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[Tale] Don't worry he doesn't bite...a lot. (Uzu x Padma) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:37 pm

Uzumati enjoyed some of the simplest things in life. Running through the woods barefoot just happened to be one of them. So it was no surprise to watch him racing through the trees as a shadow now. Perhaps at once the boy would have been on edge - even running for his life from bigger beasts- but now the fast past was relaxing. It gave him something to do besides thinking. Especially now that his uncle had come back into his life. Because while his uncle had started visiting him in an attempt to bring him back out towards humanity the boy had still kept to the trees more than anything. The forest had been his home for years and adapting to those strange structures in a village just unnerved him. People just unnerved him...

Grunting a bit in frustration the boy slowed down. Despite his frustration at the situation here he was once again towards the clearing at the edge of the deeper woods. Before he would have never dared ventured this far out, but now...here he was again. It didn't seem like his uncle was out and about however and Uzu almost turned away. What if his uncle did come though? Should he linger? Scratching at the side of his face the boy let out a sigh before walking a few more steps forward. Perhaps lingering wasn't the worst idea.

Though he had to wonder - it was rather quiet in the woods. Was something out there? Perhaps one of the bigger beasts or maybe it was his uncle finally approaching? Gaze narrowed the boy pulled back behind a tree to quietly wait and observe...
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:52 pm
It wasn't often that Padma got to go out on her own, especially when she and her father were visiting nearby settlements. Most of the time she was expected to stay close to his side to help him with his craft, or they were ushered on their way quickly, unable to dawdle and explore the way she wanted to. But sometimes... sometimes there was a day when Uquin didn't need her. When even his overprotective tendencies couldn't come up with an excuse to keep her in the village.

With the promise that she would come back before the night broke, Padma ventured off on her own with a skin of water at her hip, and a pack full of pods, jerky, and nuts to keep her full. Along with her for the trip was her aldabuck, Ishtar, who plodded along by her side sedately. Only a few hours into her trek, and Padma had decided to sit under the boughs of a large, gnarled looking tree. Here in the west of Tale, closer to Jauhar, the savanna gave way to thicker woods and more varied wildlife, but the sand underfoot was still soft to the touch, and the heat baring down from above still overwhelming.

Gleaming with sweat, Padma sighed and reached into her pack for a pod, lifting it to her mouth to suck out the syrupy sweet water. It was enough to parch her thirst, but she still thought the shade of the tree would be a welcome break, and Ishtar seemed calm enough to graze peacefully among the grass. So she lay down against the crook of the tree and closed her eyes, sighing as she whiped her hand across her sweating forehead.

She was aware of the possibility of witu, or even a stray radaku that had traveled too far from Jauhar, but with a dagger to defend herself, and Ishtar by her side (who had always been skittish and finely attuned to smells), she doubted anything could sneak up on her without the telltale bleat of panic from her sweet aldabuck.

scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:06 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

Uzumati found himself almost dozing before movement caught his attention. So there was something out here. Crouching low the boy moved forward to try and investigate exactly what it was that had entered his area of the woods. His uncle often came with a whistling tune and since there was no such sound the boy had already ruled off his uncle as the culprit. Usually there were also more sounds of growling should a pair of beasts be fighting as well...perhaps something was hunting in the area?

Speaking of hunting Uzu's stomach rumbled ever so slightly. Perhaps it was time for him to find something to settle his own hunger as well. If there was a beast out here it wouldn't hurt to wait and see what it found and then scavenge from those remains...if not some berries and nuts would be good enough to tide him over for now. Sniffing the air Uzu straightened up as he caught a sight of brilliant colors through the trees. An aldabuck out here by itself? His gaze glimmering at the sight of such a fine creature the boy smirked. Perhaps this was his chance to become the hunter...

Sneaking forward Uzu prepared himself for a leap from the trees towards the aldabuck. Of course such actions could have went brilliantly if not for his realization that the aldabuck wasn't alone. A soft hiss of surprise left his lips as he stumbled out of mid-attack to dash back towards the trees. Had she even noticed him? If not then her familiar surely hadn't ignored the threat considering he had almost been a breath away from grabbing onto its neck...if he spoke the boy probably would have cursed out loud at his own stupidity. But at the same time he had to pause...who was that just sitting there? Did she not know that his was his territory? His golden-green gaze peered through the bushes as he attempted to get a better look at the stranger.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:31 pm
Sabra Knight

If there was one negative aspect of the soft, plush like soil of Tale it was that it absorbed sounds impeccably well. Padma, with her eyes closed and silently dozing, hadn't heard the normally tell-tale stomping of someone darting forward, nor did she think the gentle rustling of grass was anything to be concerned about. Ishtar, though, definitely noticed - and the moment she realized that a stranger had come up so close, she released a bellowing noise and bucked, cloven hooves stamping at the ground. Padma instantly snapped her eyes open, scrambling to her feet, hand shooting to her dagger on impulse.

And yet... nothing. She stared around, bleary eyes, lips forming into a frown, before clicking her tongue at Ishtar, stepping forward slowly and reaching to pat her hand against the panicking doe's flank. "You silly thing, did you scare yourself?" Padma teased, laughing at the wide-eyed beast, leaning back as Ishtar tossed her head, snuffling unhappily. As soothing as she could, Padma stroked her hand along the familiar's neck, shushing her softly, before playfully gripping at her horn and guiding her away from the edge of the wood, back towards the tree. The doe followed, but reluctantly, and once they came to a stop she peered back into the brush, where Uzu had hidden himself.

Padma followed her gaze, but didn't see anything amiss. However, she kept her eyes peeled out of her periphery - her father had warned her enough about witu, and their grass-like fur, to at least be wary. "Hush hush, here." Releasing her grip on the horn, Padma reached into her bag and fished out a handful of nuts, holding them, palm out, for the aldabuck. While still wary, Ishtar seemed to perk up, and after a few more moments of staring, doubtfully, at the field, she accepted the offering and nibbled at the food.

scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:41 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

Uzumati immediately held his breath as the girl and beast passed by. So that thing belonged to the stranger? The thought puzzled him and created a small frown across his features. It was strange to see something...so tame. Was it to become fat later for a better meal? It was kinda scrawny if he glanced at it. At least that was his attempt to feel better about missing out on a good meaty meal.

Laying flat on his stomach the boy peered up from his placement on the ground. If he laid here and just hoped the shadows would stay still...then perhaps she would leave soon? At this rate if he moved backwards surely it would create some noise to give away his position. Uzu bit his bottom lip sharply as he pondered his options. So much for being a hunter - suddenly he felt like the prey. Especially when he got a better glimpse of the stranger. She was awfully...interesting to look at?

His uncle had a gruff and bulky exterior, but this stranger with her familiar was completely different. Strange that something could look so gentle in this wild world. Uzumati's gaze did gleam with a hint of jealously as he watched the doe nibbling at the food. Even something as tiny and insignificant as those nuts were tempting to his empty stomach. But he had to stay still and not think about such things...if only he could tell that to his stomach which let out a low rumble at the mere thought of food.

Gritting his teeth, Uzu hoped that the stranger hadn't heard. But panic was beginning to set in. What if he was found? His gaze started to scan the area before he ever so slowly started to try slithering backwards and further into the trees...but at the same time he hesitated. What if she hadn't heard? Could a few more moments of observation hurt? For safety's sake obviously - why else would he keep staring at the attractive...uh dangerous creature?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:57 pm
Sabra Knight

A little handful of nuts simply wasn't enough the sate the aldabuck; even if Uzumati thought she was scrawny, Ishtar often ate voraciously, and when she realized the snack was gone she stamped her foot grumpily, ducking to nose against Padma's hand, into her satchel. Padma snorted back laughter, only to freeze at a strange sound coming, once again, from the line of grass beyond the treeline.

Instantly her throat felt tight and dry, and it took all of her restraint not to swing around to look, or to run in the opposite direction. Instead, she kept stroking Ishtar's neck, thinking hard on what to do. The sound had been... it sounded like when someone was hungry, but she hadn't thought that a beast's belly made sounds like that. Her self preservation told her to just walk away as calmly as she could, but...

Instead, Padma turned away from Ishtar, reaching into her bag once again. This time, though, she pulled out a piece of jerky, smiling apologetically at Ishtar, due to what kind of jerky it was. Popping a piece of it into her mouth, the girl adjusted the small stash so it was visible from the mouth of her bag, then set the bag down where she and Ishtar stood. "Try not to scare yourself this time, or steal all my nuts again." Padma accused, before turning her back to the field (a motion that made a bead of sweat travel down her neck out of the sudden feeling that it was the STUPIDEST idea she'd ever had) and stepped back to the tree. Settling down against it, Padma propped her arm against one of the roots... and closed her eyes. At least, mostly. While her thick lashes fluttered closed, she kept them just open enough to watch for a shape moving. If there was something in the brush, she hoped it'd be more interested in easy food than killing an aldabuck and an earthling.

She hoped. Then, at least, she'd know what she was dealing with, and whether to run back to the village.

Why she didn't just run straight for the village, she didn't know.

scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:08 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

All he needed to do was leave...he just needed to back away. So why wasn't he moving? The male wanted to growl at his own foolish interest. What was so intriguing about a stranger? It just screamed trouble for him. He could come back once she was gone and then forage for food. That decided the boy began to scoot back more until the stranger showed off her own stash of food.

Feeling his stomach knot the boy almost drooled to watch her eat the jerky. His uncle had brought something similar once and the memory of it made his stomach jerk. It had to be a trap...definitely a trap. He would be in for a load of trouble if he moved forward now. Just leave...right now Uzu. His mind tried to reason with him, but his stomach once more twisted. It looked so good...and he was pretty famished.

Was she sleeping again? If she hadn't noticed him the last time he emerged...then perhaps it was possible? He just had to be quick. All he had to do was snag that bag and run. Who was she to catch him? Still, he hesitated out of pride. He could just go find his own food...but that jerky. Growling in frustration the boy waited a few more seconds before getting to his knees and taking a step forward. She didn't seem to move...taking a deep breath the boy finally just decided to dart out into the open and with lightening speed reached forward towards the bag.

As his hand swiped towards the prize Uzumati prepared to tumble backwards into hiding, but being so close to the stranger made him pause...how was she...so interesting? His gaze narrowed the boy paused by the bag before peering back towards her again. Was she truly asleep? Glaring towards the aldabuck Uzu took one hesitant step forward before sniffing the air around him. She smelled like flowers and not like the smells of smoke and metal that his uncle often had. He leaned forward -boldly less than a foot away from her- before his stomach rumbled again.

Flushing with surprise the boy scooted backwards before reaching for the bag and diving back towards the woods...
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:55 pm
Sabra Knight

For a long moment, Padma cursed herself mentally for being so foolish. Who did she think she was, the beast whisperer? She'd never aspired to be a beast tamer, and offering a handful of jerky wasn't going to dissuade a truly hungry predator. Her heart pounded in her chest, so when she finally saw movement it took all of her strength not to gasp in surprise. It was- a boy. Or, by boy, she meant someone who looked her age.

He was lanky, and scarily skinny, and looked like he could have used a bath judging from the sand and dirt that caked his feet and dusted his hair. The way he skittered across the soft Tale soil was alien and bestial. Something seemed to make him hesitate, however, because he stopped and just peered at her.

He was shifty, as if nervous about her presence. But he seemed to wave aside his wariness at least for a moment, moving forward- stepping so close that she could clearly see his face and smell the earth and grass on his skin and clothes- only for that sound to gurgle out again. His belly- he's hungry!,Padma realized.

He whirled on his heel, scooped up her bag, and was rushing back towards the grass by the time Padma jumped to her feet, eyes snapping open, her hand swiping to try and catch hold of his wrist, though she highly doubted she was fast enough. "No, please-- wait!" She called after him.

A person! There was a leaf boy here out in the middle of nowhere - did anyone know? Surely not, with how ragged he looked. Was he a runaway? Was he alone out here?

scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 5:54 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

Air brushed against his wrist where her fingers almost connected to his skin. Just the surprise from the fact that the stranger reacted to his presence and also reached out to him made Uzumati stumble. His rather 'graceful' attempt at a dive back into the brushes turned more into a tumbling disaster as he caught branches and vines with his lanky limbs.

The worst part was that he also dropped the bag in his surprise at hearing a voice calling out to him. Was she going to get after him for taking the food? The boy frowned at the thought, but his aching stomach forced him to pause. The bag was right there - close to where he had dove through the brush. Ever so slowly the male crawled back through the brush, his golden-green gaze intently focused on the stranger, and as he came back towards the edge of the clearing Uzumati just halted.

With his gaze still on the girl the boy reached out a hand and patted the ground until he found the bag. That secured in his hand he pulled back before slowly backing towards the brushes...though it was rather tempting to stand still and look at her a bit more. Still, his cheeks flushed from nerves and a hint of shame Uzu slowly started to back his way towards the trees again. Would she stop him or attack? If so this time he was ready to flee - the last thing he wanted to do was fight while his stomach was already attacking him. Just the thought created a stir in his stomach and the boy almost let out a whine of frustration. It would be okay - he had the food and surely could lose her in the forest...right?
PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:39 pm
Sabra Knight

Spirits, he was simply too fast! Set off balance by the lunge to grab at him, Padma stumbled in the dirt, dropping to one knee before she could catch herself. Looking back up, she opened her mouth to call after him again- only to freeze, seeing him right there at the edge of the brush. He was there, looking right at her- hair a ruffled brown, littered with feathers and grass. His eyes were sharp, peering at her as if daring her to move, coming off infinitely more intimidating than he possibly realized.

Frozen in place, Padma held her breath, not sure how someone so... obviously wild and possibly unhinged might react to her trying to take back her bag.

Her bag- filled with treats and food, but not anything filling enough for a growing person. Her bag, also filled with strips of cloth, thread, half-sewn clothes, and expensive tools for sewing - all lost, if he made it away. Unsure what to do, Padma swallowed hard, then fully settled on her knees, raising both hands, palms facing him, in a show of surrender. "Look, you- you can have the food. But I need that back - please." He was still moving away, hand having scooped up the bag securely, and Padma felt a thrill of panic shoot through her. Holding her hand out, Padma moved just the barest bit forward, motioning for the bag itself. "Just the bag... okay?"


scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:17 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

What was she doing? Was she going to attack him? Uzumati growled softly before her words started to sink in. She was begging him to return the bag? Why? His gaze narrowed as he studied her - what if this was a trick? Ugh, this was so confusing! He wanted to study her more because she was like one of those pretty flowers he enjoyed watching at times, but his stomach was so empty and he was so wary. There were so many possibilities - many of which screamed danger for him.

But she seemed more sad than angry. Almost like she was conceding that he had won a fight rather than beginning a challenge. Frowning, Uzumati slowly inched forward away from the bushes so that he could see her better. He could have the food...but she wanted the bag? Strange request - who would give up food for a simple cloth? But there was something about her gaze that just made him feel so guilty. So ever so slowly the boy reached out with the bag in hand towards the girl....
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:32 pm
Sabra Knight

He moved so slow - so aggravatingly slow, growling at her like some sort of animal. But she swallowed back her emotion, and instead inched closer, fingers twitching expectantly, especially when he inched forward... and then...

Finally! The bag was extended, just inches away, and Padma shuffled forward on her knees, and gripped at the bag, only to find that he still held it, almost possessively, in the fist of his hand by the strap. She shot him a scolding stare, huffing out a breath that blew a lock of colored hair from her forehead, before she acquiesced to his silent demand. From inside her bag, Padma fished out a square of cloth that she usually used to practice her embroidery... a deep emerald green, covered in patchwork designs of gold, pinks, and light blues. Spreading it out between them, Padma began to move the morsels from her bag to the makeshift satchel, and once her own bag had been fully unloaded of food, she folded the cloth up, and tied it at the corners to form a makeshift bag.

Gesturing to the pack, Padma then held her hand out for the bag he was still stubbornly holding, raising her eyebrows expectantly. "All my tools are there - I can't sew anything if you take those away from me." So... he understood her words, and yet was still acting so... feral? Strange... but at least he was waiting, was letting her take back something he had stolen. She had every right to be angry, but at the very least he had paused to let her reclaim her possessions, right?

scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:41 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

Uzumati just watched her silently as she worked. What was that thing she was pulling out? Cloth for clothing...that was what it seemed like. His uncle had been trying to replace his own clothes, but Uzu would never stay still long enough for a fitting. The last time the man had tried the boy had bolted from the shop and back out towards the woods. It was part of the reason he was so hungry today - not enough time to hunt and his uncle was also bitter against him for making him seem a bit of a fool.

That food which she was putting in the makeshift bag then seemed delicious. As she mentioned tools Uzu frowned. What sort of tools could fit into such a tiny bag and sewing? What did she mean by that? Confusion flickered across his features before he finally consented and dropped the bag into her hands. Of course at the same time he had reached the other arm towards the food and easily scooped it up instead. But now that he had food he found himself still staring at the girl. She truly was pretty up close....just like those flowers. Flushing lightly Uzu just simply sniffed at her again - did she smell like one as well?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:30 pm
Sabra Knight

Oh, thank the spirits. Padma sighed, pulling the bag close and holding it to her chest, relieved beyond words. "Thank you." She breathed. To tell the truth, she expected the boy to skitter off as soon as he had his prize, a strange anomaly that she'd bring up to her father when she returned home - but... somehow, he'd opted to stay still,
watching her.

Padma, realizing that he was looking at her, bit the edge of her lip, eyebrows raising slightly. What was it? If he understood what she was saying, then that ... hopefully meant he had someone, right? Her fingertips rubbed, idly, against the textured embroidery of her bag, as she thought over what she should do.

"...Um- you know, if you're hungry, I don't mind if you wanted to eat." It only seemed polite to offer to let him eat. Which, in itself, was hilarious -- she was being polite to a wild boy who had stolen her snacks.

This was such a strange situation... Up close, he seemed healthier than she would have expected - honestly, she never would think that someone could survive outside of the settlement, especially someone her age.

"Do you live out here? Are you - are you okay?" This time her voice was soft, a quiet entreaty as her eyes swept over him once again, worried.

scarlett arbuckle

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:49 pm
Scarlett Arbuckle

As he silently studied the girl Uzumati's fingers traced patterns across the makeshift bag that contained his newly acquired food. It was soft to the touch like the under pelt of one of those small rodents that he sometimes caught around his den. His own tattered clothing was roughened from rummaging about in the woods, dried dirt, blood, and tears making the formerly gentle wool as rough as tree bark. Just like the beasts of the wild he fought for his territory and it was his presence that kept most away from this side of the forest. The last witu had given him a few good scratches along the back but he had left it with a good blind eye and a torn ear from his own bite. Obviously it had been a few weeks since then as he could move smoothly now, something that he proved in the way that he shifted around the girl before warily reaching to place a piece of the food in his mouth.

She wasn't going to take this from him now was she? If anything Uzumati was more afraid of this girl than the witu. After all he didn't imagine fighting her and the way the sunlight shimmering through the trees made her glow just had him in awe. He wouldn't dare to even scratch her. That would be the same as rampaging through a field of those delicate flowers with their ivory and golden tinted petals always stretching towards the sun with longing... it made him wonder once more if she actually smelt like one of those flowers.

And there he was being captivated once more by this strange creature. A smarter man may have been ashamed of staring so much but Uzumati was just so entranced by the fact that someone else was here and that she seemed so delicate. It was rare that he got up close to anyone else save for his uncle when he visited the woods....so strange. Uzumati frowned before realizing that she was saying something. Something about him? The wild boy tilted his head, confusion decorating his brow, and then slowly nodded it. Of course he was okay! He glanced around and nodded once more as if to confirm it. This was his home, how could he not be alright in it? Then as if thinking once more he blinked towards the girl and pointed from himself towards her. What about her? Was she okay to be out here? What if something came by to sweep her away? Worry knotted his gut as realization of the potential dangers sank in. What if she had met a witu instead of him? Just the thought made him almost growl before he settled instead for scooping another handful of food into his mouth, crunching down loudly before glancing around once more as if to scan the area for any possible threats. But even surveying the area wasn't enough to stop the hungry boy from continuously shoving food in his face until he found himself studying the now empty cloth intently as if contemplating how nutritious it could be.
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