User ImageFish Bones had been lazing in the sun, watching his crane pick through the waters of his pond, his lemur curled up at his back. He must have dozed off, because the next thing he knew he wasn't a kimeti anymore. Long neck and legs, and a beak, he goes cross eyed looking down the long slender bill of a crane. Shaking his head, Fish Bones refocused his eyes, then scrambles up onto his feet. Having only two long, thin legs, is unusual, so hard to balance.

The first several minutes is spent relearning how to walk, a rather comical sight as he keeps over compensating and stumbling around because of it. Finally he figures it out. Now what? He could fly. Or try. That'd be interesting to do, even if he never got past the try. He could also give basket weaving a go, he'd often wondered if a crane would be able to get a tighter weave. He could also stroll through his pond, arranging the fish bones within in a way he'd never been able to before. Bone Keeper might not like that, though. And just like that his crane appears in the pond, head tilted to look at him a minute, before going back to arranging the bones and bits in the pond.

Fly. He should fly. Bone Keeper has the pond, and has always taken great care of it. And basket weaving he can do as a foxbun any time he wanted. It would be interesting to see the swamp from above. A small part of him has always wondered, in the dream where the MotherFather chose him, he could have gone flying. Instead he went swimming. And since then he's always wondered what the swamp looks like to a bird.

Easier said than done. Spreading his wings he sees he's got an impressive wingspan. But he's also got a plump body too. And what to do with his neck? It's so long and bendy. Thinking back, he recalls all the times he'd seen Bone Keeper take flight. His crane had always gotten a running start, and then a leap and a flap to get airborn.

Finding a good spot Fish Bones starts running, stretching his wings and flapping when he's going as fast as he thinks he can. A thrill in the pit of his stomach as his feet leave the ground. Tucking them up under his belly he flaps again, trying to gain height. He doesn't get very far, though, instead crashing into the branches of a tree.

At least he hit more leaves than branches, so it was a fairly soft landing. If one could call it that. Wriggling up onto the branch, he bends his legs and leaps. At the highest point of his jump, Fish Bones spreads his wings, giving several quick flaps.

That gets him higher, but he still ends up in arrangingndnother tree. Sitting on the branch, Fish Bones looks around, not the flight he'd attempted, but still a great view. Clearly this skill requires a lot more practice than he'd realized. And less trees to end up in. How in the world do cranes get airborn?

Once again he leaps, taking off from the branch, flapping his wings in a steady rhythm. This time he gets above the trees, only just clearing the top, and soars off, watching the swamp speed by under him.