To celebrate women's right to decide abortion for whatever reason by a court ruling in 1975 the woman's right group 'Kvinnefronten' decided to throw an abortion party at Spikersuppa June 13th, close to the Norwegian Parliament.
Norwegian politician
Hareide called the "abortion party"
Feminism isn't always pro-abortion:
ExampleUk Newspaper article;
Thousands of girls are aborted due to genderI am assuming that all these babies are aborted before the 24th week which is the upper limit of what is legal in the UK. Why is gender selection more deplorable as a reason for deciding to have an abortion than for example choosing to focus on your career, because your boyfriend left you or simply because you don't want to have a baby? Shouldn't it logically be permitted if no reason is required in other instances? If no reason is required why is this reason bad? The decision to have an abortion is: "yours alone." and " you don't need to discuss it with anyone else and they don't have a say in the final decision." Quoting the
National Health Service in England. (
Sweden Rules Gender-Selective Abortions Legal