[A City Of Fools & Nike]
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                                    ╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

                                          --- STRENGTH
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - CONSTITUTION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          ----- AGILITY
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - INTELLIGENCE
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
                                          - PERSUASION
                                          xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

                                    ╫ C O R E ╫

                                          *NAME ▬ Nike
                                          *AGE ▬ 17
                                          *FACTION ▬ Independent
                                          NICKNAME ▬ Angel of Victory
                                          *SEX ▬ Female
                                          *SPECIES ▬ Human
                                          ORIENTATION ▬ Pretty gay
                                          OCCUPATION ▬ Gladiator

                              ╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

                                    HAIR ▬ Blonde
                                    CLOTHING ▬ As little as possible really. Mobility is key.
                                    ACCESSORIES ▬ A couple of mismatched pieces of armor like one leg plate and one arm plate. Also a bandage that she wears across her nose.
                                    *HEIGHT ▬ 5'9
                                    *WEIGHT ▬ 143 lbs
                                    EYES ▬ Green
                                    BUILD ▬ Slim and athletic
                                    TATTOOS ▬ A rune of fertility on her navel.
                                    SCARS ▬ Lots of cuts and slashes all over.
                                    MARKINGS ▬ None.

                        ╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

                              ▬ Fighting
                              ▬ That satisfying crunch
                              ▬ Meat
                              ▬ Women
                              ▬ Exercise.
                              ▬ Slavery
                              ▬ Cheating
                              ▬ The patriarchy
                              ▬ Men
                              ▬ Afraid of chains
                              PERSONALITY TRAITS
                              ▬ She's just trying to make it day by day, but she's optimistic.
                              ▬ She's trying to win her freedom
                              ▬ She speaks with an accent that is just slightly off-putting, giving few hints to its origin.
                              ▬ She is optimistic and kind to those less fortunate.
                              ▬ Boy does she have a temper.
                              SKILLS & TALENTS
                              ▬ Despite her size, homegirl's got ridiculous strength.
                              ▬ Her bat has runes that make whatever they hit weigh a one hundredth of what they do.
                              ▬ Nike's accuracy is supreme.
                              ▬ Nike is obsessed with winning her freedom. She is strong but she is fragile. The more damage she receives the harder she swings.
                              ▬ She has almost no endurance and will go down pretty quickly if hit hard.

                  ╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

                        Nike was born in a place far offset from where she is now. She has no memories of this place, but a few memories of her mother made her who she is. As far back as she can remember she has been a slave. Nike was not a willing slave and suffered many injustices by her masters. They marked her and tattoed her and used her for their own satisfaction. After she rebelled and ended her masters life at the age of twelve she was sold into the arena to pay off her debt. She was young and small and was treated as such.. With the few weeks she had to prepare for her first match she trained harder than anyone. She became strong, and she was underestimated. Now, five years later Nike is the champion. No one can match her, and no one underestimates her.

            ╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

                  ▬ A metal club inscribed with runes, made for her when she became the arenas champion.
