The crowd is silent and just chatter can be heard from crowd who in the excitement of the card today or anticipating for the next match. Then out of the speakers cried out


Gun shoots rang out as glass is shattered and an slow beat starts playing..

The lights start flicking a grey and black color with bright lights as the crowd turns its attention towards the ramp as 6 Day - DJ Shadow (Remix) slowly starts picking up. In their confusion they have yet to hear such music so the crowd is aware of a new superstar keeping their judgment to a silent chatter of confusion. Walking through the curtains stand a man at 6'1, blond hair glistening, gold earring dangling from his ears shined bright this the spot light, his Maybach sun glasses resting on his face as he is decked out in his Alexander Amosu Bespoke Suit, and as he carried a mic in hand. His slow pace towards the ring followed a smirk across his face as he looked to the crowd as they extend their hand out for a high five, the man quickly ignored such offers and continued his path to the ring. The crowd confusion quickly turned into boos as they knew what was coming. A fan quickly reached out and attempted to touch the man in response he swiftly slaps his hand away from touching him and looks at the fan in disgust through his expensive shades. Walking up the steps and coming under the second rope, the man lifts up his arms out wide and gives a grin and the crowd boos and cuts to fans pointing their thumbs down in response. The grin of the man never left his face as he continued to brace everyone with his presence. The man then brought the mic to lips, but before he said anything he quickly lowered it and starting tapping on it as the tapping sound echoed throughout the ring.

"Can you hear me?"

He said as the crowd as he bought the mic to his lips and continued the crowd to boo the man who stood in the center of the ring with the grin.

"The birth of Adam, the writing of The Constitution, the birth of Jesus, The Big Bang.. Meaning nothing to this... This is the debut of a god, of an.. Ace. I stand here with my 100 Thousand dollar suit and over 5 thousand dollar shades which by the way is worth more than any of you in this area will EVER have, you people couldn't even afford my socks! None the less I am a humble man, humble with the pride and willingness to show everyone here that I am and will be one of the top dogs here. Fan support or not none of you couldn't even help me with my wins. All of you should be lucky you get to see me here!"

The crowd responded with a "you suck" and "a*****e" chant. As The Man soaked in it all and still that smirk never left his face. He then removed his shades to reveal his blue eyes, putting his shades into his pocked and looking directly at the camera and continue his tirade on the mic. He slowly bought up the mic..

"I am Gods gift to pro wrestling, I am Gods gift to this place. I will turn water into wine and turn every one inside out and run through this entire roster if I have to. I am.. Felix.. Genest and I am the Ace.. The Ace of spaces. I've competed all over the world multiple times I have proven myself worth of joining here. I will stop at nothing until my is in the lights and I am holding title gold. Gold to match my personality, cause I am greatness. So now.. Can you hear me?"

He then continues to tap the mic over and over again as Felix grows a grin on his face, Dropping the mic on the ground then putting his shades back on his face. 6 days interlude then plays as Felix head to the ropes ducking under the top rope and leaves the ring, spreading his arms in mid air laughing as the crowd filled with boos as their new superstar is welcomed with the most disrespect. He then retreats into the backstage as the night continues after this