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Quest System Information [F&R]

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Quotable Lunatic

6,450 Points
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  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:17 pm

You may have been wondering what I have been working on in the crew forum. Or maybe you just thought I was some lazy-butt-guild capt'n (Not that I can deny that). Anyways, I have created something that is a massive update for the Ark-Verse. Something that some of you saw coming, and that others had no idea was going to happen. I have released the first draft wave of major faction quests!

Yes I encourage you to take a look at the new updated faction ranks, and quest boards! Check out:
Tørstår AND Naiøria's capitals!

I want you all to take note of a few things: that (1.) you now have a way to gain F&R through quests; (2.) this is merely the first wave of quests for the two major factions. Eventually we will release bounty hunter/scavenger type quests for the Rysękkę Skaglands, and add additional quests for the two major factions (that cover more ranks, and higher levels of each rank); (3.) These quests are drafts, they are subject to being edited in the future for balancing purposes; (4.) Yes, high ranks will be granted access to items, pets, and other things that grants temporary boosts in combat power in the form of levels. This will heavily be balanced, don't worry, but feel free to call out what you feel might need fixing; (5.) Now whenever you are on a quest, and traveling for a quest, you must take 6 hours between your entry and exit post (for regions you pass through), unless stated otherwise. This is explained in the quest boards of each faction (Unless stated otherwise, if you have a player companion, you may skip the 6 hour wait time! That means a partner will increase your speed! We want quests to be social! This still works even if your partner hasn't taken up the quest as you have); (6.) I plan to create a summary list of general guild rules that we can all easily access. Just for simplicity; (7.) Quests sometimes involve things that cannot be refused. Like a small 3-post duel, or other such things. You are to quote, or reference the quest if the other person wants to see it. These kind of quests can only be created by crew members, and will typically only be seen in the two main factions; (8.) When you achieve a rank, you get a one time reward of F&R for the achievement. Ranks give a lot of F&R, and thus are the best way to gain it. (9.) F&R right now is merely a tie-breaker in combat when two individuals are the same level, but I plan to make special events where F&R plays a significantly more important role (SO GO GET IT!!); (1) lastly, you can create your own player-made faction, create your own quest board with quests (after you send them in to a mod for approval, then you can post it), and assign quests to your personal faction members and work as a team to increase your F&R.

Post Script:

There are many things that probably need to be fixed, or adjusted, feel free to PM me with feedback on these quests. I also plan to create a general quest-board that is constantly updated by mods with small quests to keep you tikes entertained. AND remember, F&R = Fame&Riches. This represents , conceptually speaking, how much wealth, or social power you hold in the game, and to some degree how much experience you have.

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 4:15 pm
Fame & Riches System

What is it?

The F&R system is an optional "in-game" status point system. You earn F&R points by completing missions for various factions in the role play. Not only do the two major factions possess an F&R system, but player made factions with 3 or more members (cumulatively) can also initiate an F&R system. The Fame & Riches system acts as a tie-breaker in combats where RPC levels are equal. The general idea is that the one with the most F&R has more experience, and resources to back them up. One should think of the F&R system has the number of NPCs that they have attained the loyalty of in this world, or the amount of wealth amassed (even if your character is an unseemly peasant). If I have 300 F&R, I have gained the loyalty of a small town that would willingly go to war with me, or I have amassed a small town's worth of wealth. This is purely conceptual, but in the future we may actually allow one to create an army of NPCs based on their F&R (if not in this RP, the next!).

How do I implement it?

All one has to do is copy the below format and create missions, and then submit the missions to Narxfang for approval. Once approved post them in your factions main hall, or headquarters and you are done! The faction leader may assign missions to specific members, or wait for members to choose specific missions to do. After it has been completed the faction leader can cross out the mission and the player(s) who completed the mission can gain the points (evenly divided among those who participated in the quest). There are a few things specific rules and examples listed below.

Here are a few guidelines when creating Quests/Missions

Quests must involve some sort of player on player interaction (preferably inter-faction interaction). That is to say missions should spur players to meet others that are not in their faction and in some way interact with them. This does not have to be explicit in the mission description. Here is an example:

Quest 1 "The Healing Nightflich"
Quest Description: Jregardan (imaginary player) lost a fight against an enemy faction and is very ill. He has been afflicted with a runic illness that requires a special medicine to cure. The problem is that the ingredient needed is very rare and difficult to attain. You must go through the Skaglands, hire a mercenary, and then continue on to the city of Stragorth. There you will find a shop that specializes in selling Nightflich Talons. You need to purchase 3 of them, and then bring them back here so they can be grounded into dust for the healing suave.
Fame & Riches: 35

Firstly, notice how this quest was created in response to an in-game fight, they do not have to be so relevant, but a good faction leader will create quests very much like this. Now let's break down how one decides how much F&R a quest is worth. First notice that 4 things are underlined in the description. Each of these are the primary sources of the points. For each location you get 10 points. That is 20 points total as you go through the skaglands, and end up at some end destination (starting location does not count, and trip back does not count). Also hiring a mercenary is a player on player interaction that also earns 10 points Lastly the brief interaction between a shopkeeper will earn you 5 more points for a total of 35. To break that down even further; Brief interactions 5 points, more involved player on player interaction is 10 points, and each unique location is 10 points each. Let's look at another example.

Quest 2 "The Peace Tree"
Quest Description: Our faction is allied with the Guruti'i Pirates, but we offer them a weekly tribute in order to maintain good relations. Take the tribute to the Peace Tree in Stragorth and stay there until the Guruti'i's Envoy picks it up. Then return with word of how it all went down.
Fame & Riches: 15

In this quest you go to a single location (10 points), and have a brief exchange with another faction (5 points). Let's do another example.

Quest 3 "The Frost Tower"
Quest Description: There is a new faction, "The Frostlings," who live in what they call "The Frost Tower." It is far away and thus you will need to travel through Stragorth, Philtor, and Jraldor before you reach it. This quest requires 3 faction members to start, and you also need to recruit at least 5 more people to join you along the way. You will lay siege and attack The Frost Tower which has 4 members in their faction. Win or Lose report back with the result.
Fame & Riches: 110

This is a complex quest that involves combat, let's break it down in a simple way. Firstly you have 4 locations; Stragorth, Philtor, and Jraldor & the Frost Tower. Each worth 10 points (40 total so far). Then you have to hire 5 individuals, or a faction of 5 to help you (10 for each personas it is an involved interaction, thus 50 points total). Lastly you will attack the Frost Tower Faction of 4 people. Whenever a mission involves combat you get 5 points per enemy you are attacking. That is 4 times 5 (20 total). 40+50+20 = 110 F&R. Which will be split three ways as this mission requires three people to implement. The mercenaries hired can be additional F&R from your faction that is separate from this quest amount. Whenever you hire a mercenary they can be given up to 5 points per enemy player you plan to attack. That is 20 points of F&R that you can give to each mercenary as a reward. This is if they would not receive ANY F&R from any other faction (no doubling up). That is to say that if they belong to a faction, and you hire them as an individual mercenary, but then go hire their whole faction, and their faction creates their own quest for this siege/attack, they cannot get rewards for both quests (which are the same quest in essence). They can fight beside their faction, but they either get the 20 F&R from your faction, or they get the divided amount of F&R from their faction's quest. Not both. Let's do one more.

Quest 4 "Rose of Sharon"
Quest Description: Your Faction leader loves roses. Particular the Rose of Sharon, travel to Philtor's famous gardens and pick a Rose of Sharon and bring it back.
Fame & Riches: 15

If this was all their was to this quest then make sure you only have one like it on your whole mission board at any given time. As it does not necessarily cause player interaction. When submitting this quest the faction leader might also state that secretly they intend to PM another player and have them show up on location to interact with their faction member. If this is the case the faction leader can have multiple Quests that seem this simple on their board. Remember player on player interaction is the single most important factor of a role playing guild. If a person shows up and causes hardships, for example by refusing to let the faction member take the rose unless they win in a duel, the faction leader may reward an additional 5-10 F&R. 5 if it is a brief hardship/interaction, and 10 if it is more involved. Even if it is as simple as hiring a person to carry back a basket full of the roses to the Faction HQ they can receive an extra 10 points. If they have to fight a short duel make it only 5, if the duel lasts more then 10 posts they can have 10.


5 Points for brief interaction between two players.
5 Points for each enemy you are to attack, rob, or have some sort of unique interaction with.
10 Points for involved interaction, usually involving a partnership, or contract of sorts. If you have to deal with them for multiple game days it probably falls into this category
10 Points for each location you need to pass through on the way to an end location (and 10 points for the end destination itself!)


5 Points for miscellaneous actions that force you to be somewhere where interaction is likely to occur.


① Anyone caught cheating the system will be severely punished. This system is loosely regulated as any group of 3+ is able to implement and manage it, if you are caught just automatically granting F&R points for missions that have not actually been carried out, then you will receive one mark of exile (3 marks and you get banned from The Note). Not only will you hurt yourself, but members of your faction will have their F&R cut down because of you, so please use the simple system the way it was meant to be used. If you make a mistake by accident, we are very merciful, so don't worry.

② You do not need to be a member of a faction to take on their missions (Faction Membership NOT Required), you merely need the faction leader's approval. If you accomplish a mission without their approval and then inform the faction of your actions, they may accept your deeds and reward you with the F&R, or they may reject your actions altogether. That is why it is important to firstly get their permission (which once given cannot be taken back unless it is a huge plot twist). Many factions post quests for anyone to take up, and exclusive quests, or quests that require certain ranks within their faction.

③ F&R points are the tie-breaker in combat unless Capt'n Narx, or VC says otherwise, and of course they have no place in duels (which are decided by public vote).

Faction leaders do not have to implement an F&R system, they can choose if they wish to do it or not. They are not required to maintain mission boards, or update them. They get to choose what they do, and when they do it. A lazy faction leader may be a pain, but they have no obligations other then to do it correctly when they do it. Some factions are just alliances that do not create quests. This is perfectly fine.

⑤ All missions and F&R point rewards must be approved before being posted in the RP. That means that you cannot create quests/missions with F&R rewards that have not first gone through a mods approval. You can freely add the points to your profile though.

No "Doubling Up" on Quests. You cannot accept two quests that are the same, from two different factions, and get both rewards when they overlap. You only get one reward for one quest. You will be forced to choose which. If you are confused you may ask your kind, and generous Capt'n for clarification! If you make a mistake don't worry just let me know and I will help you sort it out!

⑦ F& R will come into play in many other role plays, and special events. We will use it as a sort of loose currency. Sometimes you'll get to spend it for a cool starting position in future events and role plays. It is an activity reward system essentially.

⑧ F&R rewards are split among the whole group, but we will round up to the nearest 5 F&R for equal sharing. Also each participant must earn a minimum of 5 F&R (usually more). Quests will now be specifying special bonuses for larger groups. Usually the quest itself will tell you how much F&R additional participants get.  


Quotable Lunatic

6,450 Points
  • Friendly 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200


Quotable Lunatic

6,450 Points
  • Friendly 100
  • Money Never Sleeps 200
PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 4:16 pm
Here is the general mission Board & Quest Format, the code is listed below. Usually this will be the second post after the Faction profile in the Faction HQ. You may alter this format, all that matters is that the information is there, you will never be punished for creating/altering the format to be better! You do not need to include Quest #, though it cannot hurt you to keep track.


Quest # "Name of Quest"
Faction: (Which Faction Assigned this Quest)
Quest Description: Requirements to take up quest underlined. (Specify what one must do, where they must go to do it, and any other information that is relevant)
Fame & Riches: (Reward Amount)

Quest # "Name of Quest"
Faction: (Which Faction Assigned this Quest)
Quest Description: Requirements to take up quest underlined. (Specify what one must do, where they must go to do it, and any other information that is relevant)
Fame & Riches: (Reward Amount)

Quest # "Name of Quest"
Faction: (Which Faction Assigned this Quest)
Quest Description: Requirements to take up quest underlined. (Specify what one must do, where they must go to do it, and any other information that is relevant)
Fame & Riches: (Reward Amount)

[size=20][align=center]FACTION NAME HERE[/align][/size]

[b]Quest #[/b] [i]"Name of Quest"[/i]
[b]Quest Description:[/b]
[b]Fame & Riches:[/b] (Reward)

[b]Quest #[/b] [i]"Name of Quest"[/i]
[b]Quest Description:[/b]
[b]Fame & Riches:[/b] (Reward)

[b]Quest #[/b] [i]"Name of Quest"[/i]
[b]Quest Description:[/b]
[b]Fame & Riches:[/b] (Reward)


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