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( darkcyan // hotpink )

Walks-with-Fireflies had met a sweet doe, and a rather pink doe. Puddle-Hopper had agreed to mother children for him, well not just for him. He wouldn't just shove her aside, so if sticking around was her desire, he'd gladly let her. And Daisy Chain wouldn't mind, even if he wasn't expecting the babies. Walks had decided to surprise his love with the children, and since the season was turning he figured what better time? All the animals were breeding, babies popping up everywhere. As well, Winter was ending, and the bounty of Spring was starting to bloom. The best time for children.

And Walks was sure Daisy Chain would love the kids, they'd talked on and off about finding a doe to mother children for them. Well, the time for talking was over, it was time to act. So Walks had gone on a little trip, and met Puddle-Hopper, and asked her to have kids for them. Maybe he'd been a bit too forward, he'd only just met her, but she had not objected so he figures all is good. If she'd been offended, she'd have said something, right?

He himself had never been pregnant, and Puddle-Hopper hadn't either. But he trusted her to know better than him what signs to look for. To have some instinctual knowledge of it. He knew a few things, but those things also could just be illness. So he trusted her judgement when she said she was expecting.

He'd set her up in a comfortable spot, plenty of food should she want it, his foxbun stayed with her for company, and went off to find a blessing. That had been very early this morning, just before dawn actually. And now it was very late, way past sunset and well into full dark. And still not even a hint of anyone, chosen or not. He was very seriously considering going back, cuddling up to Puddle-Hopper for the night, and trying again in the morning.

Fish Bones felt a gentle pull, a tug toward, very likely an expecting mother. At least, in his experience this pull was a need for a blessing. And not just some random thing the MotherFather wants to show him. Though, he shouldn't just assume that's not the case. Especially as he's been walking for hours and still no sign of anyone.

Until he rounded the corner, and met a very pink buck. A buck who seemed to be searching for something. If it was needed, this would be far from the first time he'd blessed a buck. "Good evening. I think, you could use my help?" It was late and from the looks of it, the buck wants to get home and sleep as much as Fish Bones does. So in the interest of sweet dreams, Fish Bones gets things rolling with the offer.

Walks had not been expecting the other buck, no, no, that's not right. The other kin is male, he thinks. But looks, well, like a grandfather. Old and wise. With a feeling about him that speaks of more. A stag, Walks had finally found who he'd been looking for. Or, rather, the stag had found him. Surely this is a good sign! "Good evening. Yes I could, if you'd be willing? Puddle-Hopper has agreed to mother our children, for myself and Daisy Chain, since we can't have kids ourselves. And, well, I want to be sure the babies are healthy, and Puddle too. It wouldn't do for her to fall ill, she's a sweet does and I'd feel horrible if something happened to her because of the babies." Well that was a worry he didn't know he had. When Blossom carried his first clutch, she'd been fine. No issues caused by the sacs. And he'd never heard of a doe being harmed by pregnancy, so where did that come from? He wonders, maybe his mind is just finding trouble, already bothered by worries of his ability to impregnate a doe. Along with the normal worries of parenthood. Even with assurances that everything will be fine, it is a stressful time. Oh, happy and exciting as well, to be sure, but those emotions mix with the stress to make a rather unique concoction of feelings.

Fish Bones smiles, much like a father trying to assure a child all will be well, as he watches the buck. The varied emotions chasing each other over the pink buck's face. He can think of a few reasons why he and Daisy Chain cannot have children, perhaps the other is infertile, or a buck, maybe the two are related, or just good friends. Romantic love isn't the only kind of love where a pair might want to raise children. And honestly, it's none of his business, he reminds himself. If the MotherFather did not approve of the pair, She hardly would have led him here. But here he is, so Matope must be agreeable to their situation, whatever it may be. "Your children will be healthy and joyful, their mother as well." he says, Fish Bones is fairly sure the blessing is for the children, that he can't guarantee painless lives, or the parents health. But a little fib to put the buck's mind at ease wasn't bad, right? After all, no doe had ever perished because of clutching. Not that he'd ever heard of anyway, he'd have to ask around, be sure this is right. And hope he hasn't misspoken.

At the words, Walks relaxes, and he gives a sigh, the babies and Puddle will be fine. They'll be just fine. He's not stupid, he's sure the blessing does not mean they will always be healthy and never ill, and that they'll never me sad or angry or unhappy. That the blessing is only for the time from conception to birth, or maybe a little beyond, til their eyes open. Because if it worked all their lives, then no kin would ever get ill or have unfortunate luck. Why? Because all their parents would have been sure to bless them. "Thank you! Thank you! I.. I didn't bring a gift.. Daisy Chain doesn't know about the babies, yet, even though he wants them too. It's a surprise, and I was so worried I'd give it away that I forgot.. but.. do you like flowers? Daisy Chain has a garden, I'm sure he'd be happy to part with a seed. We've wanted children for so long, he'd be so excited, I just know he'd be happy to gift you a seed. And instruction on planting and caring for it, if you don't already know." Walks lets out in an excited rush.

Fish Bones smiles, dipping his head in a little bow. "I'd be honored to accept a seed, though, I am not much of a gardener. It would be a shame if my inexperience killed your gift." he says, when Walks gives a slight cough and cuts in. "Excuse me for cutting you off, but Daisy Chain would very likely be excited to teach you how to garden and all about plants. He is very passionate about flowers, he'll spend hours talking about them to anyone who'll listen. And we'd be honored to have you visit, and meet the children too?"

Fish Bones gives this some thought, a garden at home might be fun. "I'd like that, if Daisy Chain likes the idea, I'd be happy to come and learn." he answers, they spend the next few minutes talking, Walks giving him directions to the garden, and Fish Bones telling the pink buck how to find his pond, just in case.

With the moon starting to set, the two say their good byes and head off on thier own paths, having decided where and when to meet for introductions and possible garden lessons.