just might lose yourself. And i want to be able to support you too. I feel like I've hardly been doing that at all.

Adam: -chuckles softly- I only cater to you, Akira. But as support you... -leans back, cupping his face to gently caress his cheek- You have given me so much and i.... I should start telling you it more. -cheeks warm- I know you don't like mushy s**t, but this is important, and truthful. You give me a space to be myself and safe. Something warm and comfortable. A solid mind and deep caring that takes care of me and worries over my well being and... you have showed me that I deserve love. That I'm not... ruined. Or disgusting. -tearing up again, this time from happiness- and so much more.

Akira: Well even then, you shouldn't do it too much! Worry about yourself, too! -face flushes suddenly at his touch- W-well...I'm glad I can...do that, then... -smirks slightly, trying to regain his composure- 'Deep caring that takes care of you' huh? -feels like he can only defend himself from being flustered by attacking back- You idiot. Don't cry over such a trivial thing. -squeezes him tight and kisses his head again- It's only natural that you deserve love. You just needed to see it for yourself.

Adam: Sorry, I'm not so eloquent at times. -slides his hand from Akira's cheek to the back of his head- Its not trivial. what you give to me is the most precious gift anyone has given me before. You are my light.
~~ Skip to Morning (might add more things later on)