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Skystain wasn't entirely sure if she'd spent time with Hex hoping to have children again, but more kids wouldn't be a bad thing. Especially since the buck is very handsom, and matches her well. So maybe a tiny part of her subconscious wanted children with him. And lucky for that part of her, it happened.

She wasn't sure at first, since it had been so long since her first clutch. It wasn't until she started craving foods she didn't normally want that she suspected. Still not completely sure, she could just be ill, right? But just in case she set out to find her mom's cousin's father, who she was told was ascended and could bless any possible babies she's got.

It didn't take her long at all to find the stag's home, a small clearing with an interesting pond, a little island and another, smaller, pond in it. Jumping Frog had assured her she didn't need to bring a gift, but Skystain felt it would be rude not to, so she'd brought one of her favorite treasures, a stone swirled through with colors like the sunset.

Coming into the clearing it takes her only a moment to see the stag, off to one side of the clearing, sorting vines, or maybe cleaning them out to enlarge the area, she's not sure. A large mantis at his side seeming to help, a crane and lemur in the pond, almost looking like they're arguing over something.. bones? a fish one caught?

Giving a shrug, Skystain returns her attention to the stag and approaches. She clears her throat, the stone making speech difficult, mumbling out a "Scuse meh?"

Fish Bones turns, smiling at the doe who spoke, a quick glance telling him why his lemur hadn't immediately informed him of a visitor. "Good morning."

Not one to beat around the bush, Skystain sets the glittering stone at Fish Bones hooves. "I suspect I'm with child, is this gift worthy enough to procure a blessing? If not I've got many other baubles I've found treasure hunting, you can have your pick of them all, but this one is by far my favorite and so it seemed most fitting for this." Skystain rushes that last bit out, taking a little gasp of breath after.

Fish Bones studies the doe, then the stone she set at his feet. Nodding and smiling, he looks up at her. "This is a most appropriate offering, thank you." He ponders her words a moment, then "May your children be as full of adventure as you."

Skystain grins, feeling relieved at his words. "Thank you, sir! I'm glad you like the stone! Have a good day." With a little hum Skystain turns and heads back home.

Fish Bones watches her go with a smile, finally picking up the stone and going to place it in his nest.