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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:18 pm
In deference to the chill in the air, Abel drew his jacket closer around him. While it would've been nice to sit around in his apartment with Taavi for the remainder of the day, playing cards or maybe watching a movie or something, it was also good to get out, walk around, and check out some stone age places that only dealt with paper applications, as well as pick up a couple (cheap) things they needed. Even if Taavi didn't really need any company while checking out potential places to apply, Abel figured it'd go by faster and be more enjoyable in general if not done alone.

With their preliminary survey of places complete for the time being, Abel paused outside a store and turned to Taavi. "I only need a couple things, I think," he said, and hummed thoughtfully as he made a mental checklist of said things. Isaac leaned against his friend's leg, displeased with the chilly weather but not displeased enough to stay home. "Did you need anything too, or no?" If he did, Abel assumed it wouldn't be too much; they both seemed to be in similar straits with how much extra cash they had, so he highly doubted Taavi would be buying a lot of things, if he even needed to buy anything.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:31 pm
It was kind of a cold day but he was comfortable wearing the scarf and arm warmer things from Sasha, and the coat from his sister.... Well he was warm anyway, he still felt a little awkward about the coat. Much as he loved it - he really did, it was lovely - he just... He just felt bad was all.

With plenty to do however the faint lingering guilt didn't play much on his mind, he'd handed in some CVs to places that didn't do technology and he was out and about with friends - one human and several pokemon - and was generally feeling on a fairly positive upward swing. "Uh, yeah just a couple of things," Taavi affirmed with a nod to Abel. "I need some toothpaste, and some dried fruit for Melody.... Um, and I was thinking maybe I could get some potatoes and carrots or something and I could do a sort of roast dinner?" Taavi smiled slightly sheepishly and shrugged. "Uh, if you'd like. Valour is going to see if he can catch something to be the err, main part."


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:03 pm
Abel flexed his fingers inside his pocket, glad for the warm pair of leather gloves he owned, but couldn't help but wish he had a slightly warmer coat. Oh well, Isaac would probably want to be carried at some point, and when they reached that point then the blond would have his own personal furry space heater. "All right," Abel said with a nod. "I don't need too much either. Coffee, noodles, cigarettes..." All staples of a healthy lifestyle, clearly.

He turned and headed through the automatic door, Isaac right on his heels, and hummed a bit. A roast sounded wonderful, and a hell of a lot more filling than anything he'd eaten lately. "A roast sounds great," the blond replied enthusiastically, though his gaze swept across the store rather than focused on his friend. "Potatoes and carrots are good, or whatever else you think would be good with it. I might be able to pitch in a bit, depending on how much you need." Emphasis on 'a bit' however, he thought wryly, but oh well.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:10 pm
Some actual real vegetables would do both of them good, even if it was only for one meal. "Na," Taavi smiled and shook his head at Abel, "it's a thank you! Um, and I think potatoes and carrots and peas will be enough? I can manage that much." Canned peas were cheapish and enough carrots and potatoes for two wouldn't be much either... Mmmh, gravy. Well he had those herbs Sasha had bought for him to go in the meat juices but wine would improve it a lot. Could he justify wine? He had sold a sculpture, but on the other hand he was homeless. Perhaps just the reduced meat juices, herbs, and some salt and pepper would have to do.  


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:32 pm
"Well," Abel hesitated briefly, feeling a little bad he wasn't helping procure anything for dinner, but that hesitation didn't last too long. The blond shrugged and smiled at his friend, "Well all right, if you say so. Thanks. Yeah, I think that sounds good," he nodded, glanced around, then looked to Taavi again, "I'm gonna go grab the stuff I need while you grab the stuff you need and we can meet up outside again, if that's okay?" He ended with a questioning tone.

Once assured that Taavi was okay with this suggestion, Abel gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and departed. He located the few things he needed in no time at all and, after requesting a box of cigarettes, he counted out what little he had to pay for his items and offered it to the cashier. With his wallet considerably lighter - all but empty at this point - Abel grabbed his bag and headed outside with Isaac in tow. As he exited the store and headed to a spot outside that looked as good a place as any to stand, he tapped the box against his hand before opening it and pulling a cigarette out. It had been far too long since he'd smoked one, he couldn't help but think as he swapped the pack of cigarettes for his lighter, even though the last time was only a scant few hours ago when he'd smoked the last cigarette in his last pack. While he was glad he could afford another pack - albeit just barely - once again he felt guilty that he had spent the money on cigarettes instead of on food for his pokemon. Addictions were terrible things, though with his current predicament he couldn't even imagine himself quitting. All he'd accomplish would be quitting until the next time he saw Alyssa, and what good would that do? Nothing, that's what.

As his thoughts wandered about like the smoke in the wind from his cigarette, Isaac pulled a face as he sat down on the cold pavement and leaned against Abel's leg again while the pair waited for Taavi. While he wanted to curl up in his friend's jacket to be warm, he also didn't want to be closer to the smoke he was emitting... Maybe later, after he'd finished.
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:41 pm
Taavi was a tactile sort of person and as such the shoulder pat Abel offered made him smile and left him feeling slightly more relaxed than he had before as he navigated the shelves. Good friends, really good friends who actually stood by you like Abel had for him were pretty hard to find in his experience. Or maybe it was just that he moved too often? No, that couldn't be it, he hadn't known Abel that long and already he was a better friend than he could remember having in a long time....

With his thoughts meandering along these lines Taavi got the toothpaste, the fruit, the vegetables, and then finally the bottle of wine he had previously decided against. The price of it didn't change his situation in the end and it would really improve the meal, and he really wanted to do something nice for Abel so wine it was.

At the checkout obviously he either looked liked a responsible adult or the cashier didn't care because he didn't get carded and headed out quickly with his purchases before anyone changed their mind.

On spotting Abel - cigarette in hand - Taavi smiled and waved a greeting. "Hey, you get everything you needed? I did!"


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:47 pm
Already he could feel himself relaxing, and Abel sighed as he leaned more comfortably against the side of the building, cigarette in one hand and bag dangling from the other. Much better, albeit unfortunately a lot colder than the temperature inside the store. Oh well... The blond found himself willing spring to come sooner, and with it warmer weather. He enjoyed smoking, not standing around outside freezing to death.

As Taavi approached, Abel leaned his head back to exhale smoke upwards, away from his friend, before he offered him a nod and a smile. Unlike Taavi, he didn't have a free hand to wave with. "Yeah, I did. What all did you end up getting? And sorry I didn't stick around or anything," he said, not making any motions to depart from his spot just yet, though he did gesture with his cigarette to help convey his intent, "I just needed a quick smoke break. S'been too long since my last one." Much too long - a whole three hours, even, when they had barely started their errands - so with this thought in mind, he lifted the cigarette to his lips again to take another drag.

Isaac made a face again, flicking his forked tail.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 3:12 pm
Taavi shared Isacc's opinions on cigarettes but he didn't make a face, it was Abel's choice and so long as he didn't blow smoke at him - which he didn't - then it wasn't a problem. "No worries," he said aloud, "and I got Stuff!" Holding up his bag of shopping Taavi elaborated with; "Some potatoes, a couple of carrots, a can of peas, and a bottle of wine. Um, for the gravy; wine always makes gravy better, and I guess we'll just have to drink the rest or it will go to waste right? Hehe. I've got a couple of little pots of herbs in my bag too so I should be able to make us something decent, so long as Valour's successful of course." He generally was, though if the hunting was poor they might have to wait a day or two.

"Um, so is there anything else you need to get done while we're out?" Taavi fished a crumpled list out of his pocket and checked down it one more time, he'd already referred to it repeatedly but he wanted to be totally sure he hadn't missed one of the places he'd planned to drop a CV into. Didn't look like he had; good! He'd probably check again before they went back to Abel's place, or soon after, but for now he shoved it back into his pocket, adding; "I think I've covered everything."


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:08 pm
Abel held the smoke in his lungs for a few moments, listening and offering a smile before exhaling upwards again. That all sounded good, and like a lot more than the few things he bought... Wine? He'd bought wine? How'd he manage that? While he wasn't that big into wine, it was alcohol and thus better than nothing. "Man after my own heart," he said, beaming. "That all sounds great; this dinner's gonna be awesome." So long as Valour was successful, of course, since making a roast kind of required something to be the actual roast.

Was there anything else he needed to get done...? He hummed absently while he considered the question, trying to recall if there was anything else he needed to do or buy before heading back. "Nah, I don't think so," he replied finally with a small shake of his head, "nothing I can think of, anyway. Just wanted to finish this," he lifted his cigarette again, "before heading back." So saying, he brought it to his lips again.

"Surprise!" A familiar voice cried out as a familiar head of red hair popped out from around the corner right at Abel's elbow, beaming up at him as he jolted and started coughing.

"Don't do that," the blond said hoarsely between coughs, shooting her a brief glare while leaning forward, no longer leaning comfortably against the wall. Ugh, why did she enjoy doing that? "That's the worst."

"Well don't smoke them then!" Alyssa said airily with a dismissive wave of her hand as she stepped out from the side of the building. Now that she stood with them, the redhead beamed brightly at them both. "I thought I heard you guys over here! Out for some fresh air and groceries, hm?"

Isaac's ears slicked back against his skull and while he wanted to growl at her or even bite her, he remained sitting beside Abel's feet. His forked tail flicked in agitation. Why was she here?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:14 pm

Surprise indeed; Taavi spun around to face the unexpected, unwelcome intruder. He wanted to like her, she was Abel's girlfriend after all. Maybe he just needed to get to know her a bit better? "Um, hi there," Taavi offered Alyssa a hesitant smile. "Good sneak! Uh, sneaking. Yeah, we just got finished now. What're you up to?" Ugh, should he invite her to their roast dinner? He hadn't really got enough for three... well he'd ask Abel later and he could invite her if he wanted, that worked right? Right. Ugh, he really didn't like her; she was rude, and she seemed to just be totally dismissing the fact that she'd made her boyfriend choke! And now she was smiling at them. He wanted to like her but he wasn't sure if that was going to work out.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:22 pm
She turned and beamed at Taavi with an expression not unlike a cat watching a mouse. "Why thank you! See, at least someone appreciates me," she sniffed importantly and lightly smacked Abel on the shoulder.

Displeased with the implication she was going for - not displeased because it was true, because it totally was - Abel frowned at her once his coughing ceased. "How did you know we were over here?"

"I didn't!" She said, and even looked surprised. "I was just out for a walk, is all. I don't need to know where you are all the time, it's not like you're my ward or anything," the redhead scoffed.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:31 pm
He'd been out in some pretty wild places and he'd met some pretty wild things during his time as a ranger. He knew what it was like to be looked at as the next meal and the way Alyssa looked at him wasn't unlike that, in fact it was quite a lot like it. Taavi's skin prickled. Why was she looking at him like that? Was she feeling threatened or something? Or did she just not like him, or didn't like anyone near her boyfriend? He honestly had no idea but he didn't like it whatever the reason was.

"Ha, well that was lucky in a city this size?" Taavi offered, managing a smile of a sort as he spoke. This was a weird place to come for a walk, wouldn't you go for a walk in the park not in some run down street? He would! Ugh, he felt like he should say something else. After a pause, and rather awkwardly he added; "Um, your hair looks nice today Alyssa." It did actually, and so she went for walks in weird places and was a bit... abrupt, and looking at him weird, so what? If Abel liked her she had to be nice.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:50 pm
Abel managed to withhold a sigh and instead lifted his cigarette to his lips again. Poor Taavi was obviously trying to be polite and nice to Alyssa. Maybe there was something he could do, some sign to give him to let him know he shouldn't bother... No, probably not -- not from where he stood, anyway. Damn.. Maybe she'd turn around or stand between them instead of on one side, but for now she seemed perfectly content to remain where she stood.

"Awww, aren't you sweet," Alyssa said, smiling brightly at the compliment. Her expression smoothed over a bit as she looked curiously at Taavi. "Isn't it? Camphoreon is rather big, though this isn't the biggest city I've been in. Castelia in Unova is though! Isn't it, Abel? Isn't there a big one where you're from in Hoenn, too?"

What, Hoenn? Abel tilted his head back to exhale the smoke held in his lungs before he fixed Alyssa with a puzzled look. "I'm from Sinnoh, not Hoenn, so I have no idea. And yeah, Castelia is pretty big I guess," he ended with a shrug. What did that have to do with anything..?

"Oh, my mistake," she said with a little nervous giggle. "For a minute I thought you moved from Unova to Hoenn, but I forgot, it was Sinnoh and then Unova. How silly of me, I can't believe I forgot."
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:44 am
What the-?

Taavi blinked, a look of confusion crossing his face. Okay that was... weird. Really weird. Spooky coincidence was spooky, but how did she go and forget where her boyfriend was from? It seemed a pretty major thing to forget to him, but that was just him. "There's big cities in most regions," Taavi said, which was weak conversation he knew but it was the best he could come up with while he recovered from the weird. "Sandalwood is bigger than Camphoreon of course but um, it doesn't really feel like it because you haven't got the tower blocks and traffic right near you and all. It seems like it would be a nice place to live." If not for The Egg- well if not for The Egg he wouldn't be here but if he was then he would have chosen to live in Sandalwood.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:22 am
"Mm, yeah, that's what I've heard," Alyssa ceded with a light frown, "though I wouldn't want to live there. That'd be the perfect place for outdoorsy people though, like... Rangers, for instance," she said with a curious smile to Taavi. "Not that we have any here, of course. Not officially, anyway."

Abel resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Rather than comment or join the conversation, he instead opted to remain quiet for now and focus on finishing off his cigarette. The sooner he finished it, the sooner they could leave - though at this point he was growing more and more tempted to smoke it while walking, as much as he didn't want to do that to his companion or the people on the receiving end of his smoke.

Ignoring Abel's silence, Alyssa focused on Taavi with another curious smile. "So! Seen any good movies lately?"

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