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Sunstone talking = #CDB7B5 // Acorn talking = #668014

Sunstone had no idea how this worked, Rowan had recently told him she was pregnant. And he is the father. How does one raise kids? So many things can happen, good and bad. It's the bad possibilities that has him worried half out of his mind.

So he had asked around, anyone and everyone who'd talk to him. And they all suggested he find one of Her chosen, if he offers them a gift, perapse the legendary would be kind to bless his clutch with good health.

Sunstone spent several days agonizing about the gift. Everyone had a different suggestion on what is best, a honeycomb, a small pet, a feather, a nice big fish, the list goes on and on. Finally he decided something useful would be best, and chose a good size turtle shell. Large enough to hold a good amount and not be too heavy to carry. Gift chosen, and polished up a bit, he sets off to find a stag or mare.

He'd been on the road looking for what felt like forever, itching to get it over and done with so he could get back to Rowan. Sunstone is sure she can care for herself, but the 'what if?s' keep creeping into his mind. He's on the verge of giving up and returning when he sees a Kiokote in the distance. Picking up the pace, he hurries up to the other kin.

"Hello. Have you seen one of the chosen? I've looked everywhere and can't find even a hint and I'm worried about the children and Rowan, I just want to get back and know she's okay." He let's out all in a rush of breath, front hoof pawing at the ground.

Acorn had been watching a group of chattering mongeese playing tag, pondering the possibility of joining them, when a buck rushed up and poured out his heart. Turning she looks and him, smiling softly. "I can help, I think. Though I am not sure why the MotherFather is only sending me bucks to bless."

It takes a moment, but her words and glowing eyes sink into Sunstone's head and no he realizes what she is. He bows his head, and sets the shell and not her hooves. "I did not know what gift to bring, so I hope this is sufficient."

Acorn nods, giving the shell a look. "A shell is always a welcome gift, thank you." she says, taking him in, and all he'd rushed out. "May your children be full of laughter and good health."

Instantly Sunstone feels relief wash over him, surely nothing bad can happen now. "Thank you so much, I must go tell Rowan, have a wonderful day!." he says, turning and heading to Rowan.

Acorn smiles and nods, watching him go and hoping that all her blessings have worked. So far she's only blessed males, and she'd been so sure only the does got the blessing. Perhaps Matope is trying to teach her a lesson, so far none of the bucks had come to complain, so they must be working. So, lesson learned? she sends the thought like a prayer, wondering if She will reply.