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Shakily reaching his hoof toward the streams edge the colt tapped the water with it, jumping away in shock as the shadows darting below the surface of the water skittered away. Slowly reaching out once more he tapped the surface once again, watching the shapes dart to and fro as the small fish fled from him. Peaking over the edge of the water he watched as they began moving in their natural rhythm once again, eventually leaning forward far enough to tap the surface with his nose, surprising himself as well as the minnows.

Sniffling a few times, having accidentally snorted water up his nose, the young kimeti shook his head. Wiggling his nose, he glanced down the river, watching the sun glint off the surface. Standing up and sniffling once more he headed down the river, watching the light and shadows dart across the surface as he went. Eventually the river widened, and the waters grew deeper, hiding the shine and scales of the fish till all that was left was their dark shape beneath the sunlit surface. Finding himself leaning away from the river, unnerved by suddenly unseen shapes he continued along the water's edge.

Watching as the light slowly became unable to pierce the surface of the ever deepening water the colt shivered, continuing on. As the shadows became darker and harder to see against the sunlit surface the buck leaned a bit closer, standing a bit nearer to the edge in order to continue watching the fish swim to and fro as he walked. Eventually he reached the deepest point in the river, pausing a moment to squint at the water, trying to see past the brightly lit surface. Seeing a few smaller shadows move here and there, the kin leaned closer, trying to see beyond the larger shadows blocking them out.

Then one of them moved. The young kin jumped, watching the large shadow in shock for a moment before leaning closer when it refused to move once more. Assuming it must have been a trick of the water, he leaned forward again, trying to see if he could catch a glimpse of the fish once more. The large shadow moved again, but he ignored it, assuming it was once more another trick of the waves. Except this time, the shadow kept moving, slowly rising up out from the depths. The kimeti stumbled back as whatever creature had lain Beneath the Surface of the water burst forth, splashing the colt and soaking him in cool water. He watched, stunned, as the turtle ambled it's way up the shore and down the river.