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The sound of laughter echoed all around, the delightful warm light shining down through thick green leaves and vines overhead, and leaving dappled spots upon the mud and grass below. He moved, could feel his feet dancing, and bending, and could hear the light rattling in his horns as a rattlesnake's tail... it was all so familiar, as if he'd been doing this for years. Their disembodied voices laughed and laughed, and around and around and around he went, faster and faster, until the sound began to twist and warp. An unearthly echo began to creep with every drawn breath, and at every exhale and guffaw, he could hear the ever growing mockery. With every spin and whirl he made, it seemed to spread one voice at a time, until he was absolutely certain the laughter was no longer at the strange dance, but at him.

The dappled light began to fade, and through it all he could see the moon and stars staring down at him, pale and cold in the night sky, and in those stars he saw faces; each individual thing that laughed at him, far above and far away. He felt himself shrink, could feel the fear and humiliation as he froze to a halt, legs shaking, to merely stare up in shock. Then in seconds, it was gone, the moon brightening and the stars fading until there was nothing but more blue and clouds, and the sunshine streaming down onto his face, the laughter lightening into its merry chorus once again. He blinked, confused, and then tried a new twist, only to notice that they laughed more delightedly as he went, and he continued his spinning and whirling and flipping until he was sure that what he'd just seen had never actually happened at all.