In the midst of... all of the horrifying s**t constantly happening... a small handful of visitors have vanished after extended periods of exhibiting unusual behavior. Where did they go? Why did a couple of them develop a disturbing fascination with blood?

I mean it's obvious there's some a*****e in Other Ashdown up to something, right? And your character doesn't have to be a hero to get roped in!

    This casting call will be open until April 28 at 11:59pm CST. Expect the event thread to be opened the following weekend / the following week at the latest.

what this will entail:
    This part of the event is a little shorter, simpler and more action-packed! Your character will find themselves in a dangerous part of Other Ashdown, and will need to escape. Along the way you'll run into the people whose personalities have been altered!

how to apply:
    Send me a PM! Let me know the following:
  • your general availability
  • the character you want to use
  • a paragraph or two on your character's opinions/beliefs/feelings on Other Ashdown and magic

    This is mainly for new or undifferentiated Visitors. However: if your character knows Shun Kuroda, America Jones, Ashton Carver or Zac Mercer -- please note that down and state the nature of their relationship!

    PM me or find me on Discord (cibarium #5203) -- or ask in this thread if you like!