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[PRP] Mistaken

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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat May 21, 2016 2:54 pm
A gentle breeze rolled through the park, rustling through the grass and whistling softly through the trees nearby, and Ion offered his Braixen an apologetic look as he smoothed out a corner of a large blanket settled on the grass. He wore his usual attire - a predominantly white outfit with accents of green and gold that, while more complex than normal in Kodo, would be considered very plain in Grande Ile - while his staff lay on the ground beside the blanket. "I'm sorry Jozette," he said as he sat down on the blanket and set a bag down in the middle of it, "I know you wanted us to stay home, but--"

The fire-type huffed and waved away his apology as she smoothed out her corner of the blanket before flopping down onto it. Yulia smiled as she tugged on hers - not that it did much - and sat down. Albiore landed near her, while a mildly annoyed-looking shiny Ponyta remained laying down nearby, a bandage over one of his shoulders.

Renewing his apologetic smile, Ion opened the bag and pulled out a sandwich, offering the first bit of food to his Braixen before pulling out a few more sandwiches, some containers of fruit and other snacks, and set about opening them and laying them out for his other pokemon to partake in.
PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 8:10 pm
Two young men - a shy-looking one with pale blue hair and a more cheerful one with pale blonde - came running through the park together, each glancing back over their shoulders. Behind them was a shiny pink Sneasal, grinning mischievously as it chased after, its claws out and ready to swipe.

The blue-haired guy looked half amused, half actually afraid of being caught by those claws, so the blonde one took him by the hand and tugged him along faster, laughing silently. Essentially being dragged, the blue-haired one failed to see a stone before he stubbed his foot against it and tripped, causing him to tumble into the blonde.

Both boys were sent rolling along the grass, their appearances strangely flickering as if they were wearing malfunctioning holograms. When they finally came to a stop at the edge of the blanket that the green-haired trainer and his pokemon were picnicking on, they no longer appeared to be human. Instead, they were revealed as a pair of uniquely-colored Zoroark vaguely resembling their young men counterparts.

The shiny Sneasal had continued to give chase until it saw its targets trip and fall. He stopped, his expression instantly morphing into one of concern as he put a clawed paw to his mouth. Uh oh. Were those two okay? Were they going to get in trouble with the human and his pokemon team?


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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 8:31 pm
Neither Ion nor his pokemon paid the two young men much attention at first. Ion was busy ensuring each of his pokemon had what food they'd like to eat and in an open container, if they couldn't open it themselves, and thus his pokemon were focusing on their food. Jozette had a sandwich he'd made for her while both Yulia and Albiore had containers of fruit and berries. Zaleho had nothing at the moment, and he was perfectly content like that. He'd graze on some grass later, if he felt hungry enough to do so.

When the pair of young men tripped and began rolling along the grass, then Ion noticed them - and noticed how their appearances flickered, as well. As they came to a halt at the edge of the blanket and were not young men anymore but a pair of pokemon, the teen's eyebrows rose. Pokemon could do some amazing things, but he hadn't seen anything like that before. Rather than focus on that, though, he aimed a concerned expression at them both and half-turned on the blanket, one hand resting on it to support himself. As the Sneasel was still some distance away, he didn't yet notice it. "Hello," he greeted the Zoroark in a gentle voice, "are you both okay?"
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:07 pm
The blonde pokemon shook his head to clear it while the blue-haired one rubbed his own in pain as they both sat up. The former was the first to notice that a human was nearby and talking to them. Adopting a playful grin, he quickly resumed his own human form to nod in response. Then crawled closer on his hands and knees before raising one hand to hold it out with an eager expression. Evidently he wanted to shake the trainer's.

Zoroark with blue accents seemed more cautious and fearful, preferring to stay right where he was. He too resumed his human form, but his wore a look of caution and fear as if expecting the green-haired stranger to get angry and start trying to beat them or ordering his pokemon to at any minute. When he saw the blonde attempting to shake hands, he delicately tried to tug on the back of the other's leg to warn him. The blonde must either not have noticed or cared because he gave no response to the other's tugging.

"Oi! Didn't I tell you two to be careful?" a man's voice called as he jogged toward the group and came to a halt beside the Sneasal. Said dark-type quickly latched onto the man's leg out of what seemed to be affection, a need for security, and for attention. The black haired man just sighed at the sight of the two Zoroark and put his palm to his face. "So sorry," he apologized. "I hope they didn't ruin anything."


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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:41 pm
A relieved smile spread across the teen's face at the nod, so he nodded in turn. "That's good, I'm glad," he said honestly. When the pale Zoroark reached a hand out - a human hand - Ion studied it curiously before reaching his own out for the human-looking pokemon to shake. "I've never seen pokemon like you before," admitted the green-haired teen, still looking over the pokemon's human form with obvious curiosity and mild disbelief.

Jozette leaned over a bit to peer around her trainer to aim a vaguely suspicious look at the pair; while they had seen them before, just once, she'd had little time or opportunity to really pay them much attention at the time. Ion had had even less, she knew, and apparently didn't even notice the first one he'd seen.

The unfamiliar voice drew Ion's attention next, and he glanced up to the stranger nearby with another pokemon he didn't recognize. "Ah, it's all right," he assured the young man, even going so far as to offer an almost apologetic smile. While his appearance was markedly similar to his brother's, his voice was different. "They didn't ruin anything - I think they were just playing."
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 12:59 pm
"Kano is new, so we haven't gotten used to each other yet," Izaya said, nodding toward the disguised Zoroark happily and enthusiastically shaking Ion's hand. "Riviere is the other one and he generally doesn't cause trouble on purpose but Kano's been something of an interesting influence on him.

"Just because they were playing doesn't mean they can't ruin things," the man answered, adjusting his shades and peering over them to get a better look at the other trainer. "Ne...you wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you...? You look just like someone I happened to see the other day. Though his hair was a darker green and he wore it a different style, your faces seem very similar." After seeing Asch and Luke, Faleen and Rosie, and Zachaire and Andre, Izaya imagined he was getting pretty good at identifying blood relations.

Riviere looked positively terrified of Jozette and her suspicious look, clinging closer to Kano who finally looked back out of curiosity and let go of Ion's hand. Then Kano beamed at Jozette and changed his appearance to mimic hers instead, suspicious glare and all. Riviere was horrified and looked from one pokemon to the other, worried that Jozette might not like Kano's little trick.


Chatty Informer

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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:33 pm
As he listened to the stranger speak of his pokemon, Ion smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kano and Riviere," he said earnestly as he happily shook the paler Zoroark's hand, still enthused about his human form. He turned a gentler smile on the darker Zoroark, noting its uncertainty and nervousness, and tried his best not to give him any further cause for alarm. "That's a wonderful name, Riviere. It suits you perfectly. French, isn't it?"

With that said, he turned a smile to the young man nearby. "That's true, but even if they did ruin something it would've only been accidental, not on purpose." ..ah? His expression morphed into one of surprise. While this man wasn't the first to mention seeing someone like him here in Kodo, he was the first to assume they were brothers; the first had taken their near identical appearances to mean they were one and the same. "Ah, actually," he began, his smile turning deeply apologetic as if he were about to disappoint the young gentleman, "I have six brothers, and we all look rather alike."

Jozette did not like Kano's trick, but rather than become aggressive about it she huffed and puffed up her cheeks, her large ears twisting back as she glared at Kano.
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 10:58 pm
Riviere seemed to relax a little once Ion greeted them despite knowing that they were actually pokemon. He didn't seem angry or alarmed in a negative way and the dark-type liked his gentle smile. The compliment caused him to make his human illusion blush and look away bashfully with a nod.

"Mm...his former trainer was from Grande Ile before he was passed to me. I imagine with your knowledge of the language and your style of clothing you must be from there as well?" Izaya didn't see what difference it would have made if something had happened accidentally as opposed to on purpose because the damage would have been done regardless. However, since nothing had happened, he didn't bother arguing. Besides, his attention was suddenly hi-jacked by the green-haired young man's sudden change in expression.

Then it changed into something apologetic and the ex-Rocket raised a brow. "Ah...then you must get that a lot," he murmured. "But then...why did you appear so surprised to hear that just now?"

Kano, delighted by the unfamiliar pokemon's reaction, did the same thing right back at Jozette as if he were a slightly-delayed mirror.

Riviere frowned and swatted Kano on the nose. That nice trainer was already so forgiving of their antics. The blue-accented Zoroark didn't want to give him or his pokemon any reason to change their minds.

Kano fell back, his illusion fading as he landed in the grass, laughing silently through his teeth as he grinned.


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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2016 4:32 pm
"Yes, I am," Ion affirmed with a smile, one he turned on Riviere as he easily slipped into the language to ask him, "comprenez-vous le français?"

Switching tracks once more to English, Ion turned back to the gentleman with an apologetic smile, "I do," he affirmed, pausing just a moment before adding, "in Grande Ile. Not here in Kodo. Ah, forgive me," he said abruptly. His smile faltered a brief moment as he realized his rudeness. "My name is Ion, and these are Jozette, Albiore, Yulia, and Zaleho." As he introduced each pokemon by name, he gestured to them accordingly in case they didn't make it clear for themselves which they were - and only Yulia did, offering them a small, friendly wave.

Jozette growled a bit, ears twisting back further at Kano's antics.
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2016 12:22 am
The man's smile turned sheepish and he shook his head. "Japanese, English, and a fair bit of Russian, but not French, I'm afraid." It was why Asch and Aila had used it to talk about him behind his back as well as other things they didn't want him knowing about. It was then he realized, however, that the green-haired trainer was asking his pokemon the question and not him. Suddenly he felt a whole lot more embarrassed but did what he did when he usually messed up and pretended as if it had never happened.

How was he supposed to have known the guy would have been addressing his pokemon? Izaya didn't think much of humans who conversed with other pokemon as if they, too, were human. But then again, with the 'Egg of Arceus' giving people abilities to understand pokemon willy-nilly, he supposed he should have been more open to the possibility despite his reluctance to accept it. Either way, this was annoying. His pokemon was getting more attention from this new human than he was. All he needed now was for them to start having conversations he couldn't understand and it would be Asch and Aila all over again.

Disregarding his bitter feelings and thoughts, Izaya was surprised and interested to see the face of Riviere's human illusion display sudden delight as he nodded vigorously. I suppose it really has been a while since he's heard that language, his trainer pondered. Likely the last time he heard it was from Aila's mouth herself. I wonder if it reminds him of her. Which made him wonder something else. I wonder if Gaia knows French... That would have to be something to test later. For now it was entertaining enough watching Riviere try to communicate through expressions he had practiced making his human illusion portray.

Then it occurred to the informant that he was the one being addressed once more. "Hm. So the majority of your other siblings live there?" he inquired. Then he grinned at the apology. "Not at all. If anyone was being rude, it was me." He looked at each pokemon in turn, noting their names, species, and what he could gather of their dispositions.

Some were completely unfamiliar to him like the fox thing that Ion had called Jozette. He smiled amicably at Yulia's wave and returned the gesture before looking down at his own shy pokemon still clinging to his leg. Psyche was watching the other pokemon while meekly peering behind his trainer's calf.

"This shiny pink accessory of mine is Psyche," he said, gesturing to the Sneasel. "And I go by Chrome. It's a pleasure to meet both you and your pokemon, Ion."


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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:59 pm
Fortunately for Izaya, Ion's reaction was the same: He realized that his company didn't know he was talking to the Zoroark and not him, so rather than comment on it and thus point out his error, he simply remained quiet and let it pass without issue. He had absolutely no desire to embarrass him. Riviere's obviously positive response heartened him though, and he smiled brightly at the dark-type - or rather, at his illusion - as he pondered what else to say to him. While he didn't want to leave his company feeling ignored, he also didn't want to stop talking to Riviere after how happy he seemed to be to be spoken to in French. He had to at least speak a little more... "Ç'est merveilleux que vous pouvez comprendre les deux langues."

With that done, he turned with a mildly apologetic smile to his guest. "They do," he confirmed with a nod, seeing no reason at all to withhold the information. "We all live in Grande Ile, although sometimes we're sent out to stay or live in other countries for a time when on assignments." Although some assignments, he had learned after his first year here in Kodo, lasted a great deal longer than others. Significantly longer, in fact, but he opted not to think about that too much at the moment.

Instead, he offered the man and his Sneasel a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you and your Pokemon as well, Chrome. May I ask if Psyche is always so shy or hesitant?" Indeed, the lithe Pokemon didn't seem too inclined to leave her trainer's side, although that very well could've been just because she wanted to stay near him and not any kind of wariness around strangers.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 4:19 pm
Riviere reddened again, flattered at Ion's compliment, and looked down modestly. Kano, who was still laying on the ground beside him, grinned up at his shy friend with his human illusion donned once more and reached up to pinch Riviere's blushing cheek. The blue-accented Zoroark responded by tackling his teammate, causing the two to tumble aside as they playfully wrestled with one another.

"Sent out for assignments?" Izaya said, surprised. "You almost sound like secret agents! Does Grande Ile even have those?" Talk of agents and assignments just reminded him of Team Rocket or some other shady organization, but if that were the case, there's no way Ion would have spoken so openly about it. The informant came closer - albeit with some difficulty since Psyche continued to remain happily attached to his leg like a child - and attempted to seat himself just beyond the edge of the picnic blanket that Ion had spread out.

Psyche finally released his trainer once the man sat himself down, allowing Izaya to criss-cross his legs. Once that position had been taken, however, the Sneasel plopped himself happily in Izaya's lap. The black-haired man sighed and gave Ion a small, helpless smile.

"No, he's not shy," he explained. "He's just very...clingy. And overly affectionate at times. Psyche," he spoke up looking down at the shiny dark-type. "Don't be rude. Go say hello."

The pink dark-type pouted for a moment at his trainer, somewhat dismayed to be evicted from his new comfy seat, before hopping up and going straight to Ion with a friendly wave. Psyche wasn't one to dwell too long on what made him unhappy.

"Ne, Ion-san," Izaya spoke up, watching his pokemon thoughtfully, "You wouldn't happen to be able to understand any pokemon due to that Arceus Egg business, would you...?"


Chatty Informer

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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:55 am
Ion smiled warmly as he watched the pair, glad that they had each other to play with. Chrome's reaction to his occupation prompted an apologetic smile to replace the warm one as he turned to the other man. "Ah, I wouldn't know if they did," he admitted with a brief shake of his head. "Our job is to assess potential threats to Grande Ile. In my case, I'm investigating whether or not Team Rocket could pose a threat." Brief explanation finished, he moved over to make more room as Chrome sat down, in case he wanted to sit on the blanket with them.

"Ah, I see," the green-haired teen replied with a small nod, his gaze drifting to the Sneasel in question. Not shy, just very affectionate; that was wonderful. "It's nice that he's so fond of you," Ion noted, smiling as the dark-type approached to greet him. He held a hand out palm-up as an invitation for the Sneasel - either to sniff it or touch it or do whatever he felt comfortable with a stranger - and said gently, "Hello Psyche, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Chrome's question drew his attention and his gaze back to his guest. "Yes," he confirmed, "I can understand grass-type pokemon. May I ask if you can understand a type as well?"

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