Faliae Seedshade by Makako-ma

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╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

╫ C O R E ╫

        *NAME ▬ Faliae Seedshade
        *AGE ▬ 290
        *FACTION ▬ independant
        *CURRENT TITLE ▬ none
        *SEX ▬ Female
        *SPECIES ▬ Cursed/altered Naiørian Chimera
        ORIENTATION ▬ straight but may swing occasionally
        OCCUPATION ▬ adventurer/mercenary

╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

        HAIR ▬ silvery white
        CLOTHING ▬ anti-magic cloth. Thin alchemically colored fabric. Can be made water resistant or absorbent but is resistant by default. Behaves like sportswear, it breathes and releases moisture.
        ACCESSORIES ▬ earrings, generally magic ornamental wear with a multitude of uses.
        *HEIGHT ▬ 5'7"
        *WEIGHT ▬ 650
        EYES ▬ amethyst
        BUILD ▬ fit and somewhat curvy. Exercizes but has the curves and meat of a performer and acrobat mostly.
        TATTOOS ▬ tribal tattoos on forearms and lower back. Seals leading up spine starry design on lower ribcage to the side down to hips
        SCARS ▬ piercings on, tongue belly, ears, and somewhere else
        MARKINGS ▬ unusually low amount of markings or signs of skin wear

╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

        ▬ beautiful things or things that are aesthetically pleasing
        ▬ arts
        ▬ raunchy hardcore cookies you'll never want to tell your parents about
        ▬ animals
        ▬ nature and its descent into something more base or ascent to complexity depending on the method. She likes the natural sciences and magics basically
        ▬ judgemental people
        ▬ purely practical things
        ▬ immensely destructive weaponry that has no use except to indescriminately destroy things
        ▬ People with no confidence
        ▬ complex diseases and curses
        ▬ romance addict
        ▬ she's seen it all and still finds it shocking
        ▬ educated but wastes it sometimes
        ▬ kind for the most part
        ▬ unless its something she is particularly good at she'd prefer someone else take the lead. She doesn't want to be the star of the show when she isn't set to be the star of the show.
        ▬ alchemy and precision tool usage including weaponry and eating utensils or whatever
        ▬ uses natural elements in strange ways. Much of he magic will be some combination of earth, wind, water, and/fire in some combination. Perhaps even some complex combination.
        ▬ mostly weaker magic in complex form
        ▬ naturally talented magical person
        ▬ not physically or magically that strong but able to work her way around her weaknesses mostly using science or magic type skills

╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

Daughter of a necromancer, she had no interest in carrying on his work. She was taught much about alchemy and other strange occult things and when her home was raided by a band of heroes come to stop her father, however meager his operation was, she quickly submitted herself to an alternative punishment for her existence and survived without need of dignity as commanded by the whispers of her father's familiar demons. She was to be a slave but her fathers reputation and the curiosity of some untrustworthy man made a wife of her. By day her husband taught and drained, by night he lay with her, by sleep the demons 12 in all did the same in turn. In time she awoke with a foundation for teaching herself and was a silver haired witch with red horns. She was not herself any longer, she'd given birth to her new self. The demons no longer spoke to her, they were no more, they were a collective now. She was them and they were her.

The bumps on her head hurt as they grew in, she needed to feed. She fed her lust and curiosities furiously until she'd become known as a loose woman of great brilliance thought to be a lewd divine of some sort. But no she was no goddess, she was just a lucky freak who's father had left her a strange gift. Needless to say it didn't matter what she was once laying with hundreds among many races and wielding strange power made her a tad awkward to ignore among the more pious. So she fled to a distant land to begin a journey to learn of the world she manipulated.

In the wild she returned her people's roots and the essence from which her new kin had once formed. Curious she took a flower and turned it into ash and then another and turned it into paper then oil. Isolated from distractions she tamed herself and focused on her magics until the bandits also fleeing from their fate came. They saw a well kept woman who'd groomed herself with materials she made from fruit in the forest and thought surely they could take her but it was her who took them. She wanted to start a family to hunt living ingredients for her and learn to hunt herself! And so she took this band of men and made children and the children made children and so on until she'd become known as a living anscestor of a tribe of sexually and economically deviant nomad alchemists and hunters. She used them, she grew them and they grew her. Her horns grew longer as the seasons grew shorter. Time meant so little to her now. In time she sought to be less renown and return to her studies not wishing to play grandmother any longer. She lusted for her children and their knowledge and formed a more secretive circle within her own people but those she surrounded themselves became corrupted with the power and knowledge she gave them. Abusing those who trusted her for more base needs she became unaware of the foolish experiments that took place in what could have grown to be a kingdom. The sickness took them and only the most talented in alchemy would survive but not without side effects. Her magical energies began to intertwine and defy all she knew of the elements. Simple spells in large quantities became burdens and burdensome spells became jumbled messes. She could hunt and forage to survive while she relearned her magics.. she could hide away and punish those who ruined what she had created as well after she'd determined what kind of person she'd need to be to remake what she'd lost. And so she'd spend some time collecting the remaining of her kin to take back what she had given them before it was too late or before she realized it made no difference in the end.

Seeking strength without a need for impressive strength like great warriors with the time to dedicate themselves she returned to Naiøria to find they too had had a magical revolution of sorts.. she had strange skills but nothing worth noting for the time being. Impractical both in attainment and purpose as far as any untrained eye could tell which made her far less problematic for those who'd run her away originally even with their long memories. This chance to live peacefully outside of where the law had too much influence allowed her to discover mercenary work. Between her deviancy, more deviancy, and more deviancy still she would find herself once again absorbed into some strange lifestyle that attracted the strangest of the strange mentors for as long as they survived in their line of work. She'd learn to train animals, wield light weapons, and break locks and seals.. she became a magical agent for a mercenary company and would live among the other unstable types just like herself. She became a senior member and simply live out centuries of her life among several such groups. She had intended to have more children and form one of her own but she could have no more it seemed.

At some point in this part of her life she had a dream where the 12 that had fused with her appeared in a new form named ouroboros. It spoke to her and told her that the direction of her life was its will as was the distortion of her magic even declaring that she would be the source of much calamity.. an irredeemable sinner who would surely lay with beasts if it rewarded her. She agreed, for a meaningful reward she would gladly do so and so this dream went on to reveal to her a truth of this world's magic and the virtues of chaos and even her own depravity. Indeed she was an evil presence of some sort but none could tell. Her intent was not so glamorous that it could be called good or evil by anyone who'd known her for less than 100 years. She could hardly understand evil in fact. She went on in her own way, she became whatever she wished. One skill after another she collected all she could to fix what others broke to fund her further studies until she became the thing of soldiers fairytales.

Now a fairly wealthy woman she trains animals, mer, and men for strange jobs from a strange estate dedicated to producing alchemic material via the many companies that live there and the merc groups that protect it and its secrets. Those here act as a sort of alchemist's guild due to careful social engineering over the years.. a family she could make without giving birth or becoming some exalted figure to be judged for her nightly misdeeds. Her more formal regimens were no match for those of seasoned mercs from the field but she was always developing new things to deal with such characters and to make money which slowly built an interest in more than mere knowledge, she wanted secrets that couldn't simply be taken freely. She wanted to become a spymaster. Certainly not something she was immediately qualified for but with her background surely she could. Twice she'd built a network of some sort for collecting and creating new things. She was certainly a people person as long as she wasn't too famous.. There were even mercenaries around. The allure of a new life drove her to cherish more seconds of a long life and again she dreamed.

The ouroboros had grown larger. It told her that her fate was inescapable. She didn't care for its words. Their paths didn't seem to clash so she wished to simply be whatever it was she was. So taken by her lack of interest in defying its wish it became her familiar beast after all those years.

Now its master she asked how to find secrets that couldn't be known about. "do not walk on proper paths" it said.. its redundant advice filled her with short-lived regret.
╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

