[loreofloki & Alliera Strahl]
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╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊

╫ C O R E ╫

        *NAME ▬ Alliera Strahl
        *AGE ▬ 22
        *FACTION ▬ Independent
        NICKNAME ▬ Allie
        *SEX ▬ Female
        *SPECIES ▬ Human
        ORIENTATION ▬ Pansexual
        OCCUPATION ▬ Knight
        PARTNER(S) ▬ Unfortunately, no one

╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

        HAIR ▬ Black
        CLOTHING ▬ Paladin's Armor
        ACCESSORIES ▬ Ruby pendant around her neck, seceral piercings in her left ear, as well as one in each n****e
        *HEIGHT ▬ 5'7
        *WEIGHT ▬ Will Not Answer (assumes 120 lbs)
        EYES ▬ Bright green
        BUILD ▬ Slender, Athletic build
        TATTOOS ▬ A small flower at her lower back, with vines branching out and coiling around her torso, ending just below her breasts, meeting in the center in a small heart
        SCARS ▬ N/A
        MARKINGS ▬ N/A

╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

        ▬ Surprisingly enough, she sings quite well
        ▬ No one, at the moment
        ▬ Super spicy foods
        ▬ Swords
        ▬ Dogs
        ▬ It's hard for her to dislike anyone
        ▬ Sweet pastries
        ▬ Hairpins
        ▬ She loves all animals
        ▬ Heights
        ▬ While her Psychological condition is sound, Alliera often makes decisions that would make one question this.
        ▬ She aspires to be a knight worthy of praise by not just one, but all factions, and all peoples. She does not discriminate when it comes to saving lives, after all.
        ▬ She can speak many languages as is necessary, but not truly fluent in any. Because of this, she has a slight accent when pronouncing different words, and cannot actually speak any "R" sounding words too well.
        ▬ Alliera is a positive woman, a lot of the time, and makes friends easily. She's rather jolly and upbeat, almost bubbly.
        ▬ However, she finds it hard to trust people, and she certainly doesn't make the same mistake twice. Once you get on her bad side, it takes many miracles before she even considers changing her opinion.
        ▬ Physically, she's as strong as any man she knows. Able to crush small stones with little to no effort, and even lift a minotaur once she puts her mind to it. She's also incredibly agile, able to distance herself from opponents easily.
        ▬ Alliera has some knowledge of runes and runic carving, but she can't project at all. However, she's learned how to imbue the properties of runes onto weapons.
        ▬ Her only talents include singing, cooking, and her skill with a sword
        ▬ Alliera's strongest abilities are her agility, her strength and her knowledge of runes.
        ▬ Her weakest ability, however, is her persuasion.She cannot, for the life of her, convince people to join her in her tasks. She believes that people will do what they feel is best, and if that decision is following her, then so be it.

╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

        Born as a village chief's daughter in a human settlement, she was taught to fight from a young age. Living happily with her many friends and family, Alliera didn't think her happy life would be disturbed. However, becoming the center of a dispute between two warring factions, Alliera's home was destroyed and torched to the ground when she was just 15. She was then captued and enslaved until she eventually won her freedom. Since then she's traveled the world over, allying herself to no faction, yet helping those who would need it.

╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

        Rapier "Septum" - A rapier found in some ancient ruin while traveling, its origin is unknown. But while wielding it, she seems to be much lighter on her feet, and able to strike faster. however, these quick strikes aren't very powerful.
        Living Metal Sabre "Gabriel" - A sabre made of a substance known as "living metal" it's able to shift its form and become a shield of its own will. However, Alliera can't completely control it, thus rarely uses it. I disguises itself as a piercing in her left n****e.
        Broadsword "Laregna" - A broadsword that was found alongside Septum, this weapon increases her strength, at the cost of temporarily entering a berserker-like state.
        Ring of the Empyrean - a ring found in a pawn shop, purchased at a low price. It works as a translator, allowing her to understand languages she doesn't yet know.
        Paladin's Armor - pilfered from a dead paladin, Alliera altered it to suit her frame. though it doesn't offer much in the way of protection, but it is pretty stylish.
        Pendant of Promise - A pendant given to her a long time ago from before her village was destroyed. Though it brings back tender memories, she'd really rather not think of them.