Hey everyone, I thought I'd post a topic in the random talk forum rather than post in the main chat so as not to disrupt the conversation.

In short, I'm sorry for disappearing for so long. I am especially sorry to those who were roleplaying with me. I have returned and will return to roleplaying again either tomorrow or thursday. Real life reared its ugly head and swallowed me.

My reasons are more complex than I want to explain, but I'll do a short bullet-point explanation below.

    • I have two dogs, Fudge and Phoebe.
    • Phoebe had a lump on her hip which we found out was cancerous.
    • While waiting for a biopsy, Fudge received a bite or sting on his tail.
    • We didn't notice and left him in the house for a few hours (he was shaded and had access to water, don't worry).
    • He chewed the initial injury until it was a sizable wound, which became infected.
    • We found the wound, dressed it (my wife is a nurse) and took him to the vets to receive antibiotics.
    • In the mean time, we found that surgery was an option for Phoebe and took her in immediately.
    • While she was recovering from surgery, Fudge's tail got worse and worse and ended up needing amputating.
    • Both dogs were seriously ill following their respective operations and needed constant care.

Both dogs have fully recovered from their operations and are frustratingly unaware of why we were so worried about them and will be ready to be let off the lead to have a proper run about in a few days. Phoebe has been given the all-clear, but all future lumps will be treated as though it has returned in full force.

I'm still feeling a bit of the stress of it all, but am mostly ok now.

I don't mind if no-one posts here, I just needed to let you all know and to let off some steam in the process.