((ooc: this is an RP log between myself and anemosagkelos))

Huni Pi
Noble Prince stood and waited, ears twitching this way and that as he listened for movement, for the soft sough of breathing that wasn't his own. His sister just upped and decided they were going to play a game, and because he could never say no to Princess, he went along.

Now he was searching for her as part of their little hunt, and Prince was surprised at how adept she was proving to be at stealth.

The buck was waiting, that much was clear, though the caiman didn't believe it was for him. And yet he had that feeling. Ridiculous; caiman didn't even get fleas.

He made his way, slow, towards the buck who was stood silent. His form began to bleed solidness as he shifted into a more noticeable stag.

"Hello, there. What are you waiting for?"

Huni Pi
Prince turned towards the voice, visibly startled at what had first been a silhouette of a caiman. That it was actually a stag had him forgetting how to use his tongue for the first moment. He rallied, mustering up confidence and bearing before bowing in greeting, "Good day, I am waiting to spot signs of my sister." He considered asking the stag if he had seen the acha doe but refrained. That would be cheating, and it would spoil the whole point of the game in his opinion. But this was an opportunity that presented itself, so why should't he take it?

"I hope an acha doe has not troubled you recently?" he asked.

The caiman in him preened at startling the buck, the stag, however, "It is a bit of a surprise to find yourself in company, isn't it?" His words came with a smile, announcing the statement as an apology of sorts. He forgot sometimes what it was to be the one on the receiving side of these encounters.

"No achas, I'm afraid," he chuckled, "but I see you are not lacking in cleverness."

Huni Pi
"Yes, it was quite a surprise. I'd better pay more care next time." Noble Prince would smile at the praise, but as it still left him right where he started he didn't think himself clever enough. "I am still found wanting, I'm afraid."

"If we weren't found wanting of something, we'd have no reason to find it in others," the stag relayed."No reason to grow and learn." And he looked at the buck, a solid stare that most would find unnerving, and waited. He'd never blessed a buck who didn't know why.

Huni Pi
Noble Prince resisted the urge to flinch at the intensity, instead standing his ground and meeting the stag's gaze as evenly as he could. "Wise words to live by," he agreed, although he wasn't certain about the part regarding finding it in others. Supporting one another was what a herd was for, but you try to be independent as much as you could. It was a lesson he hoped he would be capable of learning as well as teaching.

The stag grinned, jovial, "May your line proceed in such health and wisdom." Which might have been a strange thing to say. Or it might have been a prophecy.

Hard to tell as, just like he had arrived, he vanished. The caiman walking off and slipping into the chill waters of a docile stream.