Shop Discussion Forum

So, what exactly is this thread for? Welcome to the Shop Discussion forum. Staff will occasionally post proposed changes to the Shop and Rules here. Once all of Staff has weighed in on their own opinions of the proposed change, we will open up the discussion to the customers of the Shop, this way we can get full feedback before implimenting a full change. This also offers us a way to adress any potential concerns in a NEUTRAL SETTING, where there will be no judgement. Below are the rules for the forum.

1.) Do not use another person's posted opinion to bolster your own argument for or against the change. This is so we can hear your PERSONAL THOUGHTS on an intended change, that we can make everything as fair as possible.

2.) Do not attack another shop member, STAFF OR CUSTOMER, in regards to their decision. This is just uncouth, and does not contribute to the intention of this forum. In fact, deciding to say "x is wrong because a" is more likely to cause more issues than it is likely to resolves situations.

3.) This is not a place to air grievances. Should you have grievance with the consideration of a rule, we the staff would prefer that you send a private message to the mule so that we can address your issue directly.

4.) Refrain from using language that could be considered derogatory, or aggressive. This means cursing or phrases that are largely unrelated to the topic at hand.

More rules will come if we feel the need.