User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Fact: White-Capped Waves had never borne sacs.

Fact: White-Capped Waves was currently heavily pregnant.

Fact: This caused her some panic.

It was okay, she thought. It'd be okay. But she'd felt so ill for so long, and it seemed now that she was fat with sacs that it hurt to do anything - getting up and walking to the stream was an experience. But Crest had ways of dealing with stress. And she was doing it! Laying down on her side wasn't so hard - obviously - and if she stretched each limb out individually and watched her breath - slow, slow - she was able to kind of pretend that life was normal.

She'd always been a fan of meditation. She just hadn't been doing it daily before. She'd have thought that doing something more made you better at it - it seemed, in this case, like her strategies for clearing her mind were just losing their efficacy.
