[AtlanteanDragon - Mayrae Shadowservant]
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                                    ╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

                                          --- STRENGTH
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - CONSTITUTION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          ----- AGILITY
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - INTELLIGENCE
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - PERSUASION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

                                    ╫ C O R E ╫

                                          *NAME ▬ Mayrae Shadowservant
                                          *AGE ▬ roughly 300 years, though she appears in her 20's
                                          *FACTION ▬ Independent
                                          NICKNAME ▬ Shadow's Blade
                                          *SEX ▬ Female
                                          *SPECIES ▬ Drow (a subterranean subspecies of the elves)
                                          ORIENTATION ▬ Asexual
                                          OCCUPATION ▬ Sellsword / Shadowdancer for hire

                              ╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

                                    HAIR ▬ Silvery
                                    CLOTHING ▬ Mayrae usually wears leather armor in dark shades, and build for stealth, and identity concealment if she so desires. her outfit is supposed to be solely functional.
                                    ACCESSORIES ▬ A single ring, depicting heraldry of a spider, worn as a necklace rather then a ring.
                                    *HEIGHT ▬ 5' 3"
                                    *WEIGHT ▬ 90 lbs
                                    EYES ▬ dull red
                                    BUILD ▬ she has a petite, slightly athletic build
                                    TATTOOS ▬ Black runes covering her left hand, though usually concealed by a leather gauntlet
                                    SCARS ▬ countless scars cover her body. Most are the result of battle with swords or arrows. Even the occasional burn scar. The only notable scar on her face is one resulting from a cut on her cheek. it's old.

                        ╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

                              ▬ (Hobbies/Talents) Mayrae rather enjoys traversal for the sake of traversal. Climbing, parcour. Additionally she can often be found drawing recent kills or notable events in her life. She actually keeps this in a dairy.
                              ▬ (People) She really rather tends to avoid any interpersonal relationships beyond a business relationship. The concept of friendship and romance have been dead to her for decades, as in her trade one always would find themselves facing opposite sides, or potentially dead. She respects those who hold up their end of the bargain, as well as those who defeat her in battle through skill and effort, and acknowledges the right another has to kill her in such an altercation. Interestingly enough she is inclined to spare those who fight her valiantly and lose, unless she is specifically contracted to kill them.
                              ▬ (Foods) She has a particular liking for wild game, or any cuisine that reminds her of her original home.
                              ▬ (Objects) beyond coin, her gear and her diary, she doesn't have value for much.
                              ▬ (Animals) She has a definitive fondness for spiders and snakes. She admires their abilities as hunters, and sees the use they have for poisoncrafting. Where she came from, there were spiders so large you could ride them as one would a horse.
                              ▬ (People) Cowardly people, and those who would go back on their word. She especially hates it when people refuse to pay her for her services. Those who fight cowardly, or let others do the fighting for them will recieve naught but hostility from her.
                              ▬ (Foods) Stews, broths and soups. She prefers the solid food without liquids really.
                              ▬ (Objects) She has no particular dislikes when it comes to objects, though when it comes for weapons, she dislikes weapons that do not require much skill to operate.
                              ▬ (Animals) She has no particular dislike for animals.
                              ▬ (Fears) She fears her own species, as she is a known rogue and traitor to their values and the dogma of her species. She also suffers from phobias concerning being helpless. to a much lesser extend, emotional ties and romantic altercations leave her nervous and uncomfortable.
                              PERSONALITY TRAITS
                              ▬ (Psychological Condition) Mostly, desensitized to a lot of things. She does not fear death, she welcomes it as an old friend, which honestly reflects in her fightingstyle, and blunt demeanor. She's almost entirely logical, as to avoid falling prey to personal emotions. She'll insist it's purely out of professionalism, but it actually has personal roots, originating from the community she grew up in, and having become an outcast. She also suffers from night terrors, in which she sees all the faces of those who'se lives she claimed, haunting her in vengeance, as if cursed by their dying breaths. She'd never admit it, but she actually does feel quite lonely.
                              ▬ (Aspirations) If she can't gather enough coin to fetch her a nice mansion and a comfortable lifestyle for the remainder of her life, she wishes to die in battle, honorably and free.
                              ▬ (Vernacular) She speaks the languages associated with her species, Drowish (which is a dialect on elven) and their form of sign language. Whilst clearly not from around when she speaks,she also speaks the common tongue
                              ▬ (Positive) Mayrae is honorable, and will never go back on her word without good reason. She's honest, perhaps a bit too blunt, and can be trusted to not betray you, for as long as she works for you.
                              ▬ (Negative) She tends to be greedy, as she desires to gather coin. Another flaw she suffers from, is pride. She can be overly prideful of her abilities, and rather easily insulted, to which she often reacts in hostile and violent manner.
                              SKILLS & TALENTS
                              ▬ (Physical Abilities) adept agility based swordswoman, adept knifethrower. She's also a skilled infiltrator, specializing in stealth
                              ▬ (Runic Projections) Mayrae possesses one runic projection so far, one activated by a gesture of her left hand, allowing her to instantaneously move between shadows, though the shadow in question must not be cast by anything living or undead, and she can only do this about twice within a given moment, or she will lose consciousness and render her helpless briefly.
                              ▬ (Talents) Poisoncrafter, depending on her environment she can make poisons to go with her armaments. She sticks to torpor inducing and paralyzing varieties due to a sense of honor though
                              ▬ (Strongest Ability) Her strongest ability is her spatial awareness, which renders her very difficult to disorient, and allows her to use her projection during active combat.
                              ▬ (Weakest Ability) She sees quite well in the dark, but as a major tradeoff, direct sunlight is mildly painful, and bright lights can blind her, cause her to flinch, or even downright immobilize her.

                  ╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

                        BACKGROUND Originally from a place deep below ground, a hidden city of Drow, content to stick to themselves, really, she grew up to be groomed into becoming the successor of the current mistress of her House, in their underground nation known for producing shadowdancers, warriors and assassins which used shadows to their advantage. One of her closest partners wound up betraying them, causing a mission to go haywire in catastrophic manner. This caused her entire house to fall outside of their goddess' favor, and she was quick to be blamed for the failure, the whole predicament really, by the one whom betrayed them. She was exiled as a result, and was left wandering. since then about 150 years passed, in which she had a crisis of faith, experienced some friendships and even romantic relationships, though so far she either outlived them, became bitter enemies with them, or wound up having to kill them due to her trade. She's survived partaking in small skirmishes and taking on jobs as an assassin or mercenary on the side, through a combination of skill, and luck really.

            ╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

                  ▬ A single Longsword
                  ▬ about 8 throwing daggers concealed in her outfit. One for each boot and wristguard, 1 on her waist, in plain sight, and 3 in plain sight on her upper left arm.
                  ▬ a steel chain roughly 4 feet long.
                  ▬ her diary
                  ▬ Drawing and writing utensils
                  ▬ a sack for personal belongings, slung around her shoulder.



[img]http://i964.photobucket.com/albums/ae124/Dragonsmite/Auvryneld footer_zpsoc18rynl.png[/img]