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After the race, the obelisk had started to glow, and Minstrel had felt a pull toward it. He wasn't sure what he'd do, until Dew Drop Sun started toward it. He didn't know if any of the others touched it with them, but Dew Drop Sun had stopped to invite them, before he joined her and together they walked up and touched it.

He had no idea what to expect, the trip itself hadn't been eventful, but everything that happened after they got to the obelisk made up for that. He was not, however, expecting a landscape that rejected sight, it was almost as if by not allowing itself to be seen it had herded him toward the tall spire he eventually came across.

Not that Minstrel had immediately started walking, as much as he wanted to get out of this place, he also wanted to know Dew Drop Sun was safe. It wasn't until he was sure she wasn't there that he gave in and started moving, hoping the obelisk - or whatever had brought him here - had bought her and others safely as well. At least he assumed he was safe, there didn't seem to be any predators. So short of stumbling on the pebbles and breaking a leg he, and the others if they were here too, should be safe.

Just as suddenly as it all appeared, it was gone. Minstrel stood in the shadow of the swamp obelisk, swaying on his feet, dizzy as though he'd stayed up a full day and night, or longer. Weary to the bone, he stumbles around, looking for Dew Drop Sun, or any sign of the others. He attempts to call her name, but so exhausted and parched is he that not even a broken whisper comes out. Minstrel's hoof catches on a root, or vine or rock, he doesn't see, but he knows he won't be able to catch his balance. Instead he flumps to the ground, not so much as a glimmer of grace in his movement, and is asleep almost before he's even fully down.

He dreamed, he wasn't sure how he knew it was a dream, and not just the obelisk pulling him back into that nightmare landscape, but he knew it was just a dream this time. With a heavy sigh, wondering if he'll be doomed to walk this landscape that refuses to be seen for the rest of his life, Minstrel pulls himself to his feet, ready to start off once more.

That's when he sees her, Dew Drop Sun, off in the distance, back to him and walking away. She was safe? Did the MotherFather send him this dream so he'd know his new friend was ok? So he'd know to look for her when he woke? Maybe the dream Dew Drop Sun would have the answer, so he ran off after her.

It didn't take long before he realized that even at his fastest, he still wasn't fast enough. Dew Drop Sun was still a good way off, and he felt that if he stopped to call her name it wouldn't do anything but give her time to get farther away. Better to keep on, dig deep and pour every bit of speed into his legs.

This was worse than the first trip through this damnable land, at least then the spire wasn't moving away from him. Still, Minstrel pushed on, pushing himself to his limits. He'd been running so hard, and so long, that every bit of him ached, but oh! it was worth it, Dew Drop Sun was almost close enough to reach. Just a bit more, a little faster and.. there! he stretched his neck and nipped at her tail, giving the fluff a firm tug. "Hey, holth uph." he says, not letting her go.

The dream Dew Drop Sun turns and smiles at him. "Oh hello. You made it."

Minstrel drops her tail fluff, nodding. "And you? Did you make it? Did the others?"

The dream doe seems to nod and shrug at the same time. "You felt it like the rest of us, those who touched the obelisk are safely home."

She's right, he had felt that, no clue how but he knows it to be true. Before he can ask anything else, it all starts to fade, the sounds of the swamp rushing into his ears and waking him up.

Minstrel lay on the ground, blinking his eyes and looking around, hunger and thirst at the front of his mind. First water, then food, then a look around to see if they're here, he thinks to himself, pulling himself up and going about these three tasks, giving the obelisk a puzzled look from time to time.

Oddly, he wasn't as worried, despite the landscape that didn't want to be seen, or the puzzle of the obelisks, or even how he got here without walking back. He knew Dew Drop Sun was safe, she'd touched the obelisk just like he had. There was a kernel of worry for the others, he'd not seen who had followed them, but surely they had all done so. So, he'd find Dew Drop Sun, but he knew she was safe, so there was not the urgency that he'd had in the dream. Just an odd calm and feeling that all would be well.