Rocket River sighed to herself as she entered the infirmary after a long day of grunt duties. She wished she could have been allowed to clean 24/7, but alas she had been assigned to some training with her Pokemon which she found to be a messy business. Although she wore science goggles and rubber gloves everywhere she went, she frequently had to change them due to her strong OCD.

Usually she'd already had dinner by that time, but since after training she'd had to shower, change out of everything, and wash it all to her satisfaction, that time had come and gone. Now the cafeteria was teeming with other people and their bacteria and she dared not enter it until everyone had left and it had been thoroughly sanitized from top to bottom. And that would take quite some time.

So, since she had some free time for once, she decided to go to the cleanest place she could think of to keep her mind at ease - the infirmary. She was a doctor, after all.