Perhaps your kin was there when Longstride led a group of kin here and did...something with it, that sent bright light arcing across the sky. Perhaps they weren't, but they remember a similar tall, smooth Obelisk - perhaps from a dream, or from their homeland (it never did anything like this one, though.). Perhaps they've made a pilgrimage, just to see what all the fuss was about. Perhaps they know to let well enough alone.

Regardless, everyone knows about the Obelisk, which stands tall and quiet as ever, less than a day's walk south of Ghost-Thistle's mound. But not everyone knows what happened there - and no one knows why, not even the legendaries. It's difficult, in the absence of absolute information, to draw conclusions. But kin have always been storytellers, and rumors only grow...

Mechanics for WP14: Rumors
This prompt can be answered both solo or with friends!

To participate, create a new thread in the RP forum titled [WP14] (KIN1, KIN2, ETC.).

It's been over half a year since the black Obelisk was first discovered in the Swamp, and to be honest, it hasn't done anything since then. No one's been able to replicate the glowing lights, although enough kin were present that they realize it wasn't a dream. No one can agree on one explanation for how, or why, any of this has happened. How is your kin dealing with it? What stories have they heard, and what do they want to believe? Are they taking advantage of the confusion? To answer this prompt, write a roleplay or a solo in which your kin proposes or discusses a theory they've heard to explain the strange phenomenon of the Obelisk, and their own reaction to it.

When you have completed the prompt or RPed it as far as you wish to RP this prompt, and have reached a minimum of 500 words, post in the STICKY THREAD with the name of the prompt (WP14 - Rumors) and a link to your thread. You can use a link to that post as an RP requirement for Legendary or other RP-related tasks!

All participants in the RP must reach word count individually, and post the completed thread individually.

You may do this prompt for multiple kin, just remember you have to reach the word count for each one. Theories don't need to be complete, make sense, or be accurate.