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[PRP] Seemed Like A Good Idea

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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:39 pm
Early evening saw Seraphine - clad in a pair of jeans and a thin zipped-up hoodie with her hair down and no make-up, since she wasn't dressed to garner attention like she used to - dismount her Rapidash and return her, then slipped the ball into her pocket as she entered a bar on the east side of the city. Once inside she cast a cursory glance at the interior - it wasn't empty, but it wasn't packed full of people either - before spotting and heading towards an unoccupied corner of the bar counter. It took but a moment for the young woman to hop up onto one of the stools and order a drink for herself, and with that accomplished she pulled her phone from her pocket to check it, her short arm and the elbow of her other arm resting on the counter. It had seemed like a good idea at the time to head to a bar for a few drinks to wind down the day, but now that she was here, she sort of wished she'd tried to plan to go with someone else rather than go alone. Maybe she could get a hold of someone who would join her... Nate never answered anymore, and neither of her two best friends seemed to have any interest in drinking, but maybe Kurt... He was probably busy, though. Hm...  
PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 5:10 pm
It had been a pretty good day all in all; he'd gone to a 24 hour gym to have a shower, acquired money, enjoyed a large breakfast and then visited a library to read about his new pokemon. Lunch had been at some kind of farmer's market - a very good burger with sweet potato fries - and following that he had tried to battle his pokemon against one another, an experiment which had met with only limited success but that was hardly unexpected for a first try.

Now with evening drawing in and the pokemon healed and tucked away in their pokeballs Zevran was looking for his next source of entertainment. Bars were always a good start and he still had money left and so, after some wandering, he located one that looked reasonable and went inside. As the door closed behind him the blond assessed the room and the clientele with a practised eye for anything or anyone that looked like more trouble than he felt like dealing with today. As it happened everything looked calm enough on the surface and so Zevran sauntered up to the bar and started to browse the drinks menu.

While Zevran was not especially dressed to grab attention - jeans, white t-shirt, brown leather jacket - the tattoos curving around the left side of his face tended to do that no matter how innocuous his attire. After a few moments of reading through the cocktail and wine offerings he turned to a brunette who was sitting nearby, currently occupied by her phone. Well she was the only person nearby who was on her own and he had no intention of sitting around drinking in silence, he would just have to see if she was amenable to being interrupted.

"What are you drinking?" Zevran asked; his voice was smooth and carried a distinct Spanish sounding twang. He then waved the drinks menu by way of explanation of his query. "So many choices, it is difficult to decide where to begin."


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2016 9:55 pm
Once the bartender finished her drink, he set it down in front of her and moved on to help the next patron; the brunette left her phone on the counter for the moment so she could pull the drink closer to her, then went back to her phone. When someone else approached the bar and sat down near her, Sera didn't really bother to take much notice of him. She was more interested in trying to contact one of her friends - she just didn't know which yet - and if whoever it was looked like he'd give her any trouble, then Giselle would surely alert her. His movement out of the corner of her eye coupled with his question did draw her attention, though, and she turned her head a bit with pale, curious green eyes to make sure he was, indeed, talking to her.

He was, and so she straightened up a bit, set her short arm in her lap, and slipped her phone back into her pocket for the moment. With that done, her hand reached forward to lift her colorful drink so she could swirl it a bit. "Dunno," she responded with a light shrug, "but my guess is something fruity. Instead of taking forever to decide, you could always cheat and ask them to surprise you," the brunette finished as she lifted the glass to her lips to take a sip. She'd never seen this guy around before - not that that was any surprise, given the size of the city - and she took a brief moment to look him over, not missing the facial tattoo he had. Tattoos - that was something she'd probably never feel up for doing, but she could appreciate nice ones on other people.
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 11:00 am
"Mmmmh, I do like surprises," Zevran said thoughtfully, scanning the menu for a few moments more before shrugging slightly, setting it down and attracting the bartender's attention. "The lovely lady here suggested I ask for a surprise, a fine idea I think. Something with rum perhaps?" Rum was always good, so were most spirits but rum had popped into his head and so rum it would be.

With the drink ordered, such as the order had been, he turned back to Sera with a slight smile on his lips. "Can I take it that you too are a fan of surprises given you ordered something unknown?"

On closer inspection Zevran realised there was something unusual about the young woman; her hand, or rather the fact that it wasn't there. Had she moved her arm to her lap because she was self conscious or was it simply a coincidence? Questions like that were not a good ice-breaker however and so he kept them to himself, there was no need for her to even know he'd noticed at this point in time.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 11:31 am
As Sera watched him order his drink, she wondered if he would... Ah, yep; he'd asked her another question, and so that meant he more than likely wanted company like she did. While she had attempted to get company that she already knew to join her, however, he'd opted to look for it in a stranger. Perhaps he'd already tried to get his friends to join him and none could? She didn't know, and it didn't really matter in the end anyway. She didn't mind, not in this instance.

Sera lifted her drink again, but rather than take a sip just yet, it hovered just in front of her lips so she could answer, "Only if they're good surprises." Like attractive company at a bar, that was always a nice surprise. "You'll have to let me know if you like yours."
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 12:01 pm
Zevran was aware that he tended to make snap decisions; in this case his snap decision was that here was somebody he could get along quite well with, something about her response was just pleasing. It didn't hurt that she was pretty too of course, that never hurt. "Agreed, unpleasant surprises I could live without; I shall just have to hope that this one is to my taste."

Even as he spoke the bartender passed him his drink - something red in a Martini glass - which Zevran paid for and sniffed curiously before tasting. Whatever it was had grenadine in it, vermouth, and... something else, he wasn't quite sure but it was good. Zevran smiled and raised his glass to the brunette woman in a toast; "To good surprises, it appears. My name is Zevran by the way, or Zev if you prefer." He didn't ask hers in return; she would give it if she pleased and would not if she didn't and he saw no point in putting her on the spot even with a relatively innocuous question, it could potentially sour a currently pleasant encounter.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:07 pm
"Damn straight," Sera replied with feeling before she sipped at her drink. ******** unpleasant surprises - ******** them right to hell. Surely by now she'd had enough of them already to last the rest of her life.

As her company received his drink, the brunette watched out of the corner of her eye with some curiosity. It wouldn't be any skin off her nose if he didn't like it though, but she was curious. And... ah, it seemed he did like it, anyway. While she didn't normally make toasts at bars, after mulling it over for a moment she decided to humor him, and lifted her glass to his with a bit of amusement in her expression. "Told you," she said coyly before taking another sip from her drink again. Huh, that was a unique name... She didn't think she'd heard anything like it before. Interesting. "Zevran," the brunette echoed, testing the feeling of it on her tongue and hoping she didn't butcher it too badly. "Zev? Interesting name," she commented before replying with a shrug, pointedly copying his phrasing, "Seraphine - or Sera if you prefer."
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 3:31 pm
Seraphine's mirroring of his phrasing brought a little smirk to Zevran's lips; it was quite obviously deliberate, rather playful he thought. "That you did; remind me to ask you what lottery numbers to pick, it seems you have an eye for the future." Still smirking he put down his drink in order to shrug out of his jacket and then hung it on a peg screwed into the side of the bar; handy, he liked thoughtful little touches such as that. Now that he had removed his coat more tattoos were visible on the blond's darkly tanned skin, the design was much like the markings on his face and swept down his toned right arm to a little above the elbow.

"And yes," he continued with a brief chuckle, "as you may have guessed from the name and the accent I am not from these parts. Seraphine is a fine name as well but I think I might struggle to pronounce it after a few drinks, so I may stick to Sera." It wasn't as though he had anything better tonight than get drunk but it would be more fun to do so if he had company, hopefully Sera would stay around for a few.

"So what's good to do around here? Besides discover pleasant surprises in bars of course," Zevran asked in light, playful tones with a tilt of his glass to Sera; he was still smirking faintly. "I am new in Kodo, I can't say that I really know my way around even Camphoreon yet." It was a fair sized city, though not as large as Sandalwood he heard. A city built in the trees, now that would be worth visiting once he had got a better feel for Camphoreon, it was always sensible to have a sort of base of operations before you wandered too far.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 1:10 pm
His smirk brought a small one to her face as well, and she chuckled a bit. "I can if you want, but don't blame me if you don't win anything," she warned him, and watched out of the corner of her eye as he removed his coat. Hum, more tattoos - how many more did he have, she wondered, and where? Maybe she'd ask, but maybe not. "Mmh," she hummed as she finished sipping at her drink again before setting the glass down on the counter, "not from these parts, hm? Where're you from then?" As she usually went by her nickname anyway, she didn't bother to comment on his decision to use it.

She inclined her head toward him a bit with a simpering smile. "That depends entirely on what you're interested in doing," she replied easily, then let go of her drink in favor of gesturing with her hand, "Camphoreon has plenty to do. Shops, restaurants, bars, clubs, a beach, boardwalk and pier, parks, gardens," she listed off the first handful she could think of.
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:26 pm
He had been hoping for some more specifics on what Camphoreon had to offer: this amazing bar, that little cafe, this particular attraction but a general idea to begin with was no bad thing he suppose and perhaps Sera would offer more detail if he expressed a particular preference. As to her question however - Zevran covered a split-second pause for thought with a sip of his drink - well there was no harm in telling that, it wasn't as though many people from outside the insular island had ever heard of it and even if she had she'd no reason to be suspicious of him. Anyway even though it was quite obvious he was the one who'd brought it up.

"Originally I come from a rather obscure island away to the south; Thedas," Zevran said, setting his drink back on the bar and making a vague languid gesture to illustrate it's insignificance. "A very closed off place it is too, by and large, and largely occupied by its own polite infighting." There were many things he would miss but many others he would not, on the whole it was better left in the past and forgotten. Easier said than done. "More recently however I came from Sinnoh," Zevran continued, his easy manner unchanged by the moment of introspection, "I spent a little while travelling around there but I fancied a change and what I had heard of Kodo intrigued me, and so here I am."

With that matter dealt with Zevran allowed his mind to wander back to Sera's list of potential attraction types and took another sip of his cocktail. "Well bars are always a favourite of mine," he began with a little smile in return to her smile. "Alcohol and interesting company are always an excellent combination. Clubs are good if the atmosphere is right and now that the weather is improving I may investigate the beach. Truthfully however," he gave a small shrug, "I am quite flexible in my tastes, and I am always keen to try something new!"


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 4:48 pm
"Thedas?" Sera echoed, testing the unfamiliar word for herself as she did with his name before. If her slight hesitance in pronouncing it didn't hint at her ignorance of the island, her next words likely would. "Never heard of it," the brunette admitted honestly, then shrugged. It seemed little and unimportant, based on his rather airy way of mentioning it, so she didn't feel it too important to remember for long. "It doesn't sound like a very fun place, I can see why you left. I've been to Sinnoh once or twice before, though," she said, brightening just a tad at the prospect of talking of something more familiar, and perfectly content to let his birthplace go entirely. "It's a pretty region - pretty towns, pretty scenery, pretty big. What parts did you go to, or just everywhere?"

Ah, okay. Bars, clubs, and the beach seemed a bit higher on his list, but other than that his list had everything. That narrowed it down a lot -- not. "Flexible, hm?" She replied innocently before taking another sip of her drink, then continued, "Well this bar is pretty nice. There's a good one closer to the boardwalk that's got a very relaxed atmosphere, very comfortable; comfortable chairs and stuff, it's more for social drinking and relaxing while hanging out with friends, I think. I don't go to clubs much anymore, but when I did I'd usually go to Dragon Dance, it always had good music playing and cute guys to hit on," the brunette elaborated casually. "Kodo's got tons of beach, and Camphoreon has a good stretch of it. The best parts are near the pier or boardwalk because there's usually food vendors and stuff, but those are busiest. The further out from the city you go, the quieter it is, so it really depends on how you're feeling that day. I could go on," she finished, and left the ball in his court to see if he was fine with that much or if he'd like to hear more.
PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 10:06 am
It was indeed not a very fun place a lot of the time or at least it hadn't been for him. It had been home though. Oh well! Moving on.

"Very pretty," Zevran agreed; the little quirk of a smile he gave Sera hinted that he might be talking about more than just Sinnoh. "I travelled along the south coast and the east coast as far as Veilstone - I did not fancy the cold further north - and from there I went inland to Hearthome. Hearthome was my favourite place I think... hum, though I was very taken with Sunnyshore as well; they have a wonderful market there and it has a very modern feel." Zevran shrugged slightly and added; "No need to choose between them I suppose. Which parts of the region have you visited?

"And yes, very flexible," Zevran assured Sera in serious tones that completely failed to match his wicked grin. "Quite noted for it in fact! Dragon Dance sounds promising, I just hope there are still some cute girls who go there." No doubt there were; he hadn't said it because he was actually wondering. The beaches also sounded promising, he liked crowded by and large but it was good to know that it was possible to get away and have some peace and quiet should he so desire.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 5:14 pm
Sera returned his smile with a playful one of her own as she listened to him elaborate on what areas he'd visited. "Mmh," she said after taking a sip of her drink, "I saw Sunnyshore when we passed it by, but we didn't go there. We went to the port city - Canalave - and from there we went to Jubilife City and Floaroma Town. I much preferred Jubilife, it was so much bigger and had a lot more to do, but Mother wanted to check out Floaroma Town, so," the brunette finished her sentence with a shrug.

Her cheeks turned rather pink and she giggled a bit at his mismatching grin and response. "Oh I'm sure there are some," she replied with an airy shrug as she lifted her glass to her lips again, "just not quite so many as before." Ha, as if. It felt nice to tease and joking was all well and good, but that's all it was.
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 7:53 am
"A great pity," Zevran responded with a sigh and a regretful shake of his head. A moment later however he smiled again and added; "But fortunately there are more pretty girls to be found in interesting bars now; I suppose it balances out overall no?" Sera was fun, he was definitely going to have to get her number before the end of the evening.

"If I visit Sinnoh again I shall be sure to visit Jubilife; the advantage of travelling alone is not having to compromise where one goes." And if you lacked for company there were always bars where you could meet interesting people and pass a little time with idle talk and casual flirting.

"But I didn't ask where you come from," Zevran continued after another sip of his vivid red drink. "Are you native to Kodo? You certainly seem to know it well." Perhaps she had just lived here a little while, he hadn't picked up a 'local' accent as such yet and without that clue he wouldn't really like to hazard a guess with somebody he had only just met.


Predestined Inquisitor


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