[Crossroad Meeting & Nyvolan Sarsan'doral]
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╫ A T T R I B U T E S ╫

        --- STRENGTH
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        ----- AGILITY
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊
        - PERSUASION
        xx ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊▊

╫ C O R E ╫

        *NAME ▬ Nyvolan Sarsan'doral
        *AGE ▬ 78
        *FACTION ▬ Independent (Faction incoming?)
        *CURRENT TITLE ▬ (This will be granted in the RP, ignore if this until you achieve a title)
        NICKNAME ▬ Nyvo
        *SEX ▬ Male
        *SPECIES ▬ Elden (prefers Wildling)
        ORIENTATION ▬ Homosexual
        OCCUPATION ▬ Bandit/Highwayman
        PARTNER(S) ▬ n/a

╫ A F F E C T A T I O N ╫

        HAIR ▬ Red hair with a strange blonde streak over his left temple. Short in places and long at the back, bound up in string from base to near the end.
        CLOTHING ▬ A strange mix of dyed linen fabrics. Prefers the short yellow vest, blue leather cross harness with a faded beige overcoat generally belted at his waist. At his arms his left is usually bandaged from below his below to just before his fingertips. His right sports a bright blue cloth tied at his bicep, and a strange gold band at his tricep. His pants are red or brown. As for footwear he can generally be seen with boots or nothing.
        ACCESSORIES ▬ A belted satchel attached to the left side adorned with brightly colored feathers. Both wrists have a fur lined leather cuff.
        *HEIGHT ▬ 5'10"
        *WEIGHT ▬ 181 lbs
        EYES ▬ Amber with flecks of brown and gold.
        BUILD ▬ Medium, well muscled.
        TATTOOS ▬ Many stripes along face and arms, used to be black but seem faded by the sun.
        SCARS ▬ His left arm has many scars up to his elbow from being burned.
        MARKINGS ▬ The stripe tattoos and a birthmark on the right side of his neck.

╫ A R C H E T Y P E ╫

        ▬ Magic, enchanting, trap making, and painting.
        ▬ If you've got money you're of interest to him. Or, y'know, if he finds you sexually appealing.
        ▬ Fruits, especially strawberries.
        ▬ Puzzle boxes. He doesn't own but one very worn one he treasures beyond other things.
        ▬ Wolves, reptiles and ferrets.
        ▬ Elden. He has his reasons.
        ▬ Heavy foods, anything that feels like a rock when held.
        ▬ Anything imprisoning. (Cages, cells, etc)
        ▬ Cats, birds, and anything bug-eyed.
        ▬ Deep water - Drowning has been a fear of his since childhood.
        ▬ Fiery, risk taking and adventurous its surprisingly to find he actually leads a people and has a village of sorts.
        ▬ Ultimately wants to have rule over the Skaglands.
        ▬ Has a desire to prove a better leader and to dominate a land to rule as he feels his father should have.
        ▬ A good leader, listens to everyone and is fair in his comments, loyal to a fault.
        ▬ Can be impatient, often dishonest with outsiders, and can be impulsive.
        ▬ Very light and quick on his feet, has good grasp of ranged weapons and daggers. Has a bit of a silver tongue and can weasel people out of money just as easily as into his bed.
        ▬ Only the most basic of spells. Flashes of light, dazzling sparkles, brief violent gusts of wind and ability to heal small wounds.
        ▬ Archery and daggers. He has impeccable aim with both.
        ▬ Evasion and Hiding. He is very good at guerilla tactics and can be wholly lethal to those not expecting him.
        ▬ Long handled weapons, javelins, etc. Inability to swim.

╫ H I S T O R Y ╫

        BACKGROUND Nyvolan was born in the early weeks of winter in a small nomadic tribe along the Nyfødthjem Wildland's southern coastal area. He was the third child to his parents, both of Elden descent, though many centuries removed. Growing up he spent much of his time fishing, collecting herbs and berries, and learning how to best be useful to the tribe. As he grew he got to learn hunting, skinning and how to fight. It became clear he was no good with swords or spears, but had deadly aim with a bow and arrow and other small thrown items. In the later years he would become both a guardian and provider for their tribe. He had even been learning from the villages Far Seer (Shaman) and had taken a shine to it. That was until death visited them.

        Disease visited them in the winter of his twentieth year and it devastated their population. This coincided with strange tracks around the village that the Shaman decided was a bad omen. When approached by an envoy from Naior there had been a bit of outrage, stifled by the realization that Nyvo's own father had in fact sent a messenger to ask for aid. And from whom? The Elden. This caused a rift between those that were left. The reason they had not stayed with the Elden had been long lost to them, but it still stuck. Even as his father led some of his people to their capital of Naior, Nyvo, accompanied by their tribe's shaman, fell behind, refusing to be taken in like stray dogs.

        Unable to stay in their homeland, however, they were forced to abandon their ancestral homes in search of something else. Leading them through the harsh terrains, Nyvo had brought them to the Skaglands. Harsher to live in, but not impossible, they had constructed a village hidden in the Wild South. Here they adapted to their new livelihoods, and eventually fell to preying upon unwary travelers. Thus becoming the areas most notorious, and hard to track, bandits. As the years passed Nyvolan had become a good leader, listening to his peoples needs and doing everything in his power to see to it that they flourished. Eventually he was contracting outsiders to do the most bandit activity while his own people relied more on the land, fishing and harvesting what they could.

        Currently he is actively trying to get a position in the City of Twelve as a Baron, though his sights are set quite a bit higher than that. His ultimate goal is to take over the entirety of the Skaglands and give his people the lives they deserved. Often he can be found in the city doing blackmarket dealings, which sometimes revolved around slaves. He is a cunning sort and has the uncanny ability to squeeze out of fights more adeptly than a snake. Even with this his reputation is only known in certain circles and he can get away with quite a bit under the noses of others.

╫ I N V E N T O R Y ╫

        ▬ Bow and arrow
        ▬ One long dagger
        ▬ Multiple small throwing daggers
        ▬ Pouch of shamanistic bits and bobs
        ▬ A battered puzzle box with a folded bit of parchment inside
        ▬ Has a 'home' where he has stored many odds and ends from his travels