Hey there, welcome to my role-play search. I am a fairly new role-player, but I would say I'm around the level of a semi-lit role-player and looking for someone either above or around the same level. I only play female roles, and only MXF role-plays. I won't go over pg-16 in any aspect (mild gore/violence, romance/intimacy or swearing/cursing is fine). I don't do horror or supernatural themed role-plays, they just aren't my style, but I'm up for almost anything else. At the moment I'm craving something more along the lines of fantasy/sci-fi. I have a few ideas of my own, but I'm open to any ideas you may have as well. None of the details of my plots are set in stone and are all completely open for negotiation. Send me a PM with the name of this guild included, or simply quote me here so we can get to discussing ideas.