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The Legendary was tall, red and handsome.

Every Rose instantly feigned a swoon, eyelashes fluttering and the look in his eyes very, very keen. There’s was absolutely no mistaking the way he ran his gaze up and down his form like a kin would look at water in the desert. The recovery from his fake swoon took him those extra steps closer, close enough to lean in and get a good whiff of his scent.

The gorgeous stranger looked down at him amused.

But the voice that spoke to him was female and familiar. “While I like to encourage your exploits, perhaps now isn’t the time, sweetheart.” His mother rounded the Legendary’s other side.

Every Rose instantly pouted.

The Legendary remained quietly amused.

“Why is he here then?” He asked, dancing back a step. “Rouge usually blesses the troupe members.”

Skindeep tilted her head, smiled in a strange way that sent a shiver down his spine. He ignored it; turned his head away and pretended to inspect a nearby tree. “How did you know?” He asked, still looking away.

Skindeep tutted. “A mother always knows.”

Every Rose tittered. There wasn’t a motherly bone in her body and they both knew it.

“As entertaining as this is,” the Legendary finally spoke, his voice was a charming rumble that made Every Rose’s attention shift intently back to him, “I have other places to be. Or would you rather get your blessing from someone else?”

“I would like you to bless me in all sorts of ways,” Every Rose purred.

The Legendary laughed and his eyes gleamed. For a second Every Rose was certain he was considering it, there was definitely calculations going on behind his eyes. But he eventually simply shook his head and said, “not this time.”

“Then I’ll wait for next time.”

Skindeep hummed softly. “You’ll have to wait your turn.”

“Are you calling first dibs?” Every Rose asked with a frown.

“Of course.”

“That isn’t fair!”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You only just met him. I brought him here to bless you and your unborn children currently swimming around in the belly of your current paramour and you want to steal my enjoyment like the selfish boy that you are.” Skindeep leaned into the stag. “How ungrateful.”

The Legendary cleared his throat.

“As amusing as this is, I should make myself clear. I will not be partaking in carnal activities with either of you. It would be... unprofessional.”

Skindeep straightened and made a shrugging gesture. “Your loss, of course.”

“I’m sure it is.”

Every Rose sighed. “Well then, you might as well bless me and get it over with.” He closed his eyes - and snapped them open again almost immediately. “Wait, what is your name? That’s important.”

“The Killing Moon,” the stag told him.

Their gaze met and Every Rose felt a tingle in his hooves.

“May your children be precocious and open, strong-willed,” The Killing Moon began and Every Rose couldn’t help it, he opened his mouth and -

“That’s all rather obvious, isn’t it?”

The Legendary stopped, his eyes narrowed and Every rose swallowed, hard. “Sorry,” he muttered.

“And may they have the sense to make it work.”

“Lovely,” Skindeep said.

“Thank you. I am very grateful,” Every Rose added, in what he hoped was a thoroughly demure and lovely way. “So very grateful that I-”

“No,” The Killing Moon cut him off. “Now that we’re done, I bid you a good day.”

The Legendary turned to leave and mother and son watched after him, both equally wistful.