It was slowly getting warmer in Kodo. Spring was on its way, finally, and was having wrestling matches with Winter for dominance. Today was a victory for Spring; Bits of green were popping out from under melted patches of snow, the wind didn't immediately sting your face, and wild pokemon were starting to come out of hiding. It was too nice of a day to spend inside, even at the Trainer's Center. Thus Izumi found herself and her pokemon just outside of Sagestone, walking a familiar trail towards a hill with a door.

Today Izumi was joined by Max, her blue and white scyther, and a little brown and orange Rilou. Max did not look pleased, where as the smaller pokemon looked intensely interested in everything. This would be the Rilou's first spring, and there was a lot to take in.

Izumi and her party approached Jace's home and knocked on the door. They waited. No answer. She knocked again, waited, and still there was no answer.

The Scyther turned and started to walk away. His human didn't need to be hanging around with other humans anyways.

"C'mon Max... Don't be that way. Jace is nice! And he knows the area, maybe he could show us something cool out here now that it isn't so cold!" Izumi jogged to catch up to her friend. Max scoffed. "L-lets walk around a bit and come back, okay? M-maybe he'll be home then, a-and we can ask him to make us some berry-tea. I-its really yummy, you'll like it!" The Scyther looked unconvinced. Izumi stared at him with big sad eyes and Max shook his head.

Max relented, Izumi smiled, the Rilou wasn't paying attention, and the three of them walked back up the path and down a different way to kill time.