Terriermonkey aka Terry

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╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊

╫ C O R E ╫

        *NAME ▬ Nikkolai Pilagius (and Ikki)
        *AGE ▬ 20 (Ikki is 25 or the equivalent of middle aged in gryphon years)
        *FACTION ▬ Naiørian
        *CURRENT TITLE ▬ (This will be granted in the RP, ignore if this until you achieve a title)
        NICKNAME ▬ Nico
        *SEX ▬ Male
        *SPECIES ▬ Elven
        ORIENTATION ▬ Straight but open to suggestion (Ikki was once in love with a horse, so who knows)
        OCCUPATION ▬ Courier
        PARTNER(S) ▬ His trusty gryphon Ikki

╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

        HAIR ▬ Copper brown (Ikki has bluish gray and steel plumage)
        CLOTHING ▬ Light armor if on an errand, tunic and trousers if not.
        ACCESSORIES ▬ Part of his brother's crest on a chain. (Ikki wears a necklace made out of chain and large bits of amethyst, and has a fitted top hat for special occasions)
        *HEIGHT ▬ 5' 3' (Ikki is slightly taller than a draft horse)
        *WEIGHT ▬ 170 lb
        EYES ▬ somewhere between peach and amber. (Ikki has azure eyes)
        BUILD ▬ Lean, muscular (Ikki is heavyset and slightly brutish for an average gryphon)
        TATTOOS ▬ A gryphon on his back.
        SCARS ▬ None. (A large gash going from under Ikki's eye down his neck)
        MARKINGS ▬ Matching gusts of wind on their wrist.

╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

        ▬ Exploring, riding. (Ikki likes chasing hawks)
        ▬ His fellow gryphon riders, this cute waitress at a tavern he frequents. (Ikki likes nearly everyone)
        ▬ A good steak, strawberries. (Ikki's favotire is Pasta carbonara with a side of risotto nero. The feed with the berries is nice too.)
        ▬ His brother's lance. (big shiny gems. He WILL peck at them)
        ▬ All animals. (Ikki likes playing with dogs)
        ▬ Anyone who treats animals cruelly. (anyone wearing gryphon pelt)
        ▬ Anything bitter. (oats)
        ▬ Porcelain dolls. (whips. fire. Anything that reminds him of losing his former rider.)
        ▬ None. (Ikki loathes hawks. He thinks they're too cocky)
        ▬ Losing Ikki. (Losing Nico.)
        ▬ Nico is reserved and somewhat defensive, a result of losing his older brother early in life and being picked on as a child. He keeps a positive attitude, but the loss and desire for revenge makes him distant. Ikki constantly pushes him to make friends though. (Ikki stays strong for Nico, but losing Aurelius caused him a lot of pain. He tries to be with Nico as much as possible because he's afraid something will happen the moment he isn't there to help. He was too late once already, it would never happen again. )
        ▬ To one day become a Knight errant and explore the world. (To keep Nico safe, maybe take a mate and provide a partner for his child once they're too old to adventure)
        ▬ Strategy and analysis is the key to success. (Fly high, fly free)
        ▬ Loyal, smart, intensely dedicated to his goals. (Friendly, caring, understanding)
        ▬ Aloof, quick to pick a fight if he doesn't like someone, reserved to a fault. (Overprotective of Nico)
        ▬ Skilled with a glaive, average at combat otherwise.
        ▬ No magic?
        ▬ Animal empathy, he understands animals a lot better than the average person, and can even communicate with them to a small degree. (Ikki is surprisingly intelligent, and can act independently of Nico if need be)
        ▬ Can quickly adapt to a situation. (Ikki has several decades of combat experience, and uses this to help Nico)
        ▬ Not a particularly good fighter without Ikki's help.

╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

        BACKGROUND Ikki has known Nico since he was a baby. Before being his gryphon, he belonged to Nico's older brother Aurelius. They had many adventures, and learned many things during their time together. However, one day Ikki was fishing when some bandits ambushed Aurelius. They were too many, and he was mortally wounded by the time Ikki got to him. In his rage Ikki destroyed their camp, scarring his left eye in the process. When he returned he was given to Nico, who had just become of age to start riding. He became somewhat of a parental figure to Nico, who'd become rebellious and ill-tempered since his brother's death. They currently work as couriers for the Gryphon guild, and hope to rise through the ranks (Though Ikki technically still holds the title of knight)

╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

        First aid kit
        a 2 lb sack of walnuts


Here's the draft so far! I've got actual pics for both Nico and Ikki, but I still gotta reformat them 3nodding

Quick question though, I put Nico under Naorian, but could he change to independent sometime in the future?