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The young foal, still shaky on her legs but quite energetic none the less, skipped through the fields, sliding here and there on the loose soil. Wild flowers of all kinds grew in small groups across the grasses, filling the lands around her with splatters of color. The acha stopped at each patch to stand and sniff their various scents before continuing onward to the next patch just as eagerly. Periodically taking only the most delicious smelling flowers in her mouth to taste, munching happily, she headed deeper and deeper into the fields. The sun began to set, dyeing the sky and swaying grasses a shade of vibrant red, before the land was slowly covered in the blanket of stars and darkness.

Bobbing through the grass as the sky began to darken, the acha continued hopping between flower patches, seeming the care little for the change in lighting. Continuing forward even as the day faded into moonless night, and catching more then a glimpse of color became lucky indeed, the foal simply began following her nose. Sniffing her way to her destinations she found herself lost in a seemingly endless field of waving grasses she couldn't see over even with her strongest hop, something she tried several times to no avail. Excited at this new adventure she stumbled forward, following scent after scent with nary a care for where they would lead her until she had become hopelessly turned around, spinning in circles just for the fun of it.

Collapsing into a pile of giggles the wobbly acha rolled around on the ground, sending the grass around her flopping up and down as it slid out from under her body. As her fit of giggles faded she noticed a strange scent in the air, something she hadn't smelled before. Sniffing curiously she sat up, tilting her head before sneaking forward, chasing the strange smell to whatever it was coming from. Feeling, and hearing, her hoof click against a rock she quickly began attempting to climb it, sliding down quite a few times before making it to the top. Feeling successful she turned to the small ledge before her, looking out from her position above the grasses, not expecting to see a sight as amazing as the one before her. Staring in awe, she took in the sight unlike anything she'd ever seen. A field of flowers, glowing like a Fire in the Night, spread out over the horizon creating an unnatural, yet beautiful glow that lite up the sky as they swayed lightly in the breeze. Eyes wide, the acha slid down the front of the rock, rushing forward to frolic among the flowers. Once she could do so no more, she slid into a sloppy heap beneath their stalks, lulled to sleep by their weaving glow.