This was perhaps the first diplomatic agreement, if one could call it that, they could have with another tribe and of all members it was Blood that had managed it. Howl Back wasn’t sure what was attractive about him. Well physically he was well build and had some very lovely markings. But he was also a p***k. Howl back snorted, walking close to the territory. Sea snail, Spiral, dragon mistress of her own tribe. It was a nice bit of land, close to fresh water lakes.

Sheltered by the Leaves accompanied her, the acha was gentle and polite and perhaps could soften her much more blunt approach. Howl Back said what she wanted and backed it up by force both physical and will. She gave a deep thrumming sound in the back of her throat, requesting permission.

It was always polite to ask before interrupting.

Sheltered joined her, his hum softer and prone to drifting, rising and falling instead of her steady tone.